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How to get carbon-free power in Australia
COMMENT & ANALYSIS, 6 March 2010
When it comes to avoiding the most catastrophic impacts of global warming then whatever the financial cost, the price is still worth paying. But new research by Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE) shows Australia could meet 100% of its stationary energy needs from renewables in a decade and stimulate the economy at the same time. »

Human rights abuses: Bush’s policies continued
In the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre, Republican President George W. Bush launched illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush enacted “anti-terrorism” policies under which people could be labelled “terror suspects” without evidence and abducted, jailed and tortured in secret. »

‘It’s like working for rations all over again’
COMMENT & ANALYSIS, 6 March 2010
Changes to Aboriginal employment, infrastructure and welfare programs have stripped remote Aboriginal communities of resources and left many Aboriginal people, in effect, working for rations. »

Merak Tamils treated ‘like animals’
Manju, one of the 254 Tamil refugees aboard the Jaya Lestari in Merak, Indonesia, is due to have her baby on 5 April. »

Green Left fighting fund: A tale of two futures
GENERAL, 6 March 2010
The NSW government has just approved plans for two, 2000-megawatt power stations, one near Lithgow, the other in the Hunter Valley. If coal is chosen as the fuel source NSW’s greenhouse gas emissions will increase by 15.1%. If gas is chosen the increase will be 7.1%. It’s likely the government will go with coal. »

Workers paralyse Greece as MPs debate cuts
Greek workers shut down hospitals, schools and public transport again on March 5 in protest at the government's “socially unjust” spending cuts. »

Obama: promising peace, delivering war
OUR COMMON CAUSE, 6 March 2010
OUR COMMON CAUSE: United States President Barack Obama’s planned stopover in Australia on March 23 is scheduled to take place around the time of the seventh anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq on March 20. »

GLW spanish-language supplement: Foro Social Latinoamericano
GENERAL, 25 February 2010

Censored ex-CSIRO economist speaks out
COMMENT & ANALYSIS, 6 March 2010

Chile: Call for solidarity and support

From GLW paper edition #829 - 10 March 2010. Subscribe now.

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In This Issue:

read »International News

  • Chile: ‘People have a right to li...
  • Chile: Call for solidarity and supp...
  • Cuba: Obama continues Bush’s plan...
  • Haiti: Solidarity needed, not chari...
  • Honduras: ‘Almost the entire coun...
  • Honduras: Killings of activists gro...
  • Human rights abuses: Bush’s polic...
  • Iraq: Birth defects blamed on US
  • Italy: Mass rallies for immigrant r...
  • Left MPs expelled for anti-war prot...
  • Malaysia: Protests against health-c...
  • Merak Tamils treated ‘like animal...
  • Niger’s uranium coup
  • Portuguese workers join EU fight
  • Regional left call to protest Obama...
  • Thailand: Seize all ill-gotten gain...
  • Workers paralyse Greece as MPs deba...
  • read »Comment & Analysis

  • Australian economy: bright future?
  • ‘It’s like working for rations ...
  • Big handouts for media fat cats
  • Censored ex-CSIRO economist speaks ...
  • Five questions about a carbon tax
  • How to get carbon-free power in Aus...
  • Marx and ecology: a vision for savi...
  • The climate movement in 2010
  • What’s wrong with the national cu...
  • Letters: Write on
  • Resistance!: Who was the rea...
  • Our Common Cause: Obama: pro...
  • read »General

  • GLW spanish-language suppl...
  • Green Left fighting fund: ...
  • We kid you not
  • read »Australian News

  • Australian Jews reject ‘right of ...
  • ‘No clean feed’ rallies to defe...
  • Challenging racism, building solida...
  • Detention centre puts on a show for...
  • Flags fly for Western Sahara
  • Hospital reform promising, primary ...
  • On the communist campaign trail in ...
  • Socialist Alliance holds state conf...
  • Socialist candidate: ‘People powe...
  • WA: rally for secure jobs and publi...
  • Water activists grill election hope...
  • Brief: IWD rallies: ‘Defen...
  • read »Cultural Dissent

  • Review: Spencer Tunik and th...
  • Review: Time to fire up
  • Dedicated to my brother
  • Whose Mardi Gras?

  • LinksLinks Resistance - Australia Support Green Left Venezuela Solidarity Socialist Alliance Action in Solidarity with Asia and the Pacific Resistance books Activist calendar