Hoover Institution at Stanford University Hoover Institution Stanford University


Herbert Hoover
This bust of Herbert Hoover, completed by the American sculptor Haig Patigian in 1928, is displayed in the main lobby of the Hoover Tower, home to the Hoover Library.

In 1919, the Hoover Library and Archives began collecting firsthand accounts of historical events and political transformations. Today the library contains about 750,000 such publications, and the archives, more than 5,600 collections, including 100,000 political posters, 100,000 audiotapes, 10,000 videotapes, and 5,000 movie reels, filling twenty-five miles of shelving. Each year more than 3,000 researchers and visitors from all over the world, as well as from nearly every state in the country, visit the library and archives to use or discover materials on political, economic, and social change in modern times.

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History of the Library and Archives
Learn about our collecting activities in the wake of World War I through World War II and the cold war to the present day.

Access overviews of collections by geographic region, as well as by descriptions of broadcasts, Judaica, pamphlets, and poster collections.

Check out current, future, and former exhibits at the Hoover Memorial Exhibit Pavilion and Hoover Tower.

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Search long descriptions available for most of the larger archival collections via the OAC.