
Hamid Tehrani

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About Hamid Tehrani

1204 posts · joined 2006-11-22

I am a Europe based journalist,blogger and researcher.

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Latest posts by Hamid Tehrani


January 25th, 2010

Iran: Iranians commemorate Neda's birthday

Iranians inside and outside the country remembered Neda Soltan's birthday. Neda was shot dead by Basij militia on June 20, 2009, during a protest against the presidential election results that declared Mahmoud Ahmadinejad president. Her death was captured on video and uploaded to the Internet. She died with her eyes wide open, and her last moments transcended citizen media to mainstream media, reaching millions of people.

January 24th, 2010

Middle East & North Africa

Green Cyber Army says it is going to support Green Movement in the virtual world where Iranian government has launched its own cyber army. Iranian Cyber army recently hacked Twitter and Chinese Baidu but does not claim any direct link with Iranian government.

January 17th, 2010

Middle East & North Africa

Dosieh, an Iranian blogger, proposes [fa] that Iranian opposition starts to help Haiti's surviviors.

January 10th, 2010

Iran: Chinese cyberactivists support Iranians

Since the recent mass demonstration in Iran against the Islamic Regime, dozens of Chinese “netizens” have joined the #iranelection Twitter community, even going so far as to create their own web site.

December 27th, 2009

Iran: When Rage Overcomes FearPhotos postVideo post

Iranian protesters poured into Tehran and several major cities in defiance of the Iranian government on Sunday, as large crowds gathered for Ashura, a major religious observance.

December 26th, 2009

Middle East & North Africa

Here is a video showing protesters in Manzarieh and Nyavaran in Tehran chanting slogans against Islamic Regime on Saturday.