Welcome to The Henry Jackson Society's Website

The Henry Jackson Society: Project for Democratic Geopolitics is a cross-partisan, British-based think-tank. Our founders and supporters are united by a common interest in fostering a strong British and European commitment towards freedom, liberty, constitutional democracy, human rights, governmental and institutional reform and a robust foreign, security and defence policy and transatlantic alliance.

HJS Blog - The Scoop

HJS Blog - The Scoop

HJS Blog - The Scoop

The Henry Jackson Society has launched a blog on foreign policy and international relations issues. Click to view.

Background Briefing

HJS Background Briefing: Al-Qaeda and Radical Islam

HJS Background Briefing: Al-Qaeda and Radical Islam

Economic realities and socio-political solutions

Featured Article

Echoes of a Genocide: The Turkish prime minister's anti-Armenian outburst

Echoes of a Genocide: The Turkish prime minister's anti-Armenian outburst

The West needs to consider carefully its response to the Turkish government's degeneration

Featured Article

A Very Different Engagement with Iran

A Very Different Engagement with Iran

An unorthodox solution to the Iranian conundrum by the Obama administration may yet deliver the results we are told that only unpoven alternatives can bring

Featured Article

NATO and Bosnia-Herzegovina: A Test of Multilateral Diplomacy

NATO and Bosnia-Herzegovina: A Test of Multilateral Diplomacy

NATO's rejection of Bosnia-Herzegovina's application for the Membership Action Plan has only encouraged disintegrative forces in the country

Featured Article

What lies behind the arrest of Ejup Ganic ?

What lies behind the arrest of Ejup Ganic ?

The London arrest of a Bosnian wartime leader heralds a new phase in Serbia’s unrelenting aggression against Bosnia-Herzegovina, in which the British authorities have now made themselves unwitting pawns

Featured Article

The Falklands Test

The Falklands Test

The dispute over the Falkland Islands has been reignited by Argentina as a British company has begun drilling for oil. Despite the wish of the Falkland Islanders to remain British, Latin America and the United States have taken Argentina's side, leaving Britain to defend democracy alone.

Featured Article

Shifting Relations Between China and the US

Shifting Relations Between China and the US

Looks at the changing relationship between China and the United States.

Featured Article

Too Little, Too Late?

Too Little, Too Late?

While the announcement of the US troop surge in Afghanistan was highly welcome, the delays beforehand and the setting of a date for withdrawal have threatened to undermine it. Yet there are still reasons for optimism in Afghanistan, one of which is the initial progress of Operation Moshtarak.

Featured Article

Iran's outreach to Latin America

Iran's outreach to Latin America

At a time of growing pressure at home and abroad, the Iranian regime is seeking to build alliances in Latin America, moving beyond countries like Venezuela and increasing cooperation with Brazil, the region's leading power.

"If you believe in the cause of freedom,
then proclaim it, live it and protect it,
for humanity’s future depends on it."


Henry M. ‘Scoop’ Jackson (31st May 1912 - 1st September 1983)

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