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   27 March 2010

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About the courtrooms and broadcasting of proceedings
  • The Tribunal indicted a total of 161 persons
  • Proceedings have been concluded against 121 persons
  • Proceedings are ongoing for 40 accused
  • Two accused still at large: Ratko Mladić and Goran Hadžić
> News Archive
Weekly Press Briefing
24 March 2010
On Friday, the Security Council adopted a resolution allowing the total number of ad litem judges to temporarily exceed the maximum of 12, as allowed under Article 12 of the Tribunal’s Statute, to a maximum of 13. This is to enable Judges Prost and Stole to...
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Tabaković Pleads Guilty, Sentenced to Three Months’ Imprisonment
15 March 2010
Zuhdija Tabaković today pleaded guilty to three of the six counts of contempt which he had been charged with after he agreed to provide a false statement at the trial of Milan and Sredoje Lukić. Trial Chamber II accepted the Plea Agreement reached between…
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Conference on Tribunal’s Legacy Opens in The Hague
23 February 2010
The Tribunal’s conference “Assessing the legacy of the ICTY” opened today in The Hague with over 350 participants. “We convened this Conference in order to consult with you on the Tribunal’s legacy and to take...
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Vojislav Šešelj Charged with Contempt of Court
5 February 2010
Vojislav Šešelj, the leader of the Serb Radical Party currently standing trial at the Tribunal for alleged war crimes committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia between 1991 and 1994, has been charged with contempt of court. Yesterday, Trial Chamber II
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UN Under-Secretary General for Legal Affairs Visits the Tribunal
25 January 2010
Patricia O’Brien, the Under-Secretary General for Legal Affairs of the United Nations, is visiting the Tribunal from 25 to 27 January. During the visit she will meet with senior officials of the ICTY to discuss the Tribunal’s mandate and its completion strategy
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Outreach Programme Brings Tribunal Closer to Kosovo Students
5 January 2010
The Tribunal’s Outreach Programme visited 14 high schools across Kosovo in the last four months of 2009, successfully completing the second stage of its project aiming to bring the work of the ICTY closer to local communities. Between September and ...
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Interactive Map
Click on the map of the former Yugoslavia to view regions where crimes were investigated by the Tribunal
Online database of case documents
Public Addresses by the ICTY's Principals
The Tribunal and communities in Bosnia
Some of their stories and testimonies at the Tribunal
Facing justice: Ratko Mladić and Goran Hadžić