Week of April 19, 2010

Up Front

History Buzz
Bonnie K. Goodman

Political Highlights
Bonnie K. Goodman

HNN Hot Topic: Confederate History Month

HNN Hot Topic: Katyn Tragedy

HNN Hot Topic: Supreme Court Nominations

HNN Special: Confederate History Month

America's Complete History Includes Slaves
Pearl Duncan

How McDonnell's Remarks Could Jeopardize Southern Tourism
Ethan J. Kytle and Blain Roberts

Civility in Modern America Isn't as Bad as Before the Civil War
Williamjames Hull Hoffer

News at Home

Obama’s Nuclear Initiatives Are Neither “Sufficient” Nor “Bold”
Shane J. Maddock

News Abroad

Female Suicide Bombers are Nothing New
Thomas R. Mockaitis

America and the Dictators, From Ngo Dinh Diem to Hamid Karzai
Alfred W. McCoy

Zuhdi Jasser, M.D.: Islam’s Luther—or its Don Quixote?
Timothy R. Furnish

What We Choose to Remember: Jerusalem in World History
Judith Mendelsohn Rood

Historians & History

Barack Obama's Legal Predecessor? Charles Hamilton Houston
Rawn James, Jr.

Learning Nuclear Policy from an Iowa Farmer
Lee Winningham

Culture Watch

Rummaging in “The Hurt Locker” for a Moral Equivalent of War
James Livingston

100 Years of a Presidential Baseball Tradition
Adam Burns


Review of Randi Hutter Epstein's Get Me Out: A History of Childbirth from the Garden of Eden to the Sperm Bank
Jim Cullen

Review of Sharon Davies's Rising Road: A True Tale of Love, Raced, and Religion in America
Jim Cullen

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Week of April 12, 2010

Up Front

History Buzz
Bonnie K. Goodman

Political Highlights
Bonnie K. Goodman

HNN Hot Topic: Katyn Tragedy

HNN Hot Topic: Supreme Court Nominations

HNN Hot Topic: Confederate History Month

Past AHA & OAH Annual Meetings

HNN's Coverage of the OAH

Highlights from the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians in Washington D.C.
David Walsh and Dave Lieberson

HNN Videos

News at Home

Wikipedia—The Dumbing Down of World Knowledge
Edwin Black

New York City's Latest Taxi Scam
Graham Russell Gao Hodges

Exit Gen. Grant - Enter St. Ronald?
Steven Conn

Channelling George Washington: The Learning Curve
Thomas Fleming

News Abroad

Oh, Canada: Why Anti-Zionism Festers in a Country Otherwise Known for its Friendliness
Gil Troy

Is START Really a Beginning?
Lawrence S. Wittner

Haiti's Revolution Fueled the Rise of Big Sugar in Cuba and Louisiana
Elizabeth Abbott

Opium, the CIA and the Karzai Administration
Peter Dale Scott

The Decentralization of Morocco's Monarchy
Yossef Ben-Meir

Historans & History

Staughton Lynd: A Historian with a Place in History
Carl Mirra

Republican, Democrat, or Independent: Which Choice for Me?
Vaughn Davis Bornet


Review of Alan Brinkley's Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Larry DeWitt

Review of Mary Karr's Lit: A Memoir
Jim Cullen

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