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The World's Billionaires
Edited by Luisa Kroll and Matthew Miller
Carlos Slim Helu takes the No. 1 spot on Forbes' annual list of the world's richest as a record 164 billionaires return to the ranking amid the global economic recovery.

OutFront I Technology I Money & Investing I Forbes Life


Big Man In Brazil
Keren Blankfeld
Eike Batista has ridden up the commodities boom to become the richest guy in his country. He aims to keep going.

The Secret Tale of William Lauder
Kai Falkenberg
Do rich folk get special treatment regarding the privacy of their court cases? A case study involves the chairman of Estee Lauder.

Hollywood Heavyweight
Keren Blankfeld
Arnon Milchan has made it big in pictures--as well as in arms sales, investing and fertilizer.

The Hard Man of Russia
Anita Raghavan
Already big in steel, Alisher Usmanov can now claim to be his nation's largest player on the Web.

Slumdog Billionaires
Megha Bahree
A father and son are making a fortune rehabbing some of the worst neighborhoods in Mumbai. It's not a pretty business.

China Developer's Lament
Gady Epstein
Zhang Xin and her husband are the most familiar faces of a real estate boom in China. That doesn't make them a popular couple.

  Fact and Comment

Fact And Comment

Steve Forbes
Oh, no! Fannie and Freddie are back!

Side Lines

Follow That Billionaire

William Baldwin
How hard is it to copy Warren Buffet's stock portfolio?

Current Events

Innocent Again

Amity Shlaes
We've forgotten the costs of price controls.

Digital Rules

The Not So Great Recession...

Rich Karlgaard
The Great Recession shouldn't have been so "great."

Readers Say
Ideas & Opinions
On My Mind
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Occidental Petroleum's Path to Easy Oil
Christopher Helman
Occidental Petroleum's California gusher shows that the U.S. might have more oil left than ever thought possible.

Blue State Blues
Neil Weinberg
Which states are in the worst financial conditions? By and large, the ones where Democrats hold sway.

Hedge Fund Managers are Back
Duncan Greenberg
21 hedge fund billionaires who, as a group, recouped their losses from the 2008 crash.

Making Money Off of Insults
Laurie Burkitt
Jeffrey Goldblatt's Rejection Hotline fetched 600,000 callers in its first year, inspiring him to turn his Don Rickles prank into a business.

Follow-Through | Banking on Beal
Nathan Vardi
Lots of people claim to have seen the financial crisis coming, but few people banked on it. Andrew Beal did.

Flashbacks | The New Old GM
Forbes Staff
30 years ago in Forbes.

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Digital Tools | Computing's Killer Problem
Lee Gomes
The answer to the thorniest question involving computers is nowhere in sight, despite a $1 million bounty.

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Money & Investing

IRS Torture By Mail
Ashlea Ebeling
The IRS' computers and clerks grind out millions of notices demanding more tax. Here's how to deal with them.

Annuities Aren't All The Same
William P. Barrett
Obama isn't saying which is the good kind. So we will.

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Rebuilding America

Closing the Achievement Gap in Harlem
Nicole Perlroth
The White House wants to replicate the Harlem Children Zone nationwide. Not easy.

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Plotting Crimes
Dirk Smillie
Colin Drane wants to be the kingpin of criminal data.

Taking It All Off
Laurie Burkitt
To boost sales among men, P&G is pushing the art of shaving to new extremes.

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Dumb Money
Dirk Smillie
Sailing on soda bottles. Cloning cats. Creating clouds from seawater. Not all investments by the tech wealthy pan out.

Middle Eastern Mirage
Devon Pendleton
Dubai's spectacular collapse has destroyed vast fortunes and exposed the dangers of doing business in the Gulf. What have investors learned?

Nonrefundable Deposit
Keren Blankfeld
The dashing Russian mogul Mikhail Prokhorov may cough up $53 million to charity.

Asian Tigresses
Russell Flannery
Half the world's 14 self-made female billionaires have struck it rich on China's mainland.

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The Anti-Dennis Kozlowski
Daniel Fisher
Covidien's Richard Meelia saw the good and the ugly from former Tyco boss Dennis Kozlowski. Now he's showing how to really run a business.

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Forbes Life

The $50 Million Price Point
Francesca Levy
There's an art to selling a ridiculously expensive piece of real estate. It starts with getting the buyer to think of a big number.

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Financial Columnists

The Contrarian | Surviving Inflation
David Dreman
Some risks you should embrace, like stock market volatility. Some you should defend against, like rising prices.

Point of View | Credit Feast And Famine
Steve Hanke
Why isn't the economy booming? The Fed's high-powered money isn't going into bank deposits and loans to businesses and individuals.

Intrinsic Value | It's Payout Time
William Priest
When P/E ratios stay put, there are only ways to make money: earnings-per-share growth and dividend yields.

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