Founding Bloggers In order to form a more perfect blog Fri, 19 Mar 2010 05:06:41 +0000 en hourly 1 Completely Under The Radar: Chicago Man Pleads Guilty To Mumbai Jihad Terror Attack – And MUCH More Fri, 19 Mar 2010 05:06:41 +0000 Founding Blogger Kudos to the Obama Administration and Eric Holder for today’s news, which went almost completely unnoticed in the wake of the Marxist-Socialized-Health-Care news cycle.

Chicago man pleads guilty in Mumbai terrorism case

Click the link to read the article, but this looks like one the Obama Administration got right. Credit where it is due.

The chilling pattern exposed in this conviction is the blatant connection between horrific acts of Jihad aimed at Westerners, and the nuclear Islamist state of Pakistan. Mumbai, Denmark.

At the risk of sounding conspiratorial, the Pakistani Jihad network is the only one that has thus far exhibited the ability and willingness to directly perpetrate these international acts of war. 9/11 anyone?? We are not drawing any conclusions here, but where there’s smoke, there’s Jihad. It’s at least worth a look, no?

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Howard Stern: “These Democrats On The FCC Are Communists. They’re For Communism!” Thu, 18 Mar 2010 19:56:15 +0000 Founding Blogger [via Instapundit]

Left wing bloggers ridicule Glenn Beck when he points out that President Obama has installed Marxists in powerful positions in his administration. It’s easy to mock Glenn Beck because when a grown man appears to beclown himself by crying repeatedly on air, he opens himself up to critique. That’s the downside of his revivalist M.O..

Howard Stern, on the other hand, is no Glenn Beck.

Howard Stern: “These Democrats On The FCC Are Communists. They’re For Communism!”

What will the lefty bloggers have to say now that Howard Stern, who can hardly be called a Republican let alone a conservative, is outing the Obama FCC as a bunch of Marxist-Communists?

If the Democrats have lost Howard Stern of all people, they are fcuked. Stern should come back to terrestrial radio for the sole purpose of waging war against these Marxists. He would make a fortune, and maybe even help save the country from these social engineers. Not a bad legacy.

On the other hand, recently Howard had on Governor Jesse Ventura (who in more ways than one sounds exactly like Bigfoot, it is) and they got on the subject of New York’s anti-salt jihad. Unfortunately, Stern supports Bloomberg’s diet nannies, just not Obama’s speech nannies.

That seems like an odd place to draw the line.

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(VIDEO) Stimulus Springs Eternal: Building Roads In Upscale Illinois Neighborhoods Thu, 18 Mar 2010 03:56:53 +0000 Founding Blogger We recently stumbled across a Stimulus construction sign in an upscale neighborhood on the North Shore of Chicago. describes the project as follows:

Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Urbanized Areas over 200K Population

Award Amount: $1,320,000

Reported Jobs: 4.66

We produced a short video asking the question: Does the upscale suburb of Evanston really need the hard-earned tax dollars of people from other states across the union in order to (re)build her local roads?

The city of Evanston should write thank you notes to the legislatures of each of the other 57 states, thanking them for the new road.

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Drudge By Numbers: Gov’t Spends $71,433 Surfing Drudge Report In First 9 Days Of March Wed, 10 Mar 2010 05:40:38 +0000 Founding Blogger We noticed with amused curiosity, reports of an email circulating the digital halls of Congress warning staffers not to visit the Drudge Report for fear of viruses.

Senate Staffers Warned to Stay Clear of Drudge Report

The Senate’s official gatekeeper, said the Drudge Report, a conservative news aggregator, and “are responsible for the many viruses popping up throughout the Senate,” according to an e-mail to the Environment and Public Works Committee.

Drudge responded that his millions of other satisfied customers have had no complaints. He also revealed the following statistics:

“The site was seen 149,967 times since March 1st from users at and 244,347 times at [10,825 visits from the White House,]” the Drudge Report wrote.

We made some very rough calculations and arrived at the following analysis:

149,967 Hits to Drudge from since March 1 = 16,663 hits per day

244,347 Hits to Drudge from = 27,150 hits per day

If one spends just 30 seconds scanning headlines, that’s 139 hours per day of scanning headlines in the Senate. That requires 17 Senate staffers putting in a full 8 hour day.

In the House that’s 226 hours spent scanning Drudge, requiring 28 Staffers working 8 hour days.

What’s the total cost of government labor expended reading The Drudge Report in Congress? It depends on who’s scanning the headlines.

The Average Legislative Assistant in The House gets $37,321 Per Year (approximately $18.66 per hour). In The Senate the average is  $48,276 (approximately $24.14 per hour) *these numbers assume a paid 2 week vacation. (Averages available here)

Estimate cost of Senate Drudge surfing:  $3355
Estimate cost of House Drudge surfing: $4217

Estimate total cost of Congressional surfing of The Drudge Report:  $7572 per day

As far as the White House goes, how much it costs depends upon whether a man or woman is scanning the Drudge headlines:

The White House logged 10,825 hits since March 1 which works out to 1203 Hits per day. At 30 second scans, that totals 10 Hours per day.

The average Female White House Staffer earns  $72,956 per year ($36.48 per hour) while the average Male White House Staffer earns  $82,346 per year ($41.17 per hour). *these numbers assume a paid 2 week vacation. (Averages available here)

A female Staffer earns $365 per day scanning Drudge.
A male Staffer earns $412 per day scanning Drudge.

That means if President Obama ordered only women White House Staffers to scan Drudge headlines, he could shave $17,155 off the Executive Branch’s Drudge budget per year. (as of July 2009)

Total cost per day of Legislative and Executive Branches in scanning Drudge Headlines:  $7937

Estimate total cost of Congressional and Executive Branch labor devoted to reading the Drudge Report in the first 9 days of March 2010: $71,433**

At that pace, the Congress and White House will spend roughly $2.8 Million in tax payer dollars to surf The Drudge Report in all of 2010.

**(Conservatively estimated – all numbers double if the reader spends an average of 60 seconds reading Drudge)

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Media Fraud – Just A Cup Of Coffee My Ass Sun, 07 Mar 2010 18:50:50 +0000 Founding Blogger [via Gateway Pundit]

This latest example of mainstream media fraud comes from St. Louis, and features coverage of the so called “Coffee Party”.

The following clip is only 2 minutes long, so watch all of it, and then look at the images below to understand why this video is nothing short of media prostitution for their progressive cause.

This report attempts to paint a picture of a moderate, open minded movement in the process of conducting early, friendly gatherings.

:25 – Brewing yes, but steamed? Well, not if they can help it.

:45 – Leaders of this group say civility is their first priority

:55 – We’re not looking to balance extremes. When we sit down for a cup of coffee, we’re not at each other’s throats.

1:37 – Organizers say they are just volunteers, and invite those with different opinions to join their effort to swallow their pride in the interest of progress.

1:44 – [Organizer] I don’t particularly think it is useful to sit at a table with only people who see things the way I do.

But context is everything, and this report ignores some glaring facts which betray the lies being pushed in this story.

The reporter doesn’t bother to identify it, but the meeting took place in a coffee shop called Mokabe’s. More than one of your Founding Bloggers has been in this establishment more than once. And while the coffee is very good, and they still believe in the freedom of adults to smoke indoors, it is by far one of the most politicized eating establishments we have ever seen.

:44 seconds into the clip, you will see the iconic Barack Obama image hanging on the wall in the background. That’s tame for this establishment.

Below are a couple of snapshots of some of the other political paraphernalia on display, which provide the proper context for the claims of open mindedness being made by the organizers of this event, and parroted by their mainstream lackeys.

mochaBes interior2CU

mochaBes interior1

Boy, nothing says political inclusiveness like a Cheney/Satan bumper sticker (pictured above).

Either all of this crap was taken down for the meeting, or the “reporter” who covered this PR firm packaged media opportunity has a bit of a political blind spot.

They might as well have conducted this meeting in an SEIU meeting hall, or DNC headquarters.

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Global Warming Traps 1000 People In Baltic Sea – Victims To Sue Gulf Coast Oil Companies Fri, 05 Mar 2010 15:48:33 +0000 Founding Blogger What should we believe, Progressives or our lying eyes?

1,000 Trapped on Ferry Stuck in Baltic Sea Ice

How long will it be before these “victims” of climate file a lawsuit against the oil companies?

Hurricane Katrina victims to sue oil companies over global warming

Victims of Hurricane Katrina are seeking to sue carbon gas-emitting multinationals for helping fuel global warming and boosting the 2005 storm.

If Progressive legal tourists can sue the oil companies, then someone should calculate the amount of money and other resource that would have gone to legitimate pollution issues, rather than the fraudulent global warming climate change industry, and sue Al Gore and the UN for damages to the environment.

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Devastating Video Exposes Democrat And Republican Hypocrisy Thu, 04 Mar 2010 19:45:55 +0000 Founding Blogger [via Gator Doug]

The video below does a fantastic job of revealing the rank hypocrisy of BOTH the Republicans and the Progressive-Democrats on the subject of the ironically named “reconciliation” process.

The most damaging section starts at 3:50 with then Senator Joe Biden.

On one hand, this video destroys the myth of Obama delivered, post-partisan change.

On the other hand, it reminds us of the free market school of thought that says an organization should be allowed to fail as a result of their poor decisions. Perhaps the Republicans deserve to suffer defeat on this one. The problem with that is this defeat will be shared by people not even born yet, as they shoulder the burden of this legislation.

Again, though we wonder if the best thing in the long run isn’t to let this monster of a federal government kill itself with its own “success”.

When unfunded liabilities in Social Security and Medicare are accounted for, the feds have no way to pay the debt that’s coming due without raising taxes AND printing money (both at a furious pace). We wonder how long the American dream and her current federal government will exist under the reality of skyrocketing taxes AND a debased currency.

It seems too cynical to hope for the destruction of the federal government through financial ruin, just so a new one can be built in its place. The concept sounds familiar though.

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(VIDEO) Liberal Hypocrisy On Display In Berkeley As Student Defends Riots Against Education Immigration Thu, 04 Mar 2010 15:58:28 +0000 Founding Blogger Instapundit points to this video interview of a Berkeley student representative explaining why it’s okay for students to riot in the streets in the name of their cause.

We posted the raw video of the rioting here.

What’s so interesting about this interview is that during two separate moments, the student representative displays an astounding level of liberal-Progressive hypocrisy.

We have taken the liberty of transcribing these two sections below.

Moment number 1 – (2:00)

HOST: Describe to me what exactly what you guys are going through that just absolutely causes this outrage.

STUDENT: Absolutely. Well um in the fall the UC regents voted in a %32 fee increase to over 10000 a year for in-state tuition. This at a time that they are cutting classes, letting in fewer student from in-state and more students from out of state. Um, so effectively we are closing off the campus, making it less accessible to people, and those who are here are getting less out of their education.

That complaint doesn’t sound too immigrant friendly. Is she saying that Berkeley students only want immigrants from other states and countries just as long as they go to private schools?

Moment number 2 – (3:45)

HOST: Do you have to necessarily resort to violence? I mean in some way your message that you’re trying to send to the regents to an audience out there kinda gets tarnished by the fact that violence has now erupted out.

STUDENT: Well, I think that uh, nobody planned what happened uh early morning on Friday. That that something like that just isn’t even something that becomes planned. But that anger erupts when this situation has been building so long, that that’s what happens. I would really back away from trying to seperate good protesters from bad protesters. It really divides the movement. and um it hurts us trying to get to our final goals.

Just so we have this straight. Tea Partiers peacefully rallying in support of smaller government…those are Nazi racist bigots.

Progressive liberals rioting in the streets of California…that’s acceptable, and shouldn’t be used to paint the whole movement in a negative light.

Change. Hope.

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Claim: Chicago’s O’Hare “Least Secure Airport In The Country.” Thu, 04 Mar 2010 06:39:52 +0000 Founding Blogger A former chief of security at O’Hare Airport is claiming that he was fired for repeatedly sounding the alarm over security vulnerabilities.

Perhaps most disturbing, he said, was that up to 10,000 private vehicles are allowed to park in a secured area by the north hangar.

He also said officers assigned to the airport’s security staff were unarmed and were rarely able to carry out searches, limiting their effectiveness. And the number of Chicago police officers was slashed, leaving as few as two officers for the entire airport on some nights, he said. [LINK]

Officer James Maurer is quoted describing O’hare as the “least secure airport in the country.”

Despite James Maurer’s 40+ years on the force, Mayor Daley is dismissing the man as “disgruntled”. Perhaps he is, but if there is an attack that takes advantage of the vulnerabilities Officer Maurer was drawing attention to, he will not be the only one who is left feeling “disgruntled”.

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ICE Searching For Somali Jihadis Smuggled Into United States Thu, 04 Mar 2010 01:53:10 +0000 Founding Blogger [via Around O-Town]

As long as they have universal Obamacare, right?

Authorities are searching for 270 Somalis believed to have entered the U.S. illegally with the help of a Virginia man who admitted contacts with an Islamic terrorist group.

An Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent said his agency had yet to locate any of the suspected illegal immigrants. [LINK]

We are soooooooooooo fcuked!

By the way, terrorist Jihadis who are smuggled into this country are not “illegal immigrants”. They are not immigrants at all. They are enemy combatants. Too bad the politically correct establishment is too stupid to recognize that.

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