Suspicious Package (TM) Boxer Shorts Now Available!

We live in dangerous times, folks. Nothing can be trusted. Everyone and everything is under suspicion.

Whether in the airport or at the post office, we’re always on the lookout for Suspicious Packages. However, in our hurried search of the public sphere, we’ve overlooked an important point of entry. The private sphere. The bedroom.

That’s right. The bedroom.

And at HijabMan® we are concerned about our nation’s security, and will fight the war on terror. It is our mission to identify all suspicious packages.

Without further ado, HijabMan® presents Suspicious Package TM Boxer shorts! Available now in black or gray. Order before the 9th and get them in time for Valentine’s Day!

Also available in a two pack: One Gray/One Black.

Order your Suspicious Package TM Boxers now!

Suspicious Package TM Is Pending Registered TradeMark.

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HijabMan Becomes A Wedding Photographer

There is this switch in my head or in my body. Or maybe it is somewhere else inside of me. There are two settings on this little switch.

One makes me think in sets of images, and the other makes me think in sets of words. Lately, the switch has flipped, and I’ve become a man of images.

In a few short weeks, I have become a paid, successful, wedding photographer. Rave reviews abound. “HijabMan, you are phenomenal, and my family loves you,” txted Sarah this past weekend after I photographed her wedding in Houston. A couple weeks ago, Nermeen, at the last brunch before her honeymoon commented, “HijabMan, I feel like you are part of my family”

Two searches have dominated the last decade of my life. One is about finding a cool, believing, laid back community that is full of dancing, smiles, and the shared sense that spirituality and social justice go hand in hand. I’ve found this community on-line and in person, spread throughout the world. And I have come to terms with the fact that this community may never be in close proximity to me.

The other is about asking the questions, “What are my God-given talents?”, “What am I independently motivated to do?” and “How do I tap those gifts for their full potential?” I’ve found that photography is something I love, and something I excel at.

The framework for this idea that you can do what you love, benefit humanity, and serve God comes from many of my friends. And even some strangers, like Eduardo: (This is a must watch)

I just hope I can realize my potential fully, just as Eduardo has. He ignores the “noise” around him, and instead listens to the only voice that matters.

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Looking For A Roommate in Ardmore, PA Or Thereabouts.

Hows that for a long shot? Hahaha

Since I just sent a little message off to the UPENN MSA listserv, I figure I’ll post it here too.

I’m a 26 year old male looking to share a 2 bedroom apartment somewhere in the northwestern suburbs of Philadelphia. Ardmore, Wynnewood, Bala Cynwyd, Narberth, etc.. I’m fairly quiet, respectful, and don’t smoke. On occasion, I like having a chai party :) I don’t care whether you are male or female, as long as you are fairly clean, responsible, and like chai

If you are looking to share a 2 bedroom for around 1100-1300 dollars/month, and want to live in the cute towns outside of the city, please let me know.


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Keith Olbermann On Prop 8

“You don’t have to help it, you don’t have to applaud it, you don’t have to fight for it. Just don’t put it out. Just don’t extinguish it”

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Three Beautiful Things: Saksy In The Whole Galaksy

The last two weekends I’ve been out of town. The weekend of the 11th was Chicago for a wedding. The weekend of the 18th, I drove about five hours to Newport News, Virginia.

I’m not exactly sure how or what got me there, other than the fact that I felt like driving. A couple weeks ago, I wrote about how, in order to get motivated to clean, I invite someone over— just so that I have a limited amount of time to clean. All of my cleaning is best done under pressure. My travels are a similar story.

A couple days before I left for Virginia, I had no idea where I wanted to go— just that I wanted to drive. Within a day or so I had whittled down my list and decided on Virginia. I told a friend of mine I’d stop by and say hello.

Of course, the day I was supposed to leave, the reality of a 5-hour drive starting in rush hour traffic wasn’t the most appealing of ideas. But at that point, I couldn’t just flake out on her, could I?

So I drove, I drove through the mix of second-thoughts, the sheer bursts of joy, and the silent contemplation. Here are three beautiful things about traveling.

1. Flying. As much as everyone complains about flights these days, and as much as airlines are becoming increasingly stingy, inefficient, and just plain blech, I still find myself feeling incredibly sexy when boarding a plane. It’s the kind of sexy feeling where you feel like dressing up in a blazer even though the feeling sexy part is internal. Now now, don’t get me wrong, it’s not the sensual-sexy.

It’s that sexy where you feel saksy in the whole galaksy. An extra bounce in your rush to the gate. In that rush, your light, Fall jacket flowing behind you. Your lips are parted in a smile. Your pearly whites show to the mass of grumpy passengers who stare curiously at you, a small, hairy, Jewish-looking man strutting towards them. You know?

2. Brunch in cute restaurants and cafes.

2a. At Egg’lectic Cafe in Wheaton, IL, I had some eggs over crab cakes and english muffins with hollandaise sauce.

2b. Brie-stuffed French Toast at Aroma’s in Newport News.

3. Photographing Weddings. I love taking pictures, and weddings allow me a safe space in which to take as many pictures as I want. I find so much peace in observing peoples’ faces. Are you interested in a ridiculously cheap wedding photographer that is also pretty good? Use me as a second-shooter. I’ll work for transportation to and from the wedding and 200 bucks. It’ll be fun for me, and you’ll get some extra bucks. A testimonial and some examples of my work will be up shortly!

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Welcome! This site serves two main purposes: to entertain and educate the Believing and curious community, and to generate a bit of cash—God willing. But there’s a lot more about HijabMan.

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