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Inside Media

Contestants on 'The Game of Death' thought they were delivering lethal electric shocks to a victim

The evil that reality television contestants do

If somebody told you to inflict a potentially fatal electric charge on an unseen victim, would you comply? A spoof French programme did just that – with shocking results

The blogosphere is awash with crazy people with made-up stories Last week, some of them mistakenly claimed that a man called David Calvert (pictured) is really Jon Venables, one of the killers of James Bulger.

Stephen Glover: Did this beauty cause us to drop our standards?

The blogosphere is awash with crazy people with made-up stories. Last week, some of them mistakenly claimed that a man called David Calvert is really Jon Venables, one of the killers of James Bulger. More than 2,000 people joined a group determined to track him down. Mr Calvert was wrongly accused of being a rapist.

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Twitter co-founder says Great Firewall of China will fall

Twitter co-founder Evan Williams told a gathering of the technology faithful on Monday that notorious censorship firewalls in countries such as China will give way to online innovations.

Advert overstates climate risks, says watchdog

Two Government adverts which used nursery rhymes to raise awareness of climate change have been banned for overstating the risks, a watchdog announced today.


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