Financial Sense

Where the North Korean Crisis Meets the Iran Nuclear Deal
Reva Goujon's picture

By Reva Goujon – By virtue of its military might, the United States has the unique ability to quickly — and credibly — place its most intractable adversaries under existential threat. Command over the world's most powerful...

Venezuela to Launch ‘Petro’ Cryptocurrency
Oil Price's picture

By Oil Price – In his latest stunt, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro announced that the country wants to launch a cryptocurrency – the petro – backed by oil, diamonds and gold reserves.

Frothy Signals Suggest Caution, Says Puplava
FS Staff's picture

By FS Staff – Imagine the following two scenarios: You're a money manager and one of your bearish clients has been waiting for a stock market crash for years to get back in. Most of their wealth is in real estate, cash, and gold, and they are unwilling to invest...

What Gives Cryptocurrencies Their Value
Mises Institute's picture

By Mises Institute – The value of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, just like any other kind of money, comes fundamentally from what you can do with it. As a follow up to What Backs Bitcoin, I want to dig into that value.

Today's Market Has 'Few Historical Precedents', Says Louis Gave
FS Staff's picture

FS Staff – Well-known money manager Louis Gave says “bubbles are everywhere you look” and things could turn south in 2018. Bitcoin and European high yield debt are two prime examples of the craziness we are seeing today, he told Financial Sense Newshour...

We Are Now in Tech Bubble Territory
Jill Mislinski's picture

By Jill Mislinski – The 2011 article P/E: Future On The Horizon by Advisor Perspectives contributor Ed Easterling provided an overview of Ed's method for determining where the market is headed. His analysis was quite compelling.

Stocks Rally Anticipating Historic Tax Cut
Kurt Kallaus's picture

By Kurt Kallaus – Republicans have been salivating over corporate tax cuts and repatriation of the estimated $2.6 Trillion in cash on US company balance sheets overseas that can’t be brought home due to double taxation.

US Asks China to Cut Off Oil Supply to North Korea
Oil Price's picture

By Oil Price – China should cut off North Korea’s access to crude oil following the latest missile launch from Pyongyang, and Washington has asked it to do just that, the US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley said, adding...

Idiotic Comment of the Day: "Bitcoin Ought to Be Outlawed" - Stiglitz
Michael Shedlock's picture

By Michael Shedlock – Economist Joseph Stiglitz sees no socially useful purpose to Bitcoin and concludes it should be banned. The former chief economist of the World Bank, Joseph Stiglitz Wants Bitcoin Banned.

US Retail Companies Have a Massive Bill to Pay Come 2018
FS Staff's picture

By FS Staff – Right now, retail stores are closing at a pace that we haven't seen since the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Some are calling it a 'retail apocalypse' as a number of major headwinds approach, including increasing pressure from Amazon and the sad fact...
