The Freedom and Justice Foundation

     "Connecting the Dots!"

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Welcome to the official website of the Freedom and Justice Foundation (F&J), an educational non-profit working to enhance Centrist Public Policy development and implementation through the civic and interfaith engagement of Texas Muslims. Learn more

tic-final-logo1The Texas Islamic Council (T.I.C.) Program of the Freedom and Justice Foundation (F&J) launched a state-wide campaign in September 2009 to endow the Muslim Scholarship Project with $250,000 over the next 2 years. Click the donate button below to help us reach this goal. 


Learn More about the T.I.C.



T.I.C. History

  • Founded in 2005 as a program of the Freedom and Justice Foundation (F&J) in Austin, Texas allowing both Masajid (Mosques) and individual membership support.
  • A Chamber of Commerce structure allowing each member Masjid (Mosque) to maintain their full independence while also creating a collective Islamic community voice platform.
  • Masajid from every major Texas city from Tyler to El Paso and Dallas-Fort Worth to Austin and Houston, collectively serving over 100,000 Texas Muslims, have thus far supported the T.I.C.
  • Drafted, with the aid of Texas Imams and Muslim Lawyers, a joint interfaith statement separating the terminology of Islam and Terrorism in public discourse was signed by Texas Christian groups representing 11.8 million Texans.
  • Successfully built solid coalitions with the major Catholic, Evangelical Baptist and Mainline Protestant denominations to effectively isolate Islamophobic voices.

Muslim Scholarship FundDonate to the Muslim Scholarship Fund

“Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim”. Ibn Majah

  • A Cornell 2002 Study found that less than 2.5% of American Muslims work in public opinion influencing careers such as Journalist, Editor, or Lawyer.

  • Began in 2007-2008 as a Texas Muslims Scholarship Fund and we hope to eventually grow it into a National Muslims Scholarship Fund.

  • Successfully granted six Texas Muslim students studying in public opinion influencing fields a total of $12,000.00 after a competitive applications process.

  • Current goal is to endow (Waqf) $250,000.00 in order to consistently grant $12,000 in Scholarships Annually. Our long term goal is to take the project nationwide after that point. 


Media Campaigns Projectbtn_donatecc_lg

“Hearing, seeing & feeling (heart) all are responsible for...” 
Quran 017:036

  • Surveys and Polls have consistently shown that 4 out of 10 Americans hold negative views of Islam and Muslims. With the help of our interfaith partner organizations, F&J is conducting a series of polls and focus groups targeting that specific hostile demographic.
  • This research's results will then aide the development of targeted messaging to this demographic via the public airwaves.
  • Television allows us to transmit picture and sound directly into people’s hearts.
  • Broadcasting ads targeting key demographics in key zip codes viewing key channels = an economically viable and effective model for America’s Muslims to:
    • Disrupt the Islamophobes’ poison framing of everything Islamic.
    • Improve the Public Relations (PR) image of Islam and Muslims.

Interfaith Community Relations

Donate to our Interfaith Advocacy work

“Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and reason with them in the best way.”

Quran 016:125

  • Multiple years of bridge building on a community relations state-level with all major Christian denominations.
  • Goal is to see our friends amongst the various Christian groups posses correct knowledge of Islam and Muslims so as to isolate and render ineffective the Islamophobic and End-Time framed messages.

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To Learn more about our Public Policy Work Texas Islamic Council (TIC) Program Triumph Over Terror (TOT) Interfaith Statement Support Our work via a tax-deductible donation!
Public Policy Texas Islamic Council (TIC) IslamistTerrorismItIsNot


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© 2002-2009 The Freedom and Justice Foundation ~ 1925 East Beltline Rd. Suite 475 Carrollton, TX 75006
Tel. 972.365.8214 ~ Fax 413-403-2653 ~ Email: