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A Link Between Insomnia And PTSD?

A Link Between Insomnia And PTSD?

Soldiers with a history of trouble sleeping may have a higher risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder, a new study suggests. Researchers...
All Your Sleep Problems, Solved

All Your Sleep Problems, Solved

By Aviva Patz In theory, getting a good night's sleep is simple: Go to bed and wake up at the same times every day, exercise regularly,...

Sleep During Divorce in 3 Peaceful Steps

Sleep is one of our most precious resources, yet a good night's sleep can be hard to come by during divorce.
Anxious? Why You Need Sleep

Anxious? Why You Need Sleep

If you've ever noticed yourself feeling more anxious and flustered than usual after a night of bad sleep, you're not just imagining it...
Do You Cheat Your Kids Out Of Summer Sleep?

Do You Cheat Your Kids Out Of Summer Sleep?

KJ DELL'ANTONIA  06.26.2013
What does sleep do for us? Get enough (as few Americans do) and your odds of living a longer and more healthy life go up. Poor sleep is...
Sleepy Teens Tend To Choose Unhealthy Food

Sleepy Teens Tend To Choose Unhealthy Food

Making sure your teen gets enough sleep could make the difference in whether he or she chooses the salad over pizza at lunch. Research...

Surgery Options Exist to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea

To answer the question if surgery really works for sleep apnea, we can say that if the goal is to decrease the cardiovascular risk, and...
Sleep Your Way To Better Skin

Sleep Your Way To Better Skin

Dana Oliver  06.25.2013
With our super hectic lifestyles, the concept of beauty sleep seems like something only a Disney princess could pull off. But we always...
Sleep Deprivation In Hospitals Is A Real Problem

Sleep Deprivation In Hospitals Is A Real Problem

The importance of sleep is perhaps most realized when we become sick. When we are hospitalized and most in need of every ounce of health,...
A Poor Night's Sleep May Be In Your Genes

A Poor Night's Sleep May Be In Your Genes

By Amir Khan A lack of sleep can contribute to a host of negative health effects, and researchers say they now understand why. Working...
Steps For More, And Better, Sleep

Steps For More, And Better, Sleep

I regret that for most of my adult life, I treated sleep as more a luxury than a necessity. There was always something more to do before...
4 Of The Strangest Sleep Disorders Ever

4 Of The Strangest Sleep Disorders Ever

Turns out, sleep isn't defined by the binary way we describe it: You aren't simply awake or asleep. Instead, there are other states of...
A Breakthrough In Understanding Restless Legs Syndrome?

A Breakthrough In Understanding Restless Legs Syndrome?

For a condition that has often confounded experts, and caused such discomfort, disruption, and sleeplessness to so many patients, this...
The Hardest Night To Fall Asleep Is...

The Hardest Night To Fall Asleep Is...

When Monday morning rolls around are you ready to hit the ground running or would you rather turn over in bed and fall back asleep? Yep,...