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image011.gif (178 bytes)  Wednesday, March 17, 2010
1. Excerpts: Saudi re China/Iran. China nixes sanctions re Iran. Al Qaeda in Aceh,Indonesia. Demand Lebanon's President Suleiman resign 17 March 2010
2. MEMRI Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV Children's Puppet Show: 'We Must Rise Against the Zionist Criminals, the Enemies of Allah, and Liberate Jerusalem and All the Holy Places'
3. [Hell froze over?] Text: Haaretz correspondents warn Obama its counterproductive to attack Netanyahu
4. PMW Bulletin: Fatah proud of women fighters, Martyrs, and Virgin Mary
5. [Says he can't think out of the box] Remarks from President Peres on Jerusalem and US-Israel Relationship
6. Statement from Prime Minister Netanyahu's Bureau on the Resumption of the Diplomatic Process
image011.gif (178 bytes)  Tuesday, March 16, 2010
1. Rina Matzliach: Netanyahu genuinely believes his actions best serving Israel's interests
2. Lavrov: No talks on Iran's nuclear issue in the UN Security Council
3. Secretary of State Clinton: have hoops for Netanyahu to jump through
4. White House Briefing: commitment to Israel's security is unchanged
5. [Typo corrected 1949]Ramat Shlomo in No man's Land - Not Eastern Jerusalem
6. Pollard Hagadah Update
7. MEMRI: Editor of Qatari Daily: The PA Is Robbing and Conspiring against Its Own People
8. Excerpts: Timing of UN sanctions on Iran. Iranian temporary 'mercy'. Egypt restored synagogue ceremony cancelled. Hizbulla/Syrian relationship. Saudi imports medical staff from Pakistan. Saudi's Prince Naif: no aim to bolster security of political regimes
9. [Typo corrected]Ramat Shlomo in No man's Land - Not Eastern
10. Poll 66.7% of Israeli Jews careful to eat only Kosher for Passsover
11. Ramat Shlomo in No man's Land - Not Eastern Jerusalem
12. MEMRI: Children's Cartoon on Hamas ' Al-Aqsa TV Incites to Hatred
13. Update: Weekly Summary of Humanitarian Aid Transferred into the Gaza Strip
14. PMW Bulletin: PA TV kids show wipes Israel off the map
15. Palestinian human rights NGO: war crime to rebuild synagogue destroyed by Jordan in Jerusalem
16. [Classic Peres] As friends of Israel circle wagons for Netanyahu and Jerusalem, President Peres appears to push for Netanyahu to fold?
17. Text: PM Netanyahu to Knesset: No restriction on construction in Jerusalem
image011.gif (178 bytes)  Monday, March 15, 2010
1. US criticism of Israel ignites firestorm
2. Background: How Obama team attacks liberated Netanyahu
3. State Department: US does not object to Israel rededicating Hurva Synagogue
4. Qrei'a: Intifada will come if Israeli policy persists - dangerous for Israel to rebuild synagogue detroyed by Jordan
5. Fatah holds ceremony naming square after terrorist
6. AIPAC Calls Recent Statements By The U.S. Government 'A Matter Of Serious Concern'
7. Official: Iran Ready to Mediate between Fatah, Hamas
8. Iran to Send Heavier Satellites to Higher Orbits in 2 Years
9. The Israel Project Poll of American Voters - support for Israel 57%:7%
10. Brazil has given final approval for a free trade agreement with Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay)
11. Netanyahu decides not to fold to U.S. pressure - Jerusalem construction to continue
12. Text of inciting fantasy: Mohammed Dahlan claims Hurva Synagogue built on ruins of Mosque of Omar
13. Israeli journalist illegally entering Egypt detained by police
14. Excerpts: Spanish woman released by al Qaeda after conversion to Islam. UAE will support UN sanctions on Iran. Al Qaeda supplies terrorist explosives. Saudi's ex-Gitmo inmates rehabilitated. Abbas goal:"pull our people out from Iranian tutilage'. Lebanese
15. PMW Bulletin: Fatah officials celebrated popular inauguration of terrorist square
16. IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, Departs to Ankara, Turkey
17. Cabinet communique - March 14, 2010
image011.gif (178 bytes)  Sunday, March 14, 2010
1. Clip and save: Haaretz Zvi Bar'el defends Palestinian incitement against Israel
2. Jerusalem council drops construction, apparently due to U.S. crisis
3. Cabinet Approves Plan for Construction of Barrier Along Southwestern Border
4. Cabinet Approves National Plan to "Bring Minds" to Israel
5. Cabinet Approves Draft Planning and Construction Law
6. PM Netanyahu's Remarks at the Start of the Weekly Cabinet Meeting
7. Haaret'z Aulf Benn: If Netanyahu doesn't follow Obama's marching orders Israel may face arms embargo etc.
8. Statement: The Quartet condemns Israel's decision to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem
9. [Archives] President Obama's Remarks at UN: U.S.commitment to Israel's security conditioned on accepting what he sees as legitimate Palestinian claims
10. Senior Hamas Terrorist, Responsible for the Murder of Over 70 Israelis, Arrested Last Night in Ramallah
11. Clinton warns Israel: If you make concessions that rely on U.S. support it may not be there if you err?
12. MEMRI: Hamas Sermon in Gaza on Al-Aqsa TV: Rome Will Be Conquered by Islam
image011.gif (178 bytes)  Saturday, March 13, 2010
1. PMW Bulletin: As U.S. slams Israel, PA TV honors terror attack and calls for uniting rifles against Israel
2. General Closure of the Judea and Samaria Region Extended Until Tuesday
3. Excerpts: No to weapons outside Lebanese State control. Indonesia uneasy about Obama visit. Egypt arrests unusual number of Muslim Brotherhood members. Muslim/Christian clashes in Egypt March 13, 2010
4. ADL: Administration's Dressing Down of Israel is a 'Gross Overraction'
5. United States to Assist Palestinian Refugees
6. PM convenes ministers amidst crisis with US ADL slams Obama administration
7. Spokesman Lambasts Arabs' Claims over Iranian Islands
8. Column One: The march of the Red-Green brigades
9. Maagar Mohot Poll of Israel youth: prefer 80%:16% democracy disagree with over dictatorship they support
image011.gif (178 bytes)  Friday, March 12, 2010
1. [DM Barak's instructions] General Closure of the Judea and Samaria Region during the Weekend
image011.gif (178 bytes)  Thursday, March 11, 2010
1. Raanana's 200th Trip To Ma'aarat Machpelah in Hevron
2. Weekly Commentary: The Illusion of Divided Jerusalem Solutions
3. Israeli POW Nissim Salem: Red Cross told me not to complain about torture
4. Military Prosecution Indicts Two IDF Staff Sergeants For Engaging in Unauthorized Conduct During Operation Cast Lead
5. Excerpts: Britain's Conservatives back sanctions if Iran remains defiant. Turkey's P.M.Erdogan earns Saudi O.K. Biden visit in West Bank results in Palestinian woman terrorist memorial cancellation. Islamists to hold rally near Jordan River. Maltreatment
7. Despite Pundits, Netanyahu Wants Peace
8. Ilana Dayan gives Tzipi Livni free pass on Jerusalem issue
9. Statement from Prime Minister Netanyahu's Bureau (henceforth no Jerusalem building announcements during week American officials visit?)
10. IDF Chief of the General Staff Delivers Speech at Annual FIDF Conference in United States

In Memoriam - Dr. Joseph Lerner


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