If you haven’t seen the Bret Baier interview of President Obama then what are you waiting for? It was one of the best interviews of this narcissistic man by the media in ages. Finally a reporter who isn’t starry eyed nor weak willed. Baier noticed quite early that Obama was attempting to filibuster the interview and wouldn’t have it, while still appearing polite and non-threatening.

Seth Leibsohn:

It was a model of how not to be cowed by a strong and charismatic leader and a model of a truly independent anchor/reporter. President Obama knew he didn’t have Bret at the very end when his last effort at victimhood was to sarcastically hang his head to the side in response to Bret’s saying he didn’t mean to interrupt, as if Bret were being insincere — which he wasn’t. Anyone who watches the interview can see who was stalling, who was running the clock, who was refusing to answer the questions, and why polite interruption was exactly what was needed. It was a model. If any of the MSM can watch it and conclude anything it is that FNC deserves a) its ratings and b) kudos for being truly independent from the herd of faux independent minds, the likes of which Howell Raines seems to esteem. Bret showed the rest of the press how to do it from now on.

Watch as Obama gets frustrated because the reporter has the audacity to throw him some hard pitches: Read the rest of this entry »


Latest Updates on Health Scare Vote

Posted by: Mike's America @ 1:58 pm in Uncategorized  | 233 views

House and Senate GOP Leaders Continue Hard Fight with Cards They Were Dealt!

Four More Dem Yes Votes Switch to NO!

Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.), a key Pelosi ally and asst. whip is now a firm “no” vote and is refusing telephone calls from the White House. Rep. Michael Arcuri (D-NY), a sophomore Dem who had a tougher-than-expected re-election bid in ‘08, has told the Dem caucus he will vote against the bill. He joins Reps. Joe Donnelly (D-IN) and Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), who have switched from supporting the first bill, in Nov., to opposing the Senate version. This in addition to the switch by Rep. Costello (D-IL) yesterday make the hill Pelosi must climb to pass this bad bill even higher.

House and Senate GOP Leaders United in Strategic Opposition in Final Push


MARCH 18: Congressional Republican leadership (L-R) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH), Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-AZ) lead a bicameral group of Republicans into the House of Representatives Chamber ahead of a strategy meeting at the U.S. Capitol March 18, 2010 in Washington, DC.

Senate GOP to Veto House Vote Bribes

News of some of the backroom deals and bribes offered by Pelosi and Obama continue to surface. From Human Events:
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Obama’s Healthcare Sob Stories

Posted by: Wordsmith @ 10:49 am in Barack Obama, Health Care  | 226 views

Remember the weeping tale of Otto S. Raddatz? Or how about Robin Lynn Beaton? You just can’t make this stuff up…(or can you?)

Why do Democrats so love tugging on heartstrings? President Obama relentlessly push-peddles heartache anecdotes to persuade, even if these stories are highly selective and false. Even when pointed out to him, he has still repeated the same heartbreaking, inaccurate stories in stump-speeches, time and time again.

No, he’s not merely mistaken as the recipient of bad information. President Obama is deliberately deceiving the American public by knowingly telling falsehoods. Joe Wilson was right.

The latest tale, is that of Natoma Canfield (cue the violins):

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“we will be reading Miranda rights to the corpse of Osama bin Laden,”
-Attorney General, Eric Holder, March 16, 2010

President Obama may have felt squeamish about the belly slap and facial holds implemented by the CIA on 30% of the 100 or so graduates of the CIA program (that gave us upward of 60% of what we learned about al Qaeda), including the 3 waterboardees, but he certainly has no qualms over the killing of 400-500 militants, along with those civilians unfortunate enough to have been in the vicinity of Drone attacks. The latest to bite the dust is Hussein al-Yemeni, an al Qaeda trainer believed to have had a role to play in the suicide bombing that killed 7 CIA officers (Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud who claimed credit as well may or may not be dead from a previous strike).

Killing Mr. al-Yemeni was very important to the CIA because of his status in al Qaeda and his involvement in the Khost attack, Mr. Panetta said. Mr. Panetta didn’t speak directly to the circumstances of the death; the CIA doesn’t discuss covert action.

“Anytime we get a high value target that is in the top leadership of al Qaeda, it seriously disrupts their operations,” Mr. Panetta said. “It sent two important signals,” Mr. Panetta said. “No. 1 that we are not going to hesitate to go after them wherever they try to hide, and No. 2 that we are continuing to target their leadership.”

No tears shed, certainly. And I’m glad for the parts of the Bush-era counter-terrorism programs that President Obama has chosen to retain. However, criticism persists that the Obama approach is to kill over capture.

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Weekly Open Thread

Posted by: Curt @ 6:00 pm in Open Thread  | 133 views

Photo of the Constitution of the United States of America. A feather quill is included in the photo.The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America and is the oldest codified written national constitution still in force. It was completed on September 17, 1787.

Let us consider the following from our President:

“And the truth is, what’s at stake in this debate, it’s not just our ability to solve this problem; it’s about our ability to solve any problem.”

Pondering this statement, I began to wonder who determines the problems needing to be solved? According to recent surveys it would most certainly not be the American People, as the most recent Gallup survey clearly illustrates both Unemployment and the Economy weigh heavier on the collective consciousness. So, why then is our President so singularly focused on the Healthcare initiative?

Gallup Survey
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CODE RED: Make your voice heard NOW!

UPDATE: Forget Kucinch Switch! Costello (D-IL) a former YES vote switches to NO !

Follow the latest at Code Red Twitter.

Good news: Obama and Pelosi don’t have the votes.
Bad news: They will stop at nothing to get them.

Don’t be discouraged by the news that liberal Dennis Kucinich changed his stand from a no vote on the previous bill to a promise to vote yes this time around. A liberal is a liberal and Kucinich knows that the current bill is the foundation to a complete government takeover of health care. Kucinich’s switch is actually good news because it signals to Blue Dog Democrats just exactly what this bill is all about.

The White House is applying enormous pressure on wavering Dems who voted no last time around. Even going so far as to call the big donors to these Dem Congressmen and asking them to call the Congressman and threaten a cut off in funds. Combine that with the other Chicago shenanigans (and here) we know are going on behind the scenes and wavering Dems must know the risk they take in daring to vote against Pelsoi and Obama.

But these Congressmen and women need to be reminded that they owe a higher loyalty to their constitutents and the Constitution. CALL THEM! Can’t get through at the main U.S. Capital number: 877-762-8762 or 202-224-3121? Call your House member’s local offices. Check the contact info below for key wavering Representatives:
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America’s Addiction To Social Insurance [Reader Post]

Posted by: Sean @ 7:55 am in Economy, Politics, taxes  | 1,016 views

Since the days of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the advent of his Social Security program in 1935 Americans have been addicted to the false sense of security that the program provides.  Social Security has given Americans the false perception that they and their families are insured against the economic woes inherent of things such as old age or disability.  They have been duped into the belief that each month they make contributions to a trust that will one day be paid back to them or their families.

The reality of Social Security is far different than the one perceived by many Americans.  Social Security was first passed into law in 1935.  The federal government began collecting taxes to fund social security in 1937.  They also paid out one lump sum payment in the same year.  Regular monthly Social Security payments began in January of 1940.  There is only a three year gap between the time they began collecting taxes for Social Security and the time that they began making regular monthly payments.  This short time period made it impossible for the amount of money being paid out to those collecting Social Security to have been properly backed by the money that the same individuals paid in.  As a result, the money that one generation pays in is immediately paid out to the older generation that is collecting Social Security, and on other government expenditures.  An interest baring IOU is put into a “fund” in place of the money that the younger generation is paying in.  The debt and interest from these IOU’s continually accumulate, and given that most if not all funds paid into social security is immediately spent, the debt and interest is never paid.  This debt has ballooned, and like all pyramid schemes it will eventually come crashing down; which will be a disaster for this country.  The US federal government has mislead many unwitting American’s into believing that they are putting away their own money for the future; but this is simply not true.  If something is not done, the Ponzi scheme that is Social Security will cause another and far more damaging economic meltdown in this country. Read the rest of this entry »

The shadow of the head of U.S. President Barack Obama falls upon a copy of the U.S. Constitution as he makes a speech on America’s national security at the National Archives in Washington, May 21, 2009.
REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

“This is the most secretive administration I have ever covered.”
- Helen Thomas, 2006

And in post-Bush Obama nation? How is that sunlight before signing and transparency-thingie going?

While there have been successes, there also have been some outrageous abuses of the public’s right to know, Read the rest of this entry »


How to Save a Life

Posted by: Wordsmith @ 11:36 pm in Photo of the Day, Support the Troops  | 463 views

Alexander Hernandez, 3, sneaks over from the crowd to grip the hand of his father, Master Sgt. Jose Hernandez of Orlando, as he stands in formation during a deployment ceremony for the Sentinel Detachment 3rd Battalion 265th Air Defense Artillery from Sarasota

By way of Thomas Ricks:

On a dusty afternoon in a squalid U.S. Army base in eastern Baghdad, the world seemed to cave in on Spec. Joe Sanders. On daily patrols, soldiers around him were being killed and grievously wounded by improvised roadside bombs. The sweltering August heat and stink of Baghdad were oppressive. He was thousands of miles from home. And he had just learned that his wife — his lifeline to the sane, normal world — wanted a divorce.
Alone in his barracks room at Forward Operating Base Rustamiyah, Sanders, a soft-spoken young man with a pleasant demeanor, seized his M-4 carbine, put the barrel under his chin, squeezed his eyes shut and pulled the trigger. It was August, 2008. Sanders was 26 years old.

Today, he is fortunate enough to be 28. Find out what his buddy did to prevent him from making an irreparable mistake.

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First Pelosi says:

“When we bring the bill to the floor, we will have the votes,” Pelosi told reporters yesterday. Leaders plan for the House to vote later this week, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland told reporters today.

Then we have this report:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is asking all female Democratic Members to attend a hastily called meeting Wednesday morning but isn’t saying what the meeting is about.

Pelosi’s office sent an e-mail out Tuesday evening requesting that all female Democrats come to the Members-only meeting at 10 a.m.

An aide to one Democratic Member said Pelosi’s office said the topic of the meeting was “to be determined.”

The meeting comes as Democratic leaders enter the final stretch of health care reform — and as they scramble to address fractures in their Caucus over abortion and immigration provisions in the bill.

And finally: Read the rest of this entry »


Obama Not a “Happy” President?

Posted by: Mike's America @ 10:39 am in Uncategorized  | 620 views

A new twist on the “what went wrong” series of articles about Obama!

Obama’s problem with alcohol and smoking may be symptomatic of a larger problem: he’s unhappy in the role of President. A role his ego craved for years now seems to suit him ill. Pictures of Obama waving an angry finger reveal that all is not well in Obama land.

Even writers at the Washington Post have noticed:

Obama’s happiness deficit
By Fred Hiatt
Washington Post
Monday, March 15, 2010; A15

Here’s a theory about why President Obama is having a tough political time right now: He doesn’t seem all that happy being president.

I know, it’s the world’s hardest job, and between war and the world economy collapsing, he didn’t have the first year he might have wished for. And, yes, he’s damned either way: With thousands of Americans risking their lives overseas and millions losing their jobs at home, we’d slam him if he acted carefree.

Still, I think Americans want a president who seems, despite everything, to relish the challenge. They don’t want to have to feel grateful to him for taking on the burden.

I started thinking about this a few weeks ago when Obama confidant David Axelrod, noting that the president always makes time for his daughters’ recitals and soccer games, told the New York Times, “I think that’s part of how he sustains himself through all this.”

Really? Is the presidency something to sustain yourself through?
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And possibly incited released terrorists to kill again?

Gitmo Attorneys shared photos of CIA covert agents with terrorists. Why no media outrage? Gitmo Attorney’s violated the rules and passed along anti-U.S. propaganda inciting terrorists to kill again? Are these lawyers now working in Obama’s Dept. of Justice?

Keep America Safe asks the question:

In an op-ed in Monday’s Wall Street Journal Debra Burlingame, sister of “Chic” Burlingame III, pilot of American Airlines flight 77, which was crashed into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, describes how attorneys representing the terrorists at the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba violated the rules and undermined U.S. national security.

Burlingame also describes how terrorists represented by these attorneys were released and went on to conduct further terrorist operations targeting innocent civilians. Are these the same attorneys who now have access to classified information while working in Obama’s Dept. of Justice?

Former Asst. U.S. Attorney, Andrew McCarthy, who prosecuted the 1993 bombers of the World Trade Center has this take on the information:

The Gitmo Bar — in gross violation of the conditions of access to the enemy combatants — provided al Qaeda detainees with a propaganda brochure that instructed them on how falsely to claim that they had been tortured and abused. As the Gitmo commander put it, “The very nature of this document gives tremendous moral support to those who would strike out against our country…. It is not a factual report. Instead it is filled with second and third hand accounts, photos of protests that were staged, inflammatory photos from Iraq and provocative story captions.”
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