Barack Hussein Obama vs Israel

I want to thank “Sultan Knish” for this opinion piece about the recent events that are continually evolving. While some of the remarks maybe a bit sharp the facts about the land being contested is irrefutable and therefore necessary to be understood.

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America Obama to pressure Israel in the pursuit of a Middle-East peace.

By Yoram Getzler

The following is written in a response to an acquaintance who writes on the need for America/Obama to pressure Israel in the pursuit of a Middle-East peace.

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PM and the Rest of the Goverment Must Resign Now

The time has come for this government to resign. It has shown its true colors once again. It is not interested in doing what is good for the country but what is good for some of its citizens in spite of the terrible consequences. The Prime Minister has a long history of narcissism that I had hoped would pass with maturity. But instead we get the same Bibi of the past allowing the religious factions to rape the people of their money and clout for the sake of the few.

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Re-Genesis Now Project Introduction

This will be a regular feature on IsraelSeen by Dr. Yitzkak Hayut-Man. An innovator, futurist, visionary and Bible scholar. I am not sure he will agree but I certainly have the utmost respect for the man I consider a friend. He is among the few that is courageous enough to allow the “open source” of the Torah-Bible to be presented in new and interesting ways for our greater understanding. Enjoy.

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The True Face of J Street

Today an article appeared in the by Moshe Phillips a member of the Executive Committee of the Philadelphia Chapter of Americans for a safe Israel/AFSI opines on “True Face of “J” Street” He shares his insight on the players involved in “J” street and in particular the Rabbis.

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Elohay Kobi Oz & Rabi Nissim Messika with English translation

This is simply a beautiful video of this duet with a moving melody.
Kobi’s late grandfather was a paytan he sang piyutim hymns, After his death, the family found he had left hundreds of his piyutim on cassette. In this song Kobi sings a duet with his late grandfather.

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