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HotelClub travel blog

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Five Streets You Have to See in San Francisco

Thu, 11 Mar 2010 12:17:13
There are many things that made San Francisco famous: its unique landmarks, its friendly inhabitants, the songs about the city and the picturesque cable cars. But there is one aspect that tourists seem to ignore: its exclusive streets. Here are five of the most famous streets in this amazing city....

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The Whitehall Hotel Chicago

by Alan Gray on Mar 06, 2010
Very convenient but if we had know that the floor we were on was under renovation we would have gone to a different floor. The reception was poor, the receptionist was talking on a two way radio while attending to us. They seemed to be understaffed as there was no consierge to help with ideas of what to do in Chicago. If we had a choice again, we would have chosen a newer hotel.

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