1 Dec 2010
Voters receive their registration cards in Wulu in Lakes State.[©Tim McKulka/UNMIS]
The European Union and African states urged Sudan's government on Tuesday to accept the results of next year's referendum on whether the oil-producing south of the country should secede.
Foreigners doing business in South Sudan have been urged to remain calm as the January referendum approaches.
EES Referendum High Committee’s Training Focal Person Anisia Karlo Achieng.[©Gurtong]
With just a week to the conclusion of the referendum voter registration exercise, centres in Eastern Equatoria State have continued to register many female voters.
The South Sudan Referendum Commission has released provisional voter registration figures for Yei River County in Central Equatoria State.
Police officers on patrol in Lakes State.[©Gurtong]
As part of security preparations for the January referendum vote, new police officers have graduated in Lakes State.


 Sudan Referendum Highlights





Gurtong Radio

Views and Stand of the Youth in the Coming Sudan Referendum

Youth across Southern Sudan and those in Eastern Africa have taken strong lead to mobilize and sensitize the people of Southern Sudan to vote for secession in the up coming referendum.
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