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I Love Moon Sex With Tetro, Inc: This Weekend at the Movies
Newfest Goes “Pop Star” with Youth and Gender-bender Winners
Filmmaking as Catharsis: “Redland” Director Asiel Norton
Taking a Gamble: “All In” Director Douglas Tirola
The Right Script: “Mercy” Director Patrick Hoelck
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DVD Crossing Over (Tuesday, June 9)
DVD Spinning Into Butter (Tuesday, June 9)
DVD Were the World Mine (Tuesday, June 9)
Theatrical Tetro (Thursday, June 11)
Theatrical BLAST! (Friday, June 12)
Theatrical Food, Inc. (Friday, June 12)
Theatrical Moon (Friday, June 12)
Theatrical Sex Positive (Friday, June 12)
What interests you at the movies this weekend?
Oogling Alden Ehrenreich for two hours.
Reconsidering your safe sex practices.
Reconsidering the food industry.
Sam Rockwell, Sam Rockwell, and Kevin Spacey the computer.
Youssou Ndour, bringing what he loves.
Eddie Murphy getting stock tips from imaginary princesses.
Denzel Washington pursuing a scientologist that's executing subway passengers.
Seeing "Up" again.
Read & React: I Love Moon Sex With Tetro, Inc: This Weekend at the Movies
Filmbrain: @AlejandroAdams Guarantee there will be no walkouts at @dmcdougall hosted screening. We know what's good here on this coast.
Filmbrain: TOO MANY WAYS TO BE #1 (1997) Dark, offbeat Triad flick. Insanely fluid cinematography, clever narrative device. Visually, a masterpiece.
eug: "Etienne!" director Jeff Mizushima at Q & A says he projected tonite off iPod, adding, "I think it looks pretty good for $24 million." #cv09
jaredmoshe: What Karaoke bar doesn't have "Don't stop believin!?"
arincrumley: I can now be found on facebook at my own custom URL:
MattDentler: Bj = blackjack
MattDentler: After some very down hands, my bj luck may be changing. #cv09
MattDentler: @indiepixie It's not really him, don't be fooled!!!
ryanatifc: I'm having so much fun in cinevegas!!!
ryanatifc: Nyc karaoke party. Its pretty fun i think!
erickohn: Sitting down for STINGRAY SAM. #cv09
KarinaLongworth: Tonight at #cv09: Stingray Sam, pool party, bowling at Gold Coast then hopefully from there to karaoke.
Filmbrain: HIMALAYA SINGH (Wai Ka-fai 2005) Crude screwball HK comedy set in India. Some funny moments, incl. amusing Kitano spoof. Brahma jokes abound
DavidPoland: True Blood S2 works. Spins wheels, like S1. New stuff won't pay off until August. But what we know allows more action while we wait.
Filmbrain: @CriticalTodd Where is it? That's my neck of the woods. Maybe I'll come by and make trouble.
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Jody & Ben Do “Vegas”
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Ehrenreich at the “Tetro” Debut
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“Humpday” Comes Home
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Summer Fest Winners
Celebrating the Best of Summer
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Festival Director Rebecca Yeldham deserves much praise; she and her staff have put together an unpredictable and exciting group of screenings and events. Getting Khaled Hosseini and Thom Mayne to be …
As someone who reveres and worships Bruce Brown’s ENDLESS SUMMER - and still has the ENDLESS SUMMER LP and Tee-Shirt - I hope Oblowitz’s film is as truly great as it …
Thanks for the information. by the way, congrats to your new documentation. I hope many people will loved it. Speaking of documentation, my I suggest for your next topic, you will …
Thanks Peter! You’re the best.
Updated 3:05 AM ET
MOON, a new film directed by Duncan Jones
Now playing NY and LA
Coming soon to a theatre near you
Starring Sam Rockwell
Featuring Kevin Spacey as the voice of Gerty
250,000 miles from home,
The hardest thing to face,
Is yourself.
"A chillingly clever homage to Kubrick's '2001'"
--Sara Vilkomerson, NEW YORK OBSERVER