"The search for ghosts often takes this form: of a kind of mourning, a working through of grief and loss" http://lgrd.co/2dFlH7m #longreads

Not sure what to publish this week? Join our newest posting challenge, "Animal," and look to the bond between human and animal for inspiration.

[Featured image by Meg Greene Malvasi.]

This week, look to the bond between human and animal for inspiration.

"I find it interesting how you can find intersections with the most extraordinary lives—as humans, we are always looking for ways to connect."

New Zealand fiction writer and comic artist Sarah Laing, who blogs on WordPress.com at Let Me Be Frank, chats with us about her new graphic memoir, Mansfield and Me.

Acclaimed New Zealand fiction writer and comic artist Sarah Laing chats about her graphic memoir, Mansfield and Me.

It's easy to create a website in a few simple steps. Discover how and get started today. #diy #website #blogging http://buff.ly/2cAZEik

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"Failure is interesting. It comes in endless variations: professional, personal, comical, stupid, lazy, unexpected – to name just a few... It also makes a good story."

We are excited to share a reading (and watching!) list on science and failure from guest contributor Louise Lief.

'“Sombreros were made in Panama over 200 years ago, before the arrival of Ecuadorian Panama Hats,” Quiróz explained. He unclipped a hat and held it up, spinning it slowly, as if it were a jewel. “A Panamanian sombrero does not have indentations on the crown like an Ecuadorian Panama Hat. It is made of woven rings sewn together in a spiral,” he said as his finger followed the outline of the brim. He explained that the materials are purely Panamanian: the black rings within the weave get their color from natural dyes used by the Emberá and Wounaan Amerindians of Panama’s easternmost jungle provinces.' #quotes

Darrin DuFord uncovers the history, meaning, and ongoing controversy behind the true “Panama Hat.”

Publish directly to Twitter in a click! Discover how to connect your website or blog to Twitter using Publicize! #WordPress

Find out how to share blog posts directly on Twitter from your WordPress.com or Jetpack-enabled WordPress site. Our step-by-step video will walk you through ...

The Librarian of Congress, who oversees a collection of 162 million pieces, talks about Abraham Lincoln, overdue books and what she's reading right now

She is the first female and the first African American Librarian of Congress.

"For me, this time of year makes me think about these orchard trips with my family. Looking at this photo of apples, from the Flying Cloud Apple Orchard in Acushnet, Massachusetts, I can almost taste the cider that was such a treat to drink when I was a child."

Photographers: what kinds of experiences stir emotions for the past within you? Show us in the latest photo challenge, NOSTALGIA.

What kinds of experiences stir emotions for the past within you?

How to overcome self-defeating resistance and reap the enormous, far-reaching benefits of meditation.

A simple, assuring invitation into releasing the resistance to one of the most life-expanding practices possible.
brainpickings.org|By Maria Popova

"Sleep, productivity, and creatively are intimately linked."

Sleep isn’t just a biological act, it’s also a psychological.

Meet the man trying to save SeaWorld. (via Fortune, on WordPressVIP)

Inside SeaWorld CEO Joel Manby's fight to rescue the theme park company from the 'Blackfish' controversy.

Venture capitalist Hunter Walk on how technology shapes the changing nature of jobs.

The whole process had taken just a few minutes. Generating a similar query without automation, he said, ‘‘would have taken days, probably 40 man-hours, from people who were making an average of $35…

Ads, tip jars, affiliate links... If you've ever thought about monetizing your blog but weren't sure where to start, here are four ideas.

From ads to tip jars, we’ve got you covered.

Should you avoid walking if the air is polluted? Grist takes a look.

Grist clears the haze on this tricky question.

"A blog can be the perfect opportunity to talk about everything that defines your brand. People who shop for lifestyle products online aren’t necessarily looking only for products. They’re interested in the stories, the histories of those products. A blog can fulfill this need. "

Online store Jaypore blogs on WordPress.com to tell the stories behind their products and to promote the handicrafts of India.

The blog of online store Jaypore.com tells the stories behind their products and celebrates the artisan communities of India.

Revisiting Joan Didion's sharp pan of 'Franny and Zooey' on Longreads.

In 1961, Joan Didion reviewed J.D. Salinger’s Franny and Zooey for The National Review. Or more accurately, she panned it.

Shivya Nath discusses full-time blogging, solo travel, and why she doesn’t keep a bucket list http://buff.ly/2d5Xdpd

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Author Kate Torgovnick May shares seven ways for finding work you love. http://bit.ly/2d5YnRM

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"The biggest stumbling block to developing as a fine artist at art school was the total lack of boundaries."

The hardest thing about going back to school to get my MFA was not giving up the respected fashion brand I had founded and built (I was done there). It was not the struggle to balance a full-on fam…