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Emerson Discusses Homegrown Terror on C-SPAN

IPT Executive Director Steven Emerson spent a half-hour discussing Jihad Jane and other homegrown terror threats March 12. He also answered viewer questions and discussed the Investigative Project on Terrorism's work.


Al-Arian's "Active Arm"

For years, Al-Arian insisted he and his Islamic Committee for Palestine had no connection to the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. In this 1991 video, he seems quite comfortable being introduced as the head of the Jihad's "active arm."


George Galloway's Viva Palestina Speech in Jordan

Standing amid the flags of Hamas and of the Izz al Din al Qassam Brigades, Hamas' military wing, British MP George Galloway speaks on behalf of Viva Palestina in Jordan. Befrore he speaks, the crowd chants a historic taunt of Jews.

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