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The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is known as "the investigative arm of Congress" and "the congressional watchdog." GAO supports the Congress in meeting its constitutional responsibilities and helps improve the performance and accountability of the federal government for the benefit of the American people. Read More About GAO

Recently Issued Products

  • Latest Reports & Testimonies
  • Latest Legal Decisions & Opinions
  • Latest Comptroller General Presentations

Recently released reports and testimonies are listed below. Our congressional requesters may hold reports up to 30 days before making them publicly available, so some may have earlier issue dates.

Reports & Testimonies

April 22, 2010

Best Practices: DOD Can Achieve Better Outcomes by Standardizing the Way Manufacturing Risks Are Managed
GAO-10-439,  April 22, 2010
Debt Settlement: Fraudulent, Abusive, and Deceptive Practices Pose Risk to Consumers
GAO-10-593T,  April 22, 2010
Financial Regulation: Clearer Goals and Reporting Requirements Could Enhance Efforts by CFTC and SEC to Harmonize Their Regulatory Approaches
GAO-10-410,  April 22, 2010
Securing and Stabilizing Iraq: An Assessment of the U.S. Joint Campaign Plan for Iraq
GAO-10-584R,  April 22, 2010
Securities and Exchange Commission: Information on Fair Fund Collections and Distributions
GAO-10-448R,  April 22, 2010
U.S. Postal Service: Action Needed to Facilitate Financial Viability
GAO-10-601T,  April 22, 2010
VA's Fiduciary Program: VA Plans to Improve Program Compliance and Policies, but Sustained Management Attention is Needed
GAO-10-635T,  April 22, 2010
Firms Reported in Open Sources as Having Commercial Activity in Iran's Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Sectors
GAO-10-515R,  March 23, 2010

April 21, 2010

Federal Reserve Banks: Areas for Improvement in Information Security Controls
GAO-10-640R,  April 21, 2010
National Flood Insurance Program: Continued Actions Needed to Address Financial and Operational Issues
GAO-10-631T,  April 21, 2010
Next Generation Air Transportation System: Challenges with Partner Agency and FAA Coordination Continue, and Efforts to Integrate Near-, Mid-, and Long-term Activities Are Ongoing
GAO-10-649T,  April 21, 2010
Surface Transportation Security: TSA Has Taken Actions to Manage Risk, Improve Coordination, and Measure Performance, but Additional Actions Would Enhance Its Efforts
GAO-10-650T,  April 21, 2010

April 19, 2010

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Actions Needed to Facilitate the Efficient Drawdown of U.S. Forces and Equipment from Iraq
GAO-10-376,  April 19, 2010
Poorly Performing Nursing Homes: Special Focus Facilities Are Often Improving, but CMS's Program Could Be Strengthened
GAO-10-197,  March 19, 2010

April 16, 2010

Military Training: Actions Needed to Further Improve the Consistency of Combat Skills Training Provided to Army and Marine Corps Support Forces
GAO-10-465,  April 16, 2010
Traffic Safety Data: State Data System Quality Varies and Limited Resources and Coordination Can Inhibit Further Progress
GAO-10-454,  April 15, 2010

April 15, 2010

Combating Terrorism: Planning and Documentation of U.S. Development Assistance in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas Need to Be Improved
GAO-10-289,  April 15, 2010
Defense Acquisitions: Opportunities and Challenges for Army Ground Force Modernization Efforts
GAO-10-603T,  April 15, 2010
Defense Management: Observations on Department of Defense and Military Service Fiscal Year 2011 Requirements for Corrosion Prevention and Control
GAO-10-608R,  April 15, 2010
Defense Management: Observations on the Department of Defense's Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Request for Corrosion Prevention and Control
GAO-10-607R,  April 15, 2010
Domestic Food Assistance: Complex System Benefits Millions, but Additional Efforts Could Address Potential Inefficiency and Overlap among Smaller Programs
GAO-10-346,  April 15, 2010
Federal Deposit Insurance Act: Regulators' Use of Systemic Risk Exception Raises Moral Hazard Concerns and Opportunities Exist to Clarify the Provision
GAO-10-100,  April 15, 2010
Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Request: U.S. Government Accountability Office
GAO-10-574T,  April 15, 2010
International Security: DOD and State Need to Improve Sustainment Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation for Section 1206 and 1207 Assistance Programs
GAO-10-431,  April 15, 2010
Social Security Administration: Better Planning Needed to Improve Service Delivery
GAO-10-586T,  April 15, 2010
Recently released reports and testimonies are listed below. Our congressional requesters may hold reports up to 30 days before making them publicly available, so some may have earlier issue dates.

Reports & Testimonies

April 22, 2010

Best Practices: DOD Can Achieve Better Outcomes by Standardizing the Way Manufacturing Risks Are Managed
GAO-10-439,  April 22, 2010
Debt Settlement: Fraudulent, Abusive, and Deceptive Practices Pose Risk to Consumers
GAO-10-593T,  April 22, 2010
Financial Regulation: Clearer Goals and Reporting Requirements Could Enhance Efforts by CFTC and SEC to Harmonize Their Regulatory Approaches
GAO-10-410,  April 22, 2010
Securing and Stabilizing Iraq: An Assessment of the U.S. Joint Campaign Plan for Iraq
GAO-10-584R,  April 22, 2010
Securities and Exchange Commission: Information on Fair Fund Collections and Distributions
GAO-10-448R,  April 22, 2010
U.S. Postal Service: Action Needed to Facilitate Financial Viability
GAO-10-601T,  April 22, 2010
VA's Fiduciary Program: VA Plans to Improve Program Compliance and Policies, but Sustained Management Attention is Needed
GAO-10-635T,  April 22, 2010
Firms Reported in Open Sources as Having Commercial Activity in Iran's Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical Sectors
GAO-10-515R,  March 23, 2010

April 21, 2010

Federal Reserve Banks: Areas for Improvement in Information Security Controls
GAO-10-640R,  April 21, 2010
National Flood Insurance Program: Continued Actions Needed to Address Financial and Operational Issues
GAO-10-631T,  April 21, 2010
Next Generation Air Transportation System: Challenges with Partner Agency and FAA Coordination Continue, and Efforts to Integrate Near-, Mid-, and Long-term Activities Are Ongoing
GAO-10-649T,  April 21, 2010
Surface Transportation Security: TSA Has Taken Actions to Manage Risk, Improve Coordination, and Measure Performance, but Additional Actions Would Enhance Its Efforts
GAO-10-650T,  April 21, 2010

April 19, 2010

Operation Iraqi Freedom: Actions Needed to Facilitate the Efficient Drawdown of U.S. Forces and Equipment from Iraq
GAO-10-376,  April 19, 2010
Poorly Performing Nursing Homes: Special Focus Facilities Are Often Improving, but CMS's Program Could Be Strengthened
GAO-10-197,  March 19, 2010

April 16, 2010

Military Training: Actions Needed to Further Improve the Consistency of Combat Skills Training Provided to Army and Marine Corps Support Forces
GAO-10-465,  April 16, 2010
Traffic Safety Data: State Data System Quality Varies and Limited Resources and Coordination Can Inhibit Further Progress
GAO-10-454,  April 15, 2010

April 15, 2010

Combating Terrorism: Planning and Documentation of U.S. Development Assistance in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas Need to Be Improved
GAO-10-289,  April 15, 2010
Defense Acquisitions: Opportunities and Challenges for Army Ground Force Modernization Efforts
GAO-10-603T,  April 15, 2010
Defense Management: Observations on Department of Defense and Military Service Fiscal Year 2011 Requirements for Corrosion Prevention and Control
GAO-10-608R,  April 15, 2010
Defense Management: Observations on the Department of Defense's Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Request for Corrosion Prevention and Control
GAO-10-607R,  April 15, 2010
Domestic Food Assistance: Complex System Benefits Millions, but Additional Efforts Could Address Potential Inefficiency and Overlap among Smaller Programs
GAO-10-346,  April 15, 2010
Federal Deposit Insurance Act: Regulators' Use of Systemic Risk Exception Raises Moral Hazard Concerns and Opportunities Exist to Clarify the Provision
GAO-10-100,  April 15, 2010
Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Request: U.S. Government Accountability Office
GAO-10-574T,  April 15, 2010
International Security: DOD and State Need to Improve Sustainment Planning and Monitoring and Evaluation for Section 1206 and 1207 Assistance Programs
GAO-10-431,  April 15, 2010
Social Security Administration: Better Planning Needed to Improve Service Delivery
GAO-10-586T,  April 15, 2010
The Comptroller General, the head of the Government Accountability Office (GAO), issues decisions in various areas of federal law. These decisions are prepared by GAO's Office of General Counsel, and are identified by a numbering system beginning with B-(number); each decision carries its own B-number and date.

Latest Legal Decisions & Opinions

April 22, 2010

InnovaTech, Inc.
B-402415,  April 08, 2010

April 21, 2010

METAG Insaat Ticaret A.S.
B-401844,  December 04, 2009

April 20, 2010

Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration: Electronic Prescriptions for Controlled Substances
GAO-10-612R,  April 20, 2010

April 16, 2010

Keystone Sealift Services, Inc.
B-401526.3,  April 13, 2010
La Dolce Vida Catering
B-402421,  April 15, 2010

April 15, 2010

Department of Energy: Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Small Electric Motors
GAO-10-599R,  April 15, 2010
Federal Reserve System: Electronic Fund Transfers
GAO-10-600R,  April 15, 2010

April 14, 2010

GAO Bid Protest Overview
GAO-10-534SP,  December 01, 2009

April 09, 2010

DTV Transition Group, Inc.--Costs
B-401466.2,  April 07, 2010
Environmental Protection Agency: Regulation of Fuels and Fuel Additives: Changes to Renewable Fuel Standard Program
GAO-10-591R,  April 09, 2010
Presentations and Testimonies from Acting Comptroller General Gene L. Dodaro

Latest Comptroller General Presentations

April 15, 2010

Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Request: U.S. Government Accountability Office before the Senate Committee on Appropriations: Legislative Branch Subcommittee
GAO-10-574T,  April 15, 2010

April 14, 2010

U.S. Government Financial Statements: Fiscal Year 2009 Audit Highlights Financial Management Challenges and Unsustainable Long-Term Fiscal Path before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Government Management, Organization, and Procurement Subcommittee
GAO-10-483T,  April 14, 2010

March 25, 2010

Troubled Asset Relief Program: Home Affordable Modification Program Continues to Face Implementation Challenges before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
GAO-10-556T,  March 25, 2010

March 17, 2010

Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Request: U.S. Government Accountability Office before the House Committee on Appropriations: Legislative Branch Subcommittee
GAO-10-451T,  March 17, 2010

January 08, 2010

Maximizing DOD's Potential to Face New Fiscal Challenges and Strengthen Interagency Partnerships
National Defense University in Washington D.C.
GAO-10-359CG,  January 06, 2010

November 19, 2009

Recovery Act: Recipient Reported Jobs Data Provide Some Insight into Use of Recovery Act Funding, but Data Quality and Reporting Issues Need Attention before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
GAO-10-224T,  November 19, 2009

October 22, 2009

Maximizing DOD's Untapped Potential to Improve Business Performance
Department of Defense Performance Breakthrough Convention in Lansdowne, Virginia
GAO-10-184CG,  October 14, 2009

October 15, 2009

Troubled Asset Relief Program: GAO's Oversight Role
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in Arlington, VA,
GAO-10-150CG,  October 01, 2009

October 14, 2009

The Role of the U.S. Government Accountability Office
House Democracy Partnership, Members of Parliament from Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Mongolia
GAO-10-111CG,  October 02, 2009

September 24, 2009

Troubled Asset Relief Program: Status of Efforts to Address Transparency and Accountability Issues before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
GAO-09-1048T,  September 24, 2009

August 20, 2009

Ensuring Accountability In a Time of Financial and Fiscal Stress
National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers, and Treasurers
GAO-09-952CG,  August 17, 2009
Ensuring Accountability In a Time of Financial and Fiscal Stress
American Institute of CPAs in Washington, D.C.
GAO-09-930CG,  August 10, 2009

July 08, 2009

Fiscal Year 2008 U.S. Government Financial Statements: Federal Government Faces New and Continuing Financial Management and Fiscal Challenges before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Government Management, Organization, and Procurement Subcommittee
GAO-09-805T,  July 08, 2009
Recovery Act: States' and Localities' Current and Planned Uses of Funds While Facing Fiscal Stresses before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
GAO-09-831T,  July 08, 2009

June 24, 2009

Ensuring Accountability in a Time of Financial and Fiscal Stress
Association of Government Accountants' Professional Development Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana
GAO-09-847CG,  June 23, 2009

June 23, 2009

The Recovery Act and TARP: GAO's Oversight Role
NSACT'S NSAA Annual Conference in Savannah, Georgia
GAO-09-846CG,  June 17, 2009
Key Challenges Facing Government Managers
Interagency Resources Management conference in Cambridge, MD
GAO-09-609CG,  April 21, 2009

May 05, 2009

Recovery Act: GAO's Efforts to Work with the Accountability Community to Help Ensure Effective and Efficient Oversight before the House Committee on Science and Technology: Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee
GAO-09-672T,  May 05, 2009

April 28, 2009

Fiscal Year 2010 Budget Request: U.S. Government Accountability Office before the House Committee on Appropriations: Legislative Branch Subcommittee
GAO-09-587T,  April 28, 2009

April 23, 2009

Recovery Act: As Initial Implementation Unfolds in States and Localities, Continued Attention to Accountability Issues Is Essential before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
GAO-09-631T,  April 23, 2009

April 07, 2009

GAO: Promoting Accountability and Transparency in Government
Women's Philanthropy Board 7th Annual Spring Symposium at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama
GAO-09-572CG,  April 06, 2009
Key Fiscal Challenges Facing The Accountability Community
2009 AGA Southeast Region Professional Development Conference in Nashville, TN,
GAO-09-505CG,  April 02, 2009

April 06, 2009

GAO: Promoting Accountability and Transparency In Government
Lycoming College James Harding Executive Speaker in Williamsport, PA
GAO-09-441CG,  March 23, 2009

March 31, 2009

Troubled Asset Relief Program: Status of Efforts to Address Transparency and Accountability Issues before the Senate Committee on Finance
GAO-09-539T,  March 31, 2009

March 19, 2009

Troubled Asset Relief Program: Status of Efforts to Address Transparency and Accountability Issues before the House Committee on Ways and Means: Oversight Subcommittee
GAO-09-484T,  March 19, 2009