Using product graphics

Screenshots of Google products

You don't need our permission when you want to use an unaltered screenshot of our homepage ( or the search results page for instructional or illustrative purposes. This applies for print (book, magazine, journal, newspaper) or digital (web page, DVD, CD) formats. Please see below for exceptions to this rule for some of our other products.

When we say "unaltered", we mean no superimposed graphics, photos, or ad copy on the screenshot and no changes to the way our product looks. We also don't give permission for advertisers to use our Google search results page in connection with advertising products or services (for instance, showing a top ranking on Google).

We ask that you put the following tagline beneath any image featuring a Google product screenshot or data:

Acceptable Screenshot

Example of acceptable screenshot

Acceptable Screenshot

Example of acceptable screenshot

Unacceptable Screenshot

Example of an unacceptable screenshot

* Click on image to view larger image.

Search box

If you'd like to use a Google search box on your website, we offer several options. You don't need to obtain permission to use an unaltered Google-branded search box on your site. However, you cannot use a Google-branded search box in your marketing creative, so please do not plan on featuring one in your advertising or other marketing collateral without our permission.

Google Maps and Google Earth

For permission to use Google Maps and Google Earth, we've built a tool which will help you understand the requirements for different use cases. The tool will ask you up to four questions about the content you plan to use and how you will use it. It will then display the relevant usage requirements and guidelines.

Head over to the Google Maps and Google Earth permissions tool.

All other products

If you would like permission to use brand features for other Google products, please check out the product-specific guidelines below.

Still can't find what you're looking for? Read our FAQ or submit your request via our formal request form.