March 27, 2010

greetings from far west texas

I took this photo two nights ago. Route 90, looking East, about halfway between the small towns of Alpine and Marfa. That’s Cathedral Mountain there on the right, which is about 12 miles South of Alpine.

If you drive down this stretch of road after dark on a clear night, if you look to the South there’s a good chance you’ll see the Marfa Lights in the distance. I’ve seen them many times.

I came out here on vacation, thinking I’d stay two weeks. Two years later and I still haven’t left…

March 27, 2010

untitled 100327

March 26, 2010

fucked hippie

March 26, 2010

cube grenade case study: psfk

PSFK, one of my top favorite marketing blogs, is having a wee conference in April in New York.

So I designed this cube grenade for them, to go on posters and t-shirts etc.

Basically, I took their purple logo (which I’ve always loved) and applied my trademark all-over “doodle” style to it.

The word, “gather” is their idea, which you’ll see if you click on the conference link above.

Thanks to Piers Fawkes, the mastermind behind the PSFK empire, for the opportunity. I’m a huge fan.

[Commission your own Cube Grenade.]
[The Cube Grenade archive is here.]

March 25, 2010

pink 002

March 25, 2010

no point stressing out

March 25, 2010

brands don’t need ad agencies

So everyone and their mother in the business has forever been asking the question, “So what is the future of the ad agency?”

Clay Shirky wrote a damn good article about the future of newspapers. Substitute “Newspapers” with “Ad Agencies” and advertising grunts everywhere will have plenty food for thought…

“When reality is labeled unthinkable, it creates a kind of sickness in an industry.”

Clay makes the point that the world doesn’t need newspapers, it needs good journalism.

Similarly, you could argue that brands don’t need ad agencies per se. What they need are creative ways to make them more compelling to their target markets.

But which of the large agencies, with their hyper-entrenched business models and institutional shareholders, would ever dare mention that in a pitch?

March 25, 2010


[Inspiration: @avflox.]

March 25, 2010

the raven

March 25, 2010

cube grenade case study: polaris ventures

Polaris Ventures, the Boston and SF-based venture capital firm, asked me to design a poster for their annual Digital Summit, which they throw every winter in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

The premise is simple: Once a year they get their favorite people to Jackson Hole for a weekend of skiing, partying and talking about all things digital.

Thanks to Mike Hirshland for thinking of me for this project. It was a great little assignment. Rock on.

[Commission your own Cube Grenade. The Cube Grenade archive is here.]