Germany switches to support IMF aid for Greece

Today @ 17:32 CET

Germany has performed a dramatic u-turn and now says it would support International Monetary Fund aid for Greece, were it requested

EU bid to join human rights convention poses tricky questions

Today @ 17:45 CET

The European Union has taken the first step on the path to signing up to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), in a move set to open up tricky questions, such as liability for EU military missions abroad.

Brussels press corps shaken by declining numbers

Today @ 17:43 CET

Shaken by a sharp drop in the size of the Brussels press corps in the last few months after years of steady attrition, the European capital's foreign press association is anxious that action be taken to stem the decline.

Merkel says errant states should be kicked out of eurozone

17.03.2010 @ 17:45 CET

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said the eurozone must be able to expel members that repeatedly break the club's fiscal rules in the future.

EU diplomatic corps risks months-long delay

17.03.2010 @ 17:13 CET

EU member states are close to agreement on the internal architecture of the bloc's new diplomatic corps, but MEPs are threatening to delay the process if their ideas are brushed aside.

Rocket attack overshadows EU visit to Gaza

Today @ 17:28 CET

A deadly rocket attack against Israel from Gaza has threatened to spark fresh conflict in the region, overshadowing a high-level EU humanitarian mission.

Understanding the Eurozone's structBy George Irvin Blank front pagesBy Brigitte Alfter The Lapland experienceBy Honor Mahony
A European own goalBy Ole Ryborg Hard Money or Soft Money?By Peter Sain ley Berry Does this make you feel unsafe?By Gemma Galdon Clavell
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EU states too optimistic on growth, Brussels says

Today @ 09:17 CET

The European Commission has said member state growth assumptions in budgetary plans submitted to Brussels are overly optimistic, suggesting upcoming national deficits could be worse than governments predict.

EU economic governance inevitable, Belgian PM says

16.03.2010 @ 17:44 CET

Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme has said that joint economic governance among some or all EU member states is an inevitable consequence of the creation of the euro.

Europe lacks resources to tackle cross-border crime, says Eurojust

17.03.2010 @ 17:36 CET

Fighting cross-border crime in the EU still faces "practical difficulties" due to scarce resources in member states and the ability of criminals to move freely from one country to another, Eurojust's new chief Aled Williams told MEPs on Wednesday.

Denmark wants Brussels to stop UK Mohammed cartoon lawsuit

16.03.2010 @ 17:42 CET

The Danish minister of justice has called on the European Commission to stop a lawsuit by a Saudi lawyer who is using the UK's famously libel-happy courts to go after Danish newspapers over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

Portuguese privatisation blitz aims to assuage EU fears

17.03.2010 @ 09:27 CET

Desperate to avoid becoming the eurozone's next debt crisis after Greece, the Portuguese government has announced a far-reaching programme of privatisation, cutting back public control in 17 different enterprises.

EU countries sell tools of torture, says report

17.03.2010 @ 10:11 CET

Several EU countries buy and sell equipment used in torture such as spike batons, metal thumb cuffs and electric-shock stun sleeves delivering 50,000-volt shocks to detainees, despite a 2006 EU law against the trade, according to a report from human rights watchdogs Amnesty international and Omega Research Foundation.

Balkan summit to go ahead despite Serbia-Kosovo row

17.03.2010 @ 09:17 CET

The Croatian prime minister confirmed on Tuesday that an EU-Balkan summit will take place in Brdo, Slovenia, this Saturday, despite a dispute between Serbia and Kosovo which threatened to derail the event.

Greece and Poland top list of EU farm money clawbacks

16.03.2010 @ 17:54 CET

The European Commission is to claw back € 346.5 million of misspent farm aid from 20 member states, with Greece and Poland accounting for more than half of that sum.

Spanish presidency puts off EU hedge fund debate

16.03.2010 @ 17:33 CET

The Spanish EU presidency decided to pull the issue of hedge fund regulation off the agenda of a meeting of EU finance ministers on Tuesday, as member states struggle to reach a common position.