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America, the Kid With No Lunch Money

07. 2.2013
Throughout the history of our (formerly?) great country, we have taken pride in assisting other burgeoning democracies throughout the world....

Tunis Hints of Backpedaling on Syria

Tunisia's own transition has been rockier than its quick disappearance from our media radar screen might lead us to think, and Tunisians'...

Egypt After June 30th

What we do know is that when the dust settles Egypt will still be divided, will still be facing enormous economic challenges, and will...

Top US Public Diplomacy Official Seeks to Explain 'Return on Investment' (VIDEO)

The State Department needs to "do a better job" of explaining to Americans what it does overseas, as well as the "return on investment"...

Growing Pains in Emerging States: What to Make of Mass Demonstrations in Turkey and Brazil?

While unrest continues in Turkey, new demonstrations exceeding one million are sweeping Brazil. This moment compels us to reassess existing...

Just Like Sisyphus, Greeks Are Forever Pushing That Boulder Up the Hill

Austerity is not a cure to the solvency crisis. It cannot and should not be considered a sustainable way out. What Greece and the rest...

Iran's Newly Elected President and His First Term's Significant Domestic and Foreign Policies

Based on the ideological, career, personal, and political characteristics of Hassan Rouhani, his position towards Tehran's nuclear enrichment...

Should Lex Americana Be Universal? FATCA Turns Foreign Banks Into Tax Informants

Could our U.S. lawmakers have acted as an apprentice sorcerer? Might it have opened the Pandora box? The next few months will certainly...

Protecting and Promoting Innovation

The United States is still an enormous generator of innovation, from which other nations have long benefitted. But we now also have the...

Kerry's Deputy Sees 'Reduced Accountability' of Career Employees (VIDEO)

The recent problems with accountability and responsibility at the State Department are rooted in an "inflation" of high-level political...

Lessons From Turkey: Dangers of Market Fetishism

The protests represent the tipping point of the frustrations of the informed public with a government that has treated forests and historical...

All We Are Saying Is Give Greece a Chance

Nothing the Greek people have done merits the ongoing and systemic destruction of their lives and livelihood. The Troika's program is not...
Facing Tomorrow

Facing Tomorrow

We don't have enemies. There is no country, no religion, which we consider an enemy. Our only enemies are those who reject peace, sow division,...
Stand With Malala for Education for All

Stand With Malala for Education for All

Malala Yousafzai -- the 15-year-old Pakistani girl militants tried to assassinate -- is the first signatory of a new worldwide petition...