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The proposal to introduce prison terms for men who beat their wives goes against the Koran and the teachings of the prophet Mohamed, according to the head of Algeriàs Superior Islamic Council.Read...
This may be the fatwa the world has been waiting for. It was delivered, not in a mosque or a madrasah, nor in some dark corner of cyberspace, but in a wood-paneled hall opposite St. James' Park in...
Back in late February Muslims in Nigeria burned down eight Churches. Obviously that was not good enough for the followers of the religion of war, as they have now slaughtered 500 more Christians....


Jihad & Terrorism | admin
Ali Sina and the Editors at FFI (may Allah grant them victory over evil) have been searching for a video on moderate Islam following the Qur'an and...
Book Review | admin
MILAN, MARCH 16 - His name is Martino and hés an Italian layman. Her name is Noor and shés an Egyptian Muslim. Love blossoms between the two in New...
Jihad & Terrorism | Douglas Farah
Douglas Farah   The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report has found that the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), the Saudi...
Op-Ed | Steve Emerson
Steve Emerson Federal courts are slowly becoming a new battlefield in the war on terror, with combatants setting aside traditional weapons and arming...
Criticism of Islam | Mohammad A. Khan
Islam in 7th and 8th century and later In mid of 7th and later on in 8th century, Islamic-History tells that some aristocratic class of Muslims...
Jihad & Terrorism | Steve Emerson
Steve Emerson   There's another letter circulating on Capitol Hill affirming federal law enforcement's belief that the Council on American-...
Modernism & Reformism | Ali Sina
I have always maintained that “moderate Muslim” is an oxymoron. We have two kinds of Muslims: Terrorist Muslims and ignorant Muslims.  The...
Jihad & Terrorism | Jim Kouri
Jim Kouri, CPP   During the Vietnam War, we had "Hanoi Jane" a/k/a Jane Fonda, an American actress who espoused Marxist ideology and actually...

Understanding Mohammad

Understanding Mohammad
Understanding Muhammad
The psychobiography of Allah's Prophet
by Ali Sina

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From the FFI Gallery

Muhammad : The Prophet of Islam - 01
Muhammad : The Prophet of Islam - 01
A Boy Displays Cut Hands Done by Taliban
A Boy Displays Cut Hands Done by Taliban
Peace in Islam Means Subduing Others
Peace in Islam Means Subduing Others
Lynching: A Big Part of Islam - 03
Public Executions
Lynching: A Big Part of Islam - 03
Lynching: A Big Part of Islam - 04
Public Executions
Lynching: A Big Part of Islam - 04
Three Dead Humans Laying on the Concrete
Islamic Brutality
Three Dead Humans Laying on the Concrete
Jyllands-Posten Muhammad Cartoons - 06
Jyllands-Posten Muhammad Cartoons - 06
Muslim Madness Over the Danish Cartoons - 03
Muslim Madness Over the Danish Cartoons - 03
Muslim Madness Over the Danish Cartoons - 20
Muslim Madness Over the Danish Cartoons - 20
This is How Islam Elevates Women - 02
Public Executions
This is How Islam Elevates Women - 02