

Dear Mayor of Monschau
dinsdag, 16 maart 2010

Dear Mayor Margareta Ritter (,

I have had the pleasure of visiting your exquisitely beautiful German town, the second member of my family to do so. The first was my dad, who, as a member of the 102nd Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron in Gen. Bradley's Army, had, with time out to recuperate from wounds incurred at the Battle of St Lo, fought across nothern Europe from D-Day plus 2 until reaching Monschau by the end of 1944.

Krauthammer on Wilders: Ignorant, Naive, and Wrong
dinsdag, 16 maart 2010

Geert Wilders, said Charles Krauthammer, is "extreme, radical, and wrong." In reality, Charles Krauthammer is ignorant, naive, and wrong.

From "Krauthammer's Take" at National Review, March 9:

"...What he says is extreme, radical, and wrong. He basically is arguing that Islam is the same as Islamism. Islamism is an ideology of a small minority which holds that the essence of Islam is jihad, conquest, forcing people into accepting a certain very narrow interpretation [of Islam]."

Rep. Ted Poe Speaks Out in Support of Geert Wilders
dinsdag, 16 maart 2010

The Hon. Ted Poe, Congressman from Texas (where else?), spoke out yesterday on the floor of the House of Representatives on behalf of Geert Wilders:

Thursday March 11, 2010

Mr. Speaker, freedom of speech continues to be shouted down by the politically correct police.

Finally, someone in the U.S. Congress speaks up for Wilders
dinsdag, 16 maart 2010

These are remarks given in the House of Represenatives yesterday by Rep. Ted Poe, Republican of Texas:
Mr. Speaker, freedom of speech continues to be shouted down by the politically correct police. In the Netherlands, it is against the law to say something that offends someone else's religion. That is why Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders is on trial for hurting people's feelings.

US Representative Poe on Dutch Parliamentarian Wilders
dinsdag, 16 maart 2010

Mr. Speaker, freedom of speech continues to be shouted down by the politically correct police. In the Netherlands, it is against the law to say something that offends someone else’s religion. That is why Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders is on trial for hurting people’s feelings.He made a movie about terrorists and radical Islamic clerics encouraging violence in the name hate. Now he is on trial for insulting Islam.

Is Geert Wilders the new William of Orange?
dinsdag, 09 maart 2010

The Kingdom of England is in a parlous state. Ruled by a rotten Scottish tyranny, the nation groans under the weight of oppressive, unconstitutional laws, the ruling elite is in the pay of its absolutist masters on the continent, and many Englishmen suspect their government is promoting an oppressive and reactionary religion against the will of the people.

Wilders to take council seat in the Hague
maandag, 08 maart 2010

Geert Wilders is to take a seat on the Hague city council after winning 13,000 preference votes in last week's local elections.

Press Conference - London 5th of March 2010
maandag, 08 maart 2010

Click here to watch the full press conference.

Geert Wilders On The BBC: Video And Pictures
maandag, 08 maart 2010

GEERT Wilders is making waves in more than his hair. The politician with designs on Hollywood was on the BBC saying that will will ban the Koran in Holland should he made the country’s Prime Minister.

If you want to make a book popular, then ban it. Maybe. Gerry Adam’s voice was once banned on the BBC. Did the ban make it grow louder? Geert wants to stop immigration from Mulsim countries. Geert-cha!

Wilders three seats ahead of rivals in Dutch poll
zondag, 07 maart 2010
The Freedom Party (PVV) of anti-immigrant leader Geert Wilders moved three seats ahead of its rivals in a new Dutch election poll on Sunday, as support for the Christian Democrats (CDA) of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende continued to slip.
Geert Wilders in London
zondag, 07 maart 2010


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