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Police plan to prosecute up to 162 people for their participation in lethal sectarian clashes that resulted in the death of hundreds earlier this month. Some alleged participants could be sentenced to death. Read more on Nigeria at Freedom in the World 2009: Nigeria

President Karzai met with a leader from Hezb-i-Islami, one of the three militant groups fighting his government, thus taking the first step towards creating peaceful relations with the group. Read more on Afghanistan at Freedom in the World 2009: Afghanistan

Several high-profile prisoners were released this week after posting bail bonds as high as $450,000. About 18,000 people have been arrested since last June’s protests in response to Iran’s allegedly rigged national election. Read more on Iran at Freedom in the World 2009: Iran

Up to half of the food aid sent to the country is redirected from needy recipients to corrupt contractors, UN officials and radical Islamist militants. Read more on Somalia at Freedom in the World 2009: Somalia


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Bloggers Learn New Media Tools
Mar 24, 2010

From February 27 to March 13, Freedom House hosted 11 bloggers from the Middle East and North Africa for a two-week Advanced New Media Study Tour in Washington, D.C. The Study Tour provided the bloggers with training in digital security, digital video making, message development and digital mapping. While in D.C., the Fellows also participated in a Senate briefing, and met with high-level officials at USAID, State and Congress as well as international media including Al-Jazeera and the Washington Post.
Civil Society Perspective on Zimbabwe
Mar 19, 2010

On March 16, Freedom House hosted an event on “The State of Zimbabwe: Perspectives from Civil Society.” The public discussion featured prominent human rights activists Jestina Mukoko, 2010 International Woman of Courage & Director of the Zimbabwe Peace Project and Rindai Chipfunde, Founding Director of the Zimbabwe Electoral Support Network. Invited guests gathered to hear important insights into the vital role played by civil society groups in Zimbabwe as they continue the fight to advance democracy and respect for basic human rights.
Advocating Against Religious Repression
Mar 16, 2010

Freedom House recently took a delegation of freedom of expression advocates from Indonesia and Nigeria to Geneva for the 13th Session of the Human Rights Council where they shared their experiences with defamation laws in their respective countries to urge members to find alternatives to “defamation of religions” resolutions. While there, the delegation hosted a panel entitled “Free to Express, Free to Believe: The Defamation of Religions Debate” and met with dozens of member states, special rapporteurs and UN officials. Freedom House also gave an oral intervention during the General Debate.
To read more on the defamation of religions debate click here
Watch Paula Schriefer's oral intervention below
Human Rights Summit 2010: Plan of Action
Mar 8, 2010
On February 17-19, more than 100 human rights advocates and government officials gathered in Washington, DC for the 2010 Human Rights Summit to tackle global challenges to freedom of expression and association. During the summit, participants met with President Obama to apprise him of the “on the ground” situation for defenders and how U.S. foreign policy can make a difference in their ability to defend fundamental freedoms around the globe. Now Freedom House and Human Rights First have sent a delegation to Geneva to present the plan of action for all governments and multilateral institutions in defense of these rights.
To read the full plan of action, click here.
Press Releases

China Continues Its Assault on Internet Freedom in Response to Google Decision

March 24, 2010 - Freedom House strongly condemns the Chinese government’s continued efforts to suppress freedom of expression in China by blocking access to Google content.

Freedom House Calls on Kazakhstan to Give Zhovtis Case Fair Review

March 23, 2010 - As the case of human rights activist, Evgeniy Zhovtis, comes under consideration by the Kazakhstani Supreme Court, Freedom House urges the relevant legal authorities to carefully review reports by international monitors of serious procedural flaws in last year’s trial.

Uganda Cabinet Urged to Reject New Press Legislation

March 17, 2010 - In a country that suffers from an increasingly restrictive media environment, proposed legislation amending the 1995 Press and Journalist Act in Uganda will further stifle freedom of expression, according to Freedom House.

Governance Blog

Future of Bolivian Justice Remains Hazy

February 26, 2010 -

On February 18, Bolivian President Evo Morales appointed 18 interim justices to fill long-vacant posts in the Supreme Court of Justice, the Constitutional Tribunal, and the Judicial Council. These appointments were made possible by the recent passage of the “Ley Corta,” which empowered Morales to fill 20 of 27 total posts in the three judicial bodies until new justices are elected in December 2010.

In the News

The Dark Side of China Aid

March 24, 2010 - International Herald Tribune, by Chris Walker and Sarah Cook

Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Supporting the Fight for Freedom and Equality

March 10, 2010 - Huffington Post, by Sarah Trister

Friend and Faux on Human Rights

March 08, 2010 - Wall Street Journal