The worldwide update on civilians killed in the Iraq war and occupation

Civilian deaths from violence in 2009
Year-end analysis from IBC 31 Dec 2009
مقابلة مع الـ IBC على إذاعة العراق الحـــــر
نص المقابلة باللغة العربية
Radio Free Iraq interview
24 April 2009
(in Arabic and English)
The weapons that kill civilians
IBC co-authored article in New England Journal of Medicine 16 April 2009
Putting the Data to Work
Details in the IBC database and the analyses they enable 2 Feb 2009
The Week in Iraq
Healing the wounds of the past 18 Jan 2009
Post-surge violence: its extent and nature
Civilian deaths in 2008 and earlier 28 Dec 2008
Enforced security: solution or stopgap?
Monthly death toll rising again 28 Feb 2008
Civilian deaths from violence in 2007
Analysis of the year’s toll from IBC 1 Jan 2008
IBC begins to include credible single-sourced reports 21 Dec 2007
The Price of Loss
How the West values civilian lives in Iraq. 12 Nov 2007
How can the utility of press reports be assessed?
Some preliminary approaches to testing media completeness and reliability. 1 Nov 2007
Large bombings claim ever more lives
2007 sees the worst bombings ever – and more of them 4 Oct 2007

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Iraq Body Count is an ongoing human security project which maintains and updates the world’s largest public database of violent civilian deaths during and since the 2003 invasion. The count encompasses non-combatants killed by military or paramilitary action and the breakdown in civil security following the invasion.

Data is drawn from cross-checked media reports, hospital, morgue, NGO and official figures to produce a credible record of known deaths and incidents. (more in About IBC)

You can contribute to IBC's work in several ways, including with a donation.

Documented civilian deaths from violence
95,751 – 104,456
From the Database
Latest incidents Latest identified
Mar 14: Imam of Habibana al-Mustafa mosque shot dead in al-Zahraa, east Mosul Details Dawoud al-Anzi Adult; Male; Imam Details
Recent events

Friday 19 March: 6 killed

Baghdad: 3 by bomb
Al-Saadiya: 2 by gunfire, 1 body found
