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    • Isehaq A. Sulaeman, Tahseen Harshamy and Loola Ouraieth like this.
      • أبو الوفا
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Li...bya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        See More
        4 hours ago
      • Ayya Beqq obama did not kill any one in Libya, he kills the crimenals who kills us we Libyan people.
        3 hours ago
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      • أبو الوفا
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Li...bya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        See More
        4 hours ago
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    • Mohamad Lotf, Sma Amm, Isehaq A. Sulaeman and 4 others like this.
      • Salem Al-Juaidy يبدو ان الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد قد غرق في الدم و لا سبيل الى النجاة. الله يصلح الحال و ينصر الاسلام امين.
        5 hours ago
      • Saba Yacoub لماذا لاتذكرون العصابات المسلحة التي تقوم بقتل المدنيين وتقتل الجيش والأمن
        5 hours ago
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    • Khalil A. Shalaby, Mahmud Bendary, Ahmed Abd Al-latife and 13 others like this.
      • أبو الوفا
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Li...bya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        Obama have killed the thousands in Libya to steal the oil of LIBYA
        See More
        4 hours ago
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    • Sma Amm, Amer Alkhfagi, Miriam Rivero de Couste and 10 others like this.
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      • Mahmoud Saied ربنا معاهم
        11 hours ago ·
      • Issam Ash-shaarawi Bravo
        9 hours ago
      • يحي حمود محمد السقاف على ثوار ليبيا وقف ضخ النفط والغاز الى اوربا حتى يقضى على القذافي وعائلته واستعادة الاموال المنهوبه دماء الليبيين اغلى من النفط والغاز .
        8 hours ago
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    ليبيا: المجلس الانتقالي يسيطر على بني وليد
    · Comment · Translate · 12 hours ago · Shared with: Public
    • Sma Amm, Mouad Byd, Mohammed Al-Saharty and 47 others like this.
      • Rei Kurasawa الله أكبر
        11 hours ago ·
      • Bond Jamesbond اي انشالله الف مبروك يا حلفاء الناتو - والله انتم لا مسلمين و لا تمتون للإسلام بصلة - انتم دعوتم دول الغرب بالصليبيين و الان تتحالفون مع الصليبيين ضد أبناء بلادكم - والله لم أجد أكثر من الاعراب كفراً - و الله اني لا أتشرف بالانتماء الى هذه الامة التي تحولت من أمة محمد عليه السلام إلى أمة مهند التركي
        6 hours ago
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    هددت حركة الشباب المجاهدين الصومالية كينيا بمهاجمتها إذا لم تغادر القوات الكينية الأراضي الصومالية، بحسب رسالة نشرت على موقع متشدد.
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    الأردن: تكليف عون الخصاونة بتشكيل حكومة جديدة
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    تصدرت مساعي وزراء الخارجية العرب لوقف حملة القمع الدامية التي تشهدها سوريا، العناوين الرئيسية لمختلف الصحف العربية الصادرة الاثنين، التي واصلت أيضاً متابعتها لتطورات "المؤامرة" الإيرانية المزعومة، لاغتيال السفير السعودي لدى الولايات المتحدة، بالإضافة إلى المعارك المتواصلة في ليبيا، واستمرار مسلسل القتل في اليمن، وطائفة أخرى من الأنباء.
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    تنظر المحكمة العليا في إسرائيل الاثنين، عدداً من الطعون ضد سجناء فلسطينيين، تعتزم الحكومة الإسرائيلية الإفراج عنهم، ضمن صفقة التبادل، التي تم التوصل إليها مؤخراً، مع حركة المقاومة الإسلامية "حماس"، مقابل قيام الحركة الفلسطينية بإطلاق سراح الجندي جلعاد شاليط، المحتجز لديها منذ خمس سنوات.
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    للمزيد حول آخر تطورات الثورة الشعبية في اليمن، زوروا موقعنا الإلكتروني
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      • يحي حمود محمد السقاف
        على الثوار اليمنيين عدم الركون لمجلس الامن ان الدول الكبرى لا تهتم الا للمصالح كما قال صالح وهذا النفط والغاز والاسماك الذي يصدر الى اوربا من مطار عدن وبأب المنذب هو ما يهمهم فقط على الاروبيين والامريكيين الاختيار اما معنا او يخسروا مصالحهم... عليهم اتخاذ قرار عاجل ضذ النظام اليمني تحت الفصل السابع واحاله ملف صالح وعائلته لمحكمه الجنايات الدوليه وتجميذ الاموال والممتلكات انها ملك الشعب اليمني و الجنوبيين وملك لنا نحن اهل عدن كل تصرف لصالح في عدن غير شرعي وغير ملزم لنا سيعود ميناء عدن كسابق عهده ايام بريطانيا نتطلع لبريطانيا لتخليصنا وحمايتنا .See More
        8 hours ago ·
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    نظمت آلاف اليمنيات مسيرة حاشدة في العاصمة صنعاء الاثنين، توجهت إلى مقر وزارة الخارجية، للمطالبة بتدخل دولي لإنهاء الأزمة الراهنة في اليمن، بعد ساعات على إعلان سقوط "أول شهيدة" في "الثورة" ضد نظام الرئيس علي عبد الله صالح، والتي انطلقت قبل أكثر من ستة شهور.
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    زوروا موقعنا الإلكتروني للمزيد من التفاصيل
    • Ali Ashm, Krista Capezzuto, Bent Alshareef and 4 others like this.
      • يحي حمود محمد السقاف لماذا اطلاق الاسرى على دفعتين بعد الدفعه الاولي سينتقل شاليط لمصر مما يعني قدرة اسرائيل على شن حرب ضذ حماس وغزة بالتؤاطو معى الطنطاوي وعدم الافراج عن الدفعه التانيه .
        8 hours ago
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    أكدت مصادر مقربة من الحركة الإسلامية في الأردن لموقع CNN بالعربية عقد لقاء بين رئيس الديوان الملكي الأردني الدكتور خالد الكركي وقيادات في الحركة الإسلامية للتباحث في القضايا الخلافية السياسية خلال 48 ساعة.
    • El Hady Gafar, Issam Ash-shaarawi, جمعه السرحان and 9 others like this.
      • Omar Dakhane Sara Salem توقفني عن هذا الهراء الذي تقومين بنشره في كل الصفحات، أفكار غبية و أحلام غير واقعية لأناس يعتقدون أن التجمع على الفيسبوك سيحل مشاكلهم. طرحك سطحي و غاية في التفاهة و لا عجب أنك تقومين بنشره بهذا الشكل المزعج، فأنت تدركين أنه محض هراء لزيادة عدد أعضاء صفحتك فقط.
        16 hours ago
      • Soad Ragab ‎@sara salem كررى مطالبك ولاتنزعجى ممن يرفضون مطالبك لانها تزعجهم وتصيبهم بالرعب خوفا من تحقيقها لان بتحقيقها دمارهم ونهايتهم باذن الله وانشرى رأيك وصفحتك فى كل مكان حتى لانها تخيفهم وترعيه كقول اعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم للشياطين والله يوفقك
        11 hours ago