By Yossi Melman : Dennis Ross vs. Obama: No link between Iran, Mideast peace
Title:Johnboy - Out of his gord
City: USAState:
?Dennis Ross has a long history? Indeed he does.

A distinguished career? Oh, I`d disagree with that.?

BJ: You can disagree all you like, that still doesn?t alter the fact that he has a long career, holding high level positions?His CV says it, and we can both say it?s a lot more comprehensive than yours--

?But regardless, both observations are irrelevant.?

BJ- They?re only irrelevant because you chose to make them so, in fact they?re quite relevant, he has the career and history, something which you don?t--

?Q: What is Ross` position in *this* US Administration?
A: It is far more lowly than a person of his "long and distinguished career" would expect.?

BJ- That?s your personal determination, facts were and are, he holds a higher position that you do behind your keyboard, pretending that you?re in Australia?We went through that before, remember the spelling incident?

Ross spends his day sitting at a desk, waiting for Hillary to ring him up.

BJ- Gee, I didn?t know that you had a security pass to enter the Dept. of State allowing you to view how their people are working?Hillary also sits and awaits instruction from higher up?

Ross was active in Federal Government years before Hillary showed up and tried to force her Medical Plan down our throats, which the people rejected--

?That`s it. Nothing more.

His "opinion" counts only when
(a) Hillary asks for it and
(b) Hillary accepts it.?

BJ- Hillary?s opinion counts only when Obama asks for it and accepts, she also follows orders, waiting for her next chance to try and get the top spot--

His position is a "make-work" job created just for him, and it exists purely because this Administration promised AIPAC that "one of theirs" could have a job in this Administration.

BJ-Ross holds his position because of his experience, you have yours because someone gave you a keyboard

?You can keep pretending otherwise, BEN.
You`d be wrong, BEN.?

BJ ? You can stop pretending you know what?s going on, never having been to Washington or to the Middle East for that matter