FreeFind - site search engine
FreeFind - site search engine


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 Used by more than 100,000 websites!

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Let your visitors search your website

Add a site search engine to your website today.

Get your search engine for free, or select an ad-free professional version.

Advanced site search can be added to your website in minutes. Since 1998 FreeFind has provided site search engines to over 100,000 websites. With nothing to download or install it's easy and it's free!

 Enter your website address   

 Enter your email address
 (we keep it private)
 Click the button. You're done!      Instant Sign-up  
Your password and setup instructions will be e-mailed to you automatically. You'll get high speed, high availability, hosted search engine technology from the company that pioneered the field.

  • No fixed page limit
  • Daily re-indexing
  • Complete customization
  • On-page results: see demo
  • Reports track visitors' searches
  • Simple or boolean searching
  • Full on-demand indexing
  • Professional version

  • Redundant search servers
  • Hardware load balancing
  • Lightning-fast searches
  • High availability
  • Dedicated NOC
  • Multihomed network

  • Proven technology -- used by over 100,000 websites
  • Full on-demand re-indexing -- your whole site, anytime you want it
  • Scheduled re-indexing -- have your site re-indexed as often as daily
  • Complete templating -- give the results the look and feel of your site
  • Adjustable relevance scoring -- tune the results for your site
  • Flexible searching -- use simple searching or advanced boolean expressions
  • Stemming and stopwords -- in multiple languages
  • Phrase matching -- choose from exact phrase, near phrase or far phrase
  • Word index -- shows every word used on your site
  • PDF indexing -- include your PDF files in your search results
  • Additional formats -- Word, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, OpenDocument and more
  • Automatic site map -- generate site maps in three customizable styles
  • Language support -- works with many different languages and unicode
  • Search subsections -- visitors can search all of your site or a subsection
  • Frame support -- flexible handling of framed sites
  • Free optional web search -- search your site, the web, or both
  • Automatic what's new list -- keep your repeat visitors up-to-date
  • Adjustable indexing speed -- select to match your server speed
  • Complete indexing logs -- your current and prior logs are available online
  • Password authentication -- index password protected areas of your site
  • Fully hosted -- all website search engines run on our servers
  • Data search -- database style searching without a database
  • Professional version -- with unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee
  • No FreeFind branding -- no advertising or FreeFind logo in pro version*
  • Private domain labeling -- i.e. in address bar *
  • Parallel indexing -- fast indexing using multiple simultaneous connections *
      All features are available in the free version except those marked with "*"

The site search engine can be added to your website today in less than ten minutes. Hosted on our servers, there's no software to download or install. Just sign-up using the form at the top of this page and you'll have search on your site today. It's easy!

See site search engine features for screen shots and a detailed description.

Quick answers
to common questions:
How many pages can FreeFind index?
How often can I have my site re-indexed?
Is there a Professional version?

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Questions? See our search engine FAQ or check out our library. Need to get in touch with us? See our contact info.
Before you use FreeFind or add FreeFind to your site, read and agree to the site policy.
FreeFind partners include The Free Site, Freeware Files and Search Engine Guide
Other FreeFind sites Findia Net Search, Change Detection and FastContact

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