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For the sixth year in a row, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions is offering a summer work camp intended to foster learning, discussion, and friendship between Palestinians, Israelis and internationals.

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 Latest News  
Israel delaying East Jerusalem demolitions to calm U.S. ire
March 18, 2010
The Jerusalem municipality has refrained from demolishing homes in East Jerusalem for the past five months, in a move widely seen as an effort to ease tensions with the United States and assuage f . . .
Sheikh Jarrah families in court this week
March 8, 2010
Icahd staff
There will be two hearings at the Jerusalem Magistrates Court for the Al-Kurd and Jaouni families this Thursday 11 March 2010 from 11.30am.

Al-Kurd case and Jaouni case
The cases are . . .
June 3, 2010
Stay up-to-date with ICAHD's fantastic and intriguing weekly Radio Show broadcasted on the AllForPeace Radio.

Please click on the links below for more information and to listen to the lat . . .
Jeff Halper - UK Speaking Tour - 15 - 21 March
February 3, 2010
Ghada Karmi and Jeff Halper, two leading lights of the struggle to create the just conditions on the ground in Palestine-Israel which are prerequisite to sustainable peace and reconciliation in th . . .
Jeff Halper's Winter 2010 Speaking Tour
February 18, 2010
ICAHD Founder Jeff Halper will be speaking across the western United States between February 18 and March 8, 2010. Keep an eye on the ICAHD website for more information on these and other event da . . .
ABDALLAH ABU RAHMAH (from Bil’in) writes from his Israeli prison cell
February 21, 2010
This letter was given by Abdallah Abu Rahmah to his lawyers. 19 February 2010

Dear Friends and Supporters,

It has been two months now since I was handcuffed, blindfolded and tak . . .
February 10, 2010
The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) was one of the first Israeli organizations to endorse a boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign, issuing its to the international c . . .
Israeli Apartheid Video Contest
January 27, 2010
Put your ideas and convictions on film! in partnership with Stop the Wall announce the first international Israeli Apartheid Video Contest

As part of the colonial co . . .
Icahd speaking tour across Germany starting this Sunday, January 24
January 21, 2010
Das Israelische Komitee gegen Hauszerstörungen (ICAHD) ist eine friedenspolitische Organisation, die sich aktiv für das Ende der israelischen Besatzung in den palästinensischen Gebi . . .
House Demolition in Jaffa
January 18, 2010

The Municipality of Tel Aviv, accompanied by heavily armed private security forces and police, demolished the Dakkeh family home yesterday in South East Jaffa.

Police arrived at 8am . . .
ICAHD kicks off a new radio show
January 13, 2010
ICAHD has a new radio show on all for peace radio.

The show, Jerusalem syndrome, will deal with political issues in Jerusalem from different aspects.

To listen to the show in He . . .
Green Zone
December 17, 2009
The Israeli Committee against House Demolitions releases three Youtube clips explaining the policy of house demolitions in East Jerusalem.

Green Zone - is a 20 minute long documentary, ex . . .
Salim Shawamreh and the Issue of Innocence
November 22, 2009
Meir Margalit
The Supreme Court ruling that left intact the order to demolish Salim Shawamreh’s house in Anata is based on several legal grounds, of which the most central is the argument of “lack of good faith . . .
ICAHD Joins the Human Rights March
December 3, 2009
ICAHD will join the first ever Human Rights March in Israel on Friday 11/12.
The march will start at Rabin Sq., Tel Aviv, at 11 AM on Friday 11/12.

We invite anyone and everyone who c . . .
Another eviction in Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem
November 3, 2009
Rioting settlers forced a Palestinian family from the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah out of their home on Tuesday, after the district court denied the residents' appeal to remain on . . .
Three house demolitions in East Jerusalem
November 11, 2009
This morning the Jerusalem municipality demolished three more houses in the Palestinian neighborhoods of Abu Tor and Beit Hanina and 40 people were displaced.

One of the houses in Abu-To . . .
A Demolition in Wadi Ara
November 1, 2009
Ynet News

Sharon Roffe – Ofir

Published: 11.01.09, 13:12 / Israel News

Clashes broke out Sunday morning in the village of Musmus in the Wadi Ara region between resident . . .
Municipality of Jerusalem destroys tent of Al-Ghawe family
October 28, 2009
Today, Wednesday, 28th of October the Israeli forces proceeded with new aggressions against the Al-Ghawe family in the Palestinian neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarra. After last week's series of attack . . .
Another series of mass demolitions: 5 demolitions in one day, 26 people displaced
October 27, 2009
Today the Municipality of Jerusalem ordered the demolition of five Palestinian houses in East Jerusalem, thereby displacing 26 people, including 10 children. Three demolitions were carried out by . . .
Norway divests from Israel defense firm over ties to West Bank fence
September 3, 2009
Amira Hass
The Norwegian government has decided to pull all of its investments from Israeli arms firm Elbit as a result of it involvement in the construction of the West Bank separation fence, the Norwegian . . .
ICAHD Building Camp 2009: Day 9
August 16, 2009
ICAHD Volunteer
After the excitement of the South Hebron Hills, it was nice to return to Beit Arabiya and both of our worksites in Anata. We began the day with a lecture on the economy of the occupation from Shi . . .
House demolished in Jerusalem's Old City
April 6, 2009
The Municipality of Jerusalem this morning demolished the house of Imran and Sirat Fakhuri inside Jerusalem's Old City, committing yet another war crime. The house was located in Burja Laq Laq, ne . . .
Israeli forces have evicted the Hanoun and al-Ghawe families from their Sheikh Jarrah homes.
February 8, 2009
2 August 2009: Israeli forces have evicted the Hanoun and al-Ghawe
families from their Sheikh Jarrah homes.

At around 5:30 in the morning, Israeli police arrived at the Hannoun
Save Beit Arabiya!
June 17, 2009
Urgent action required: The Israeli Supreme Court has just ruled that the home of Salim and Arabiya Shawamreh in Anata, which has already been demolished by the Israeli authorities four times, can . . .

ICAHD is a non-violent, direct-action group originally established to oppose and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian homes in the Occupied Territories.                             





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