By Yossi Melman : Dennis Ross vs. Obama: No link between Iran, Mideast peace
Title:Melman Slanders Ross`s Critics
Name:Aaron Miller
City: ChicagoState: IL USA
Mr. Ross is not being criticized by anybody because he is an "observant Jew." This is the kind of slander we`re used to hearing from Abe Foxman. Mr. Melman should apologize to Ross`s critics.

Yes, Ross is controversial because he is an extreme supporter of Israel and nothing he`s involved in can be considered even-handed or "honest brokering."

Ross is discredited with breaking up talks with Syria in Geneva before the Clinton Camp David talks. Ross sent word through Prince Bandar to Assad suggesting Israel would give back the entire Golan, but when Assad arrived in Geneva, Ross told him it was not true, so Assad packed his bags and went home. Ross tries just a bit too hard to be tricky. Israel should not be happy that he`s where he is, and no good will come of anything he does.