Coming Soon: New Profile Controls

Introducing new tools to help you control what goes on your profile, and who can see what you share.

Approve what goes on your profile

Now you can decide if the posts you're tagged in appear on your profile. To turn on Profile Review, go to the "How Tags Work" section of your privacy settings. Posts you choose not to include on your profile may still appear elsewhere on Facebook. Learn more about tagging.

Choose who you share with

Privacy controls have moved right next to things you share, so it's clear who sees your stuff. You can pick and choose who sees what — like share your hometown with friends, but only let family see your phone number.

Changed your mind? No problem.

Have you ever shared something with all your friends, then later wished you could limit who could see it? Now you can go back and change the audience for something after you post it.

Know what others see on your profile

Use the View As... tool to see what people see when they look at your profile.
See how to use your new profile controls.

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You can see exactly what your profile looks like to other people by using the View As tool. Go to y...
You can see exactly what your profile looks like to other people by using the View As tool.
  1. Go to your profile and click the Edit Profile button at the top right corner.
  2. Click the View As... button at the top right corner of the editing page.
  3. You’ll see what your profile looks to the public. To preview how your profile appears to a specific person, such as a friend or coworker, type their name into the open field and press enter.
Note: The View As tool doesn't show whether people can interact on your Wall through posts, likes or comments. Your Wall privacy settings will always apply, and anyone who can see a post can like or comment on it.

If you've upgraded to timeline, the new profile, get help here.
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If you’d like to review tags that friends make on stuff you share before they appear, turn on Tag R...
If you’d like to review tags that friends make on stuff you share before they appear, turn on Tag Review.
  1. Click the account menu at the top right of any Facebook page and choose Privacy Settings.
  2. Under the How Tags Work section, choose Edit Settings.
  3. Click to edit your Tag Review setting.
  4. Turn on Tag Review.
When Tag Review is on, you’ll get a notification every time you have a post to review. You can approve or ignore the tag request by going to the content itself.

When Tag Review is off, you can skip reviewing tags friends add to your content before they appear on Facebook. When someone who you're not friends with adds a tag to one of your posts you'll always be asked to review it.

Remember: when you approve a tag, the person tagged and their friends can see your post.
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Click the Edit (Update Info) button at the top of your profile (timeline). Find the section you wan...
Click the Edit (Update Info) button at the top of your profile (timeline). Find the section you want to edit and use the audience selector to pick who can see each piece of information.

To change the audience for a piece of info, open the dropdown menu next to it and choose from Public, Friends or Custom. If you choose Custom, you can name specific friends to include or exclude from the people who see your info.
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