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It seems CNN was so embarrassed by the video’s floating around of their hack reporter Susan Roesgen where she rudely cut off tea-party protestors in Chicago, and then attacked them with the typical liberal talking points. So what do they do? They get YouTube to take down the video’s for “copyright infringement.” But as Ben Sheffner of Copyrights and Campaigns writes, the copyright infringement argument won’t fly: (h/t Patterico)

CNN does own copyright in its own news footage and, as a general matter, has the right to demand its removal from YouTube. However, as to this particular video, I think Founding Bloggers has a very strong fair use defense. The purpose for Founding Bloggers’ posting of the CNN footage is crystal clear: to comment on and criticize CNN’s reporting on the “Tea Party.” Such a use is right in the heartland of the fair use doctrine; the statute specifically mentions “criticism, comment, [and] news reporting” as protected uses that are “not an infringement of copyright.” 17 U.S.C. § 107. To quickly run through the four fair use factors as they apply here: 1) the use is transformative (for critical comment); 2) the CNN footage is factual, not fictional, and was previously broadcast; 3) the amount used is small in relation to the whole CNN broadcast; and 4) any effect on the market is minuscule (and if fewer people watch CNN because this video causes them to think less of its coverage, that’s simply not cognizable harm). Many fair use cases are difficult, close calls–but, given the facts as I know them, this is an easy one.

So now Patterico is urging all bloggers to put the new YouTube video’s up and link them. I’m going above and beyond and putting the video up on my server….check out the embarrassment of CNN Susan Roesgen yourself: Read the rest of this entry »

What do you call someone who would go against every belief system they have for money and fame? One word….take a guess?

For example, we have someone like Janeane Garofalo playing a part in the TV show 24 (a favorite of mine) which is quite conservative….while later she goes on TV decrying the fact that people dare to protest against our government….a government she NOW believes in.

And what do you know, in 2003 she was very firm in her belief that one should be proud of protesting against a government you don’t believe in: (h/t Redstate)

Janeane Garofalo on Dissent from therightscoop on Vimeo.

A liberal hypocrite…..shocking!

Or maybe she is just trying to relieve her jaw problem.


Lou Dobbs unloads a few barrels on the wench also:

Now this is interesting if true, and not surprising in the least. (h/t Ex-Liberal In Hollywood)

Having spoken to some SEAL pals here in Virginia Beach yesterday and asking why this thing dragged out for 4 days, I got the following:

1. BHO wouldn’t authorize the DEVGRU/NSWC SEAL teams to the scene for 36 hours going against OSC (on scene commander) recommendation.

2. Once they arrived, BHO imposed restrictions on their ROE that they couldn’t do anything unless the hostage’s life was in “imminent” danger

3. The first time the hostage jumped, the SEALS had the raggies all sighted in, but could not fire due to ROE restriction

4. When the navy RIB came under fire as it approached with supplies, no fire was returned due to ROE restrictions. As the raggies were shooting at the RIB, they were exposed and the SEALS had them all dialed in.

5. BHO specifically denied two rescue plans developed by the Bainbridge CPN and SEAL teams.

6. Bainbridge CPN and SEAL team CDR finally decide they have the OpArea and OSC authority to solely determine risk to hostage. 4 hours later, 3 dead raggies

7. BHO immediately claims credit for his “daring and decisive” behaviour. As usual with him, it’s BS.

So per our last email thread, I’m downgrading Oohbaby’s performace to D-. Only reason it’s not an F is that the hostage survived.

Read the following accurate account.

Philips’ first leap into the warm, dark water of the Indian Ocean hadn’t worked out as well. With the Bainbridge in range and a rescue by his country’s Navy possible, Philips threw himself off of his lifeboat prison, enabling Navy shooters onboard the destroyer a clear shot at his captors — and none was taken. Read the rest of this entry »

The Flopping Aces Ranger Up shirt has been launched.

Ranger Up Girl Contest

Ranger Up is thrilled to be designing the next generation of Flopping Aces apparel.

Featuring the classic image of the shotgun-toting Flopping Aces BAMF, we designed a shirt to capture the spirit of the American warrior.

Hopefully you’re as proud of this shirt as we are.

And in honor of the launch we’re having another one of those captain contests. Top three captions get a free shirt!

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Put your entry into the comment section….


Closing the entries Sunday @ 12pm PST

Michelle Malkin has an excellent primer for the Tax Day Tea Party protests detailing the history of the movement. Here is the short version, go to her blog to get the longer version with links and pictures:

Feb. 15: Keli Carender, who blogs as “Liberty Belle” spread the word about a grass-roots protest she was organizing in Seattle to raise her voice against the passage of the trillion-dollar stimulus/porkulus/Generational Theft Act of 2009.

Feb. 16: An energetic crowd of about 100 people came downtown to lambaste the Chicken Little process and the lard-up of the stimulus bill:


Word of the Seattle protest spread across the blogosphere. Readers suggested there should be a Denver protest on Feb. 17 to greet President Obama for the porkulus signing. Separately, the local chapter of Americans for Prosperity was already working to put something together on the fly.

On Feb. 18, 500 fed-up taxpayers showed up in Mesa, AZ to oppose President Obama’s campaign for massive expansions of the government mortgage entitlement and to mock what SC Gov. Mark Sanford rightly called savior-based economics. No top-down organization. Just the effort of local talk radio station KFYI.


On Feb. 19, reader Amanda Grosserode e-mailed that she was organizing a tax revolt protest in Overland Park, KS the following weekend. More than 400 people showed up in freezing weather to protest Rep. Dennis Moore’s vote for the bill. Glenn Reynolds did the reporting the MSM didn’t do.

On Feb. 19, CNBC’s Rick Santelli issued his now-famous “Tea Party” call — prompted, many people forget, by Obama’s mortgage entitlement expansion plans (proposals I’ve protested whether from Democrats or moron Republicans):


David Hogberg of Investor’s Business Daily was the first MSM reporter to cover the burgeoning tax revolt protests. Here’s an excerpt of what Hogberg wrote on Feb. 20:


On Feb. 21, the grass-roots Internet group, Top Conservatives on Twitter, founded by Michael Patrick Leahy and powered by Rob Neppell, announced “simultaneous local tea parties around the country, beginning in Chicago, and including Washington DC, Fayetteville NC, San Diego CA, Omaha Nebraska, and dozens of other locations” on Feb. 27. Patrik Jonsson of the Christian Science Monitor was one of the rare national MSM reporters who attended one of the tea parties (Atlanta) and provided a fair and balanced look at protesters mad at both parties:


An Internet-based coalition spearheaded by TCOT, Smart Girl Politics, and the DontGoMovement formed to coordinate today’s Tax Day Tea Party. It is a totally unprecedented phenomenon that no Beltway GOP guru or elected leader can claim credit for.

Rock on! To all those taking part in their local protests, give em’ hell! Send your pictures our way or paste em’ into the comment sections….the people need to cover these protests seeing as how our media won’t.

Ranger Up has two different designs for the new Flopping Aces shirt that they will sell, gonna leave it up to the readers to design which one they like. The first one:


And shirt two:


Vote below….all your input would be appreciated

Which Flopping Aces Shirt

  • Shirt 1 (55.0%, 230 Votes)
  • Shirt 2 (45.0%, 188 Votes)

Total Voters: 418

Loading ... Loading ...


I figured on ending it after 400 votes and here we are.

T-Shirt 1 gets 55% of the vote while T-Shirt 2 received 45%…..

So number one it is. Thanks for all the help and when they come out we’re gonna be sure to have some kind of contest going on to give a few away along with some other Flopping Aces gear.

Check out the headline for this AP article about another Obama nominee:

Sebelius lowballed donations from abortion doctor

Lowballed? Sounds like she lied to me:

President Barack Obama’s health secretary nominee got nearly three times as much political money from a controversial abortion doctor as she told senators.

The Health and Human Services Department said Monday that the omission was an oversight that Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius would correct.

In a response to questions from the Senate Finance Committee made public last week, Sebelius wrote that she received $12,450 between 1994-2001 from Dr. George Tiller, one of the nation’s few late-term abortion providers.

But in addition to those campaign donations, records reviewed by The Associated Press show that Tiller gave at least $23,000 more from 2000-2002 to a political action committee Sebelius established while insurance commissioner to raise money for fellow Democrats.

Sebelius did not tell senators about that additional money, although Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., asked specifically about any Tiller donations to her PAC.

Yeah, that’s right. Just an oversight even though she was specifically asked about donations from the doctor.

Very interesting story on the details of the the rescue of Captain Phillips carried out by Navy Seals. Apparently the SEALs set up shop on the USS Bainbridge and communicated with the pirates via radio. The seas had grown rough and the pirates agreed to be towed out to calmer waters by a towing cable attached to the Bainbridge. One pirate then gave himself up due to a knife injury he sustained when they hijacked the US ship earlier and also communicated with the three remaining pirates on the lifeboat:

The three other pirates, however, showed signs of growing irritation, as the Bainbridge, 18 miles from shore, towed the lifeboat further out to sea, the senior military official said. “They had no promise of money, clearly no passage. The one ticket they had was the captain,” said the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter on the record.

“In the last discussion, they said, ‘If we don’t get what we want, we will kill the captain,’ ” the official said.

Soon afterward, two pirates moved to one of the hatches of the lifeboat and stuck their heads out. The third pirate advanced toward the captain and pointed his AK-47 straight at Phillips’s back, the rifle touching it or inches away, the official said.

U.S. military observers thought that Phillips was about to be shot. SEAL snipers, who were positioned on a deck at the stern of the Bainbridge, an area known as the fantail, had the three pirates in their sights. The on-scene commander gave the snipers authority to fire. Read the rest of this entry »

Good news….

The captain of the Maersk Alabama was freed Sunday after being held captive since Wednesday by pirates off the coast of Somalia, a senior U.S. official with knowledge of the situation told CNN.

The official said Capt. Richard Phillips is uninjured and in good condition, and that three of the four pirates were killed. The fourth pirate is in custody. Phillips was taken aboard the USS Bainbridge, a nearby naval warship.

Earlier Sunday afternoon Maersk Line Limited, owner of the Maersk Alabama, said the U.S. Navy informed the company that it had sighted Phillips in a lifeboat where pirates are holding him.

Phillips was spotted another time earlier in the day, the Navy said.

A man who answered the door at Phillips home in Underhill, Vermont, told CNN’s Stephanie Elam that the family has known the news for hours. He said details would have to come from Virginia, apparently referring to the home base of Maersk Line Limited, based in Norfolk, which owns the ship.

On Saturday, the FBI launched a criminal investigation into the hijacking of the U.S.-flagged cargo ship by Somali pirates, two law enforcement officials told CNN. The probe will be led by the FBI’s New York field office, which is responsible for looking into cases involving U.S. citizens in the African region, the officials said.

The Maersk Alabama reached port in Mombasa, Kenya, on Saturday. Crew members aboard the freed cargo ship described how some of their colleagues attempted to “jump” their pirate captors.

A scuffle ensued and one of the sailors stabbed a pirate in the hand in the battle to retake the container ship, one of the sailors told CNN.

Apparently the Captain jumped overboard again but this time there were Navy SEALS in the water who then took the pirates out. Good job Navy!


The Obama Tax Rap

Posted by: Curt @ 9:44 am in Humor, Obamanomics, taxes

(h/t Michelle Malkin)

Meanwhile Obama’s index and approval ratings are at another low:

Presidential Approval Index - +2
Strongly Approve - 34%
Strongly Disapprove - 32%
Total Approve - 55%
Total Disapprove - 44%

Gosh….couldn’t see that coming /sarc


Ranger Up Girl Contest

Posted by: Curt @ 6:00 am in Blogging, Entertainment

As some of you may have noticed from the sidebar I have accepted a offer by Ranger Up to become a judge for their Ranger Up Girl Contest. It’s a contest to see who will be the new official Ranger Up girl for the coming year, and if you haven’t checked out Ranger Up before…go check them out now. Great shirts. In fact Flopping Aces may have their very own shirt at their store soon.

Now the authors (those authors that want to participate) will help choose the finalists but for now everyone can vote for their favorite, and a favorite for each branch of the service.

Phase 1 - April 7-12:

Cast Your Vote for your vote for the Top Ranger Up Girl as well as your choice for the top girl for each military branch.

Phase 2 - April 12-15:

We’ll gather everyone’s feedback and the Ranger Up guys, along with some help from our blog friends, will decide which ladies will be the future Ranger Up Girls by the second week of April.

And here is what they are looking for:

Cool - comfortable both in the public eye and private eye, she needs to be fun and intriguing

Gorgeous - DUH, but notice we somehow managed to not make it #1

Humble - hard to tell from the written word, we’re looking for a woman that’s at home in front of the camera but is also able to sit down and talk easily with our wounded soldiers.

Ok, now onto the girls: (note…lots of pictures so if your on a slow computer you may not want to click the more button)
Read the rest of this entry »

Couldn’t of said it any better then John Bolton on Obama’s reaction to the pirate saga being played out. Treating it like a law enforcement issue, ala Bill Clinton, is the same kind of reaction that emboldened al-Queda. The captain of the ship jumped overboard to swim to safety and the pirates were a clear target to our Navy for god’s sake and they didn’t take the shot…..pure and utter bull:

Daniel Hannan rebuts Obama’s claim that the British and Canadians have a great health care system in which everyone can just walk into a clinic and they are fixed free of charge on the spot:

Hannan - …the reality is that it hasn’t worked, it has made people iller, we spend a lot of money and we get very bad results. You look at survival rates for cancer or heart disease we are well down on all the leagues. We have very few doctors, we’ve disincentivied people from practicing medicine in this country…a lot of our best and brightest doctors emigrate, a lot of them go to North America.