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About Jewish World Review

Jewish World Review

Oct. 18, 2009
Days are scrolls: Write on them what you want to be remembered for.
  —   Chovos HaLevavos

The Perfect Number
By Rabbi Yonason Goldson

There are no coincidences in Creation

Hearing Voices
By Rabbi Sroy Levitansky

To be alive is to be challenged. Constantly. The thinking man wonders: What is right and what is self-deception? Or, at least he should. Many dismiss the opening chapters of Genesis as a fabulous Sunday school tale. The Sage of St. Louis gives it contemporary relevance.

PLEASE give us feedback!

LENGTH: 5 minutes

reality check
How Turkey was lost
By Caroline B. Glick

Turkey's decision to betray the West holds general lessons for Israel and for the free world as a whole. These lessons should be learned and applied moving forward not only to Turkey, but to a whole host of regimes and sub-national groups in the region and throughout the world

4 books

[ D A I L Y     I N S P I R A T I O N ]

"Building Your Self-Image and the self-image of others"

This series can change your life. And the life of your spouse, your children, your friends and your employees.

Every success story begins with a positive attitude. This series will show you how you can maintain a winning state of mind — and how you can instill a sense of confidence in those around you. And that is sure to improve your life; physically, emotionally and spiritually.

For decades, Rabbi Zelig Pliskin has been motivating people to believe in themselves and to realize their potential. As a counselor, he has transformed the lives of hundreds; through his books and lectures, he has motivated and inspired many thousands. Rabbi Pliskin explains the emotional dynamics of success. He shares insights and stories. Most importantly, he gives us practical tips on how to believe in ourselves — and how we can get others to believe in themselves. From recognizing our abilities and appreciating our talents to coping with setbacks and and dealing with failures, this series has it all.

Today: Self-Mastery Builds Your Self-Image

[ W O R T H  1 0 0 0  W O R D S  ]

Ripleys Believe It Or Not!
9 to 5
Andy Capp
The Born Loser
Bound and Gagged
Bottom Liners
Flo & Friends
Frank & Ernest
The Grizzwells
Mallard Filmore
Moderately Confused
One Big Happy
The Other Coast
Prickly City
State of the Union
The Wizard of Id

Dry Bones
Robert Arial
Chuck Asay
Lisa Benson
John Deering
Bob Gorrell
Jerry Holbert
Dick Locher
Jeff Stahler
Scott Stantis
Gary Varvel
Michael Ramirez

(Attention working columnists and editorial cartoonists: Think you have what it takes to be featured on JWR? Drop us a note by clicking here. Readers, please make suggestions, as well.)

[ L I F E S T Y L E S ]

Tech Maven by Mark Kellner: Small biz e-mail shifts to cloud via IBM

It's not all play for a degree in video gaming

Dr. Peter H. Gott: Is sun exposure healthy?; chicken skin benefits

Frugal Living by Sara Noel: You ask; I answer

Judith A. Klinghoffer: Obama/Clinton 'smart policy' backfires in Russia

Rachel Raskin-Zrihen: The raspberry

Heather Robinson: Ilan Berman of American Foreign Policy Council exhorts the West to find its backbone in winning the long war

[ I N S I G H T ]

Wesley Pruden: The peacenik gets a lesson

Argus Hamilton skewers politics and contemporary "culture"

Lori Borgman: Collector meets his match (almost)

Greg Crosby: What a Party!

Balloon Boy to America: Punk'd!
  —  Andy Borowitz

Dave Weinbaum: There should be no tolerance for intolerance . . . And other laws I'd like to see

Jack Kelly: Fact-checking outrage

Diana West: Left's Rush blitz a cheap shot

David Limbaugh: This Isn't About Rush

Arnold Ahlert: Cost Projections vs. Actual Costs, or Hope and Change vs. Reality

Robert Tracinski: The Empty Suit's Empty Prize

Linda Chavez: Unions Calling in Their Chits

Jonah Goldberg: Regime Is Iran's Disease; Nukes Are Just a Symptom

Mona Charen: The Dems' Coming Defeat

Suzanne Fields: The Nobler Nobels

Michelle Malkin: An ACORN-Friendly, Big Labor-Backing, Tax-and-Spend Radical in GOP Clothing

Rich Lowry: Laws of the universe vs. ObamaCare

Cal Thomas: Don't Ask, Tell or Legitimize

Charles Krauthammer: Amateurishness, wrapped in naivete, inside credulity


Jeff Jacoby: Peace vs. the 'peace process'

JWisdom.com: Former MTV producer and stand-up comedian Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff: Taming a Control Freak (A VERY fast 15 minutes)

The Kosher Gourmet by Linda Gassenheimer : Add pesto to bean soup and get ready for yum --- in minutes!

JWisdom.com: Former MTV producer and stand-up comedian Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff: How To Recognize A Control Freak, Part II (A VERY fast 14 minutes)

Jonathan Rosenblum: Why Palestinian Incitement Matters So Much

JWisdom.com: Former MTV producer and stand-up comedian Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff: How To Recognize A Control Freak (A VERY fast 15 minutes)

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Shimmering paradoxes

JWisdom.com: One Small Spark … One Great Fire By Gavriel Aryeh Sanders (7 minutes)

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The Illusion of Influence

JWisdom.com: Take the Sage of St. Louis' Challenge by Rabbi Sroy Levitansky (4 minutes)

Caroline B. Glick: The newest round of war

Joseph Aaron: What the Chicago Olympics failure must teach Jewry

JWisdom.com: Rehabbing The Thief Within by Sara Yoheved Rigler (9 minutes)

The Kosher Gourmet by Ethel G. Hofman : Sumptuous supper in the sukkah

JWisdom.com: Know an 'invincible' teen? By Sarah Chana Radcliffe (6 minutes)

Alan H. Luxenberg: The Twilight Zone's Jewish soul

JWisdom.com: A Sage for Our Age --- and Only 238 Years old! by Rabbi Jay Yaacov Schwartz(10 minutes)

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir : Bet I can?

JWisdom.com: Harvesting Happiness By Rabbi Eytan Feiner (7 minutes)

Rabbi Yitzhak Adlerstein: Happiness is a Warm Sukkah

JWisdom.com:Getting out of the rut and into the hut by Rabbi Sroy Levitansky (5 minutes)

Barry Horn: A spiritual force: Cowboys' Igor Olshansky takes a fierce pride in his Jewish faith

JWisdom.com:Defeating Your Inner Saboteur By Sara Yoheved Rigler (6 minutes)

Yaffa Ganz: The Other 'Evil Eye'

JWisdom.com: Strong Willed Children make the best leaders: How to get them to that point by Sarah Chana Radcliffe (5 minutes)

Richard Z. Chesnoff: Killing Kasztner, the Jew who bargained with Eichmann

Mona Charen : Who Needs Religion?

JWisdom.com: Sukkos: Journey to Joy by Rabbi Harvey Belovski (5 minutes)

Cal Thomas: Deception

Rabbi Elazar Meisels: Yom Kippur in 60 minutes (or less)

JWisdom.com: How -- and why -- the Divine forgives by Rabbi David Aaron (5 minutes)

Caroline B. Glick: An enfeebled Obama

Amy H. Lederman: The Art of Forgiveness

JWisdom.com: Ten Unique Days By Rabbi Sroy Levitansky (4 minutes)

The Kosher Gourmet by Ethel G. Hofman: Last-minute break-the-fast dishes

Jonathan Rosenblum: Reclaiming Control of Our Lives

JWisdom.com: Is There A Little Zoroastrian in You? By Sarah Yoheved Rigler (6 minutes)

Jonathan Tobin: What Price Photo Op?

Gary Rosenblatt: Coping with 'Shul Shame'

JWisdom.com: Free Will and Transformation: A Yom Kippur Formula by Rabbi Eytan Feiner (7 minutes)

Mona Charen: Irreplaceable Irving

JewishWorldReview.com staff: President's latest bizarre attempt at outreach

JWisdom.com: And Baby Makes … by Sarah Chana Radcliffe (6 minutes)

Rabbi Elazar Meisels: Rosh Hashana in 60 minutes (or less)

JWisdom.com: Misunderstanding how the Divine judges by Rabbi David Aaron (6 minutes)

Caroline B. Glick: Our irredeemable international system

Jonathan Tobin: Get Out Your Crystal Ball!

JWisdom.com: Rosh Hashana Game Plan, Part III by Rabbi Nosson Scherman (5 minutes)

The Kosher Gourmet by Ethel G. Hofman: Rosh Hashanah: Last minute dishes

Rabbi S. Binyomin Ginsberg: Holy seasons can be particularly trying for children

JWisdom.com: Rosh Hashana Game Plan, Part II by Rabbi Nosson Scherman (9 minutes)

Daniel Pipes: One cheer for Obama's foreign policy JWisdom.com: Rosh Hashana Game Plan by Rabbi Nosson Scherman (10 minutes)

Nate Bloom: 'Inglourious Basterds' Surprises and Connections

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Investing charity money in a sure-fire investment

Steven Emerson: For CAIR, Duplicity is the Best Defense

Rabbi David Aaron: Choose Good, Feel Great: Secrets to Living Your Best Life

Caroline B. Glick: Having one's enemy and eating it too

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Two Cheers for Pain

Bob Tyrrell: New Generation of Churchill Critics

Cal Thomas : Quid but no Quo

The Kosher Gourmet By Steve Petusevsky: When you think of zucchini, do you think 'rock-star veggie'? You will now!

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir : Help the needy through deception?

Tucker Carlson presents: Do You Know What Textbooks Your Children are Really Reading?

Rabbi Berel Wein: Ancient ceremony has a powerful lesson about the psychological makeup of modern man

Caroline B. Glick: Time's up on Iran

Amy L. Edwards and Rene Stutzman: Judge keeps runaway Muslim-turned-‘infidel’ teen away from parents, seals investigative findings

Dr. Debby Schwarz Hirschhorn: The secret to disciplining without abusing

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's strip that crosses cultures and age-groups

Robert Leiter: Tracking Down the Past

The Kosher Gourmet By Linda Gassenheimer : Sweet touch to veal (or chicken) piccata; linguine with vegetable medley

Rosally Saltsman: Friendship means knowing when to hold 'em … and when to walk away

Yossi Klein Halevi: Incitement to Murder

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Can one be too wealthy?

Steven Emerson: American Aid Convoy to Gaza Serves Hamas' Objectives

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Darwin's Appendix

Caroline B. Glick: Obama making Israel an 'offer it can't refuse'

David Seidemann : Don't say 'how tragic' --- do something: A plea to people of faith, the world over

The Kosher Gourmet by Carole Kotkin: An easy, elegant picnic meal

Jonah Goldberg: Obama and Faith

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's, Everything's Relative

Jonathan Rosenblum: Repentance for a misspent youth

Steven Emerson: More administration bigs continuing to embrace terrorism apologists

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Condemning those who succeed at making a killing with other people's money

Rene Stutzman: Judge: Muslim teen who converted to Christianity stays in Florida for now (INCLUDES EXTENDED VIDEO INTERVIEW)

Rabbi David Aaron: Your only choice IS choice

Caroline B. Glick: Et tu, Netanyahu?

Steven Emerson: U.S. Taxpayers Fund Pro-Hamas Propaganda

The Kosher Gourmet by Linda Gassenheimer: Spice up a hot summer night with this easy Thai Beef Pasta Salad

The Jewish Ethicist By Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Q: Are Wall Street traders' salaries obscene?

Jonathan Tobin: No second thoughts

Kathleen Parker: Taking the President on Faith

Diana West: Our Iraq strategy now a tale of 'diminishing returns'

Rabbi Berel Wein: Believing is seeing

Caroline B. Glick: Gazan and West Bank 'leaders' come clean, but Obama is still playing deaf

Jonathan Mark: Rush to judgment in Tel Aviv gay club killings

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's: Everything's Relative

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Some practical applications of how animals may be used to benefit man

The Kosher Gourmet by Susan M. Selasky: Too hot to cook a whole meal? Quick watermelon, arugula and toasted almond salad will impress

Cal Thomas: What lies beneath

Jonathan Tobin: More Obama PR will not a successful Mideast policy make

Scott Farwell: Letter by letter, rabbi tackles Texas sized holy challenge

Dick Morris: Oy!bama may suffer real political damage among a core Democratic constituency if he continues his current policies

Rabbi David Aaron: Love is my Religion

Caroline B. Glick: Israel and the 'realists'

Oline H. Cogdill: Jewish 'Da Vinci Code' is exciting, action-packed thriller

The Kosher Gourmet by Kerry McCray: Don't get steamed, try some scrumptious cold soup

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The Gift of Boredom

Steven Emerson: Disturbing Plans Disclosed at Carolina Jihad Hearing

Rabbi Binyomin Ginsberg: Ambiance: Why our homes must be more like restaurants

Dion Nissenbaum: Divided, demoralized Palestinian movement falling apart

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: When animal suffering is sanctioned

Steven Emerson: The Creeping Homegrown Threat

Rabbi Francis Nataf: Consolation Prizes

Caroline B. Glick: Large and growing chasm separates leftist US Jews from leftist Israelis

Mona Charen: Gilder Throws Down a Gauntlet

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Reframing tragedy by rethinking life's greatest mystery

Martha Woodall: Teen whiz aiming to foil Apple Inc.'s brightest engineers and annoy Steve Jobs

Steven Emerson: CAIR's Congressional Stooges

The Kosher Gourmet: Tuscan variation turns tuna into a classic summer supper in minutes

Rabbi Elazar Meisels: Constructive mourning

Mandy Locke, Yonat Shimron and Josh Shaffer: 7 charged with terrorism counts in North Carolina

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Animals' relationship with mankind, Part II

Dexter Van Zile: Anglican priest disgraces authentic Christianity

Rabbi A. Leib Scheinbaum: Why 'Bible thumpers' hurt their cause

Suzanne Fields: The Most Famous Woman in America You Never Heard of

Jennifer Garza: At atheist summer camp, kids celebrate belief in nothing

The Kosher Gourmet by Linda Gassenheimer: South East Asia Fish Dinner in Minutes

Rabbi Yonason Goldson:Smirks and smiles

Jeff Jacoby: Black president demanding segregation in Jerusalem

Steven Emerson: Report from Windy City Islamist conference

Andrew Silow-Carroll: Bring back the bungalows

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Animals' relationship with mankind

Anne Bayefsky: Jewish community's denial about Obama must stop

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: Escaping 'Toward' a Goal

Fred Burton and Scott Stewart of Stratfor: Security at Places of Worship: More Than a Matter of Faith

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: In Praise of Superficiality

The Kosher Gourmet by Marialisa Calta: Summer's bounty pies and tarts

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Bill the biller?

Steven Emerson: Recruiting for jihad openly in Windy City suburb?

Gary Rosenblatt: Mourning, Noon And Night

Anne Bayefsky: Africa Vs. the Arab World

Rabbi A. Leib Scheinbaum: To envy and destroy

Caroline B. Glick: Numbering the days of dictators

Steven Emerson: Top Obama aide invites head of terrorist-linked org to join administration task force

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's strip: Everything's Relative

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The Betrayal of Experience

The Kosher Gourmet By Marialisa Calta: Beat the pasta-salad blahs

Kristin E. Holmes: Mom weighs taking case over religious reading to Supreme Court

Caroline B. Glick: Avoiding Obama's ambush

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Whistle blowing has exceptions

Melanie Phillips: Dershowitz doesn't get it

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: The hallmark of a person

Abe Novick: Up, up, and aliya

Rabbi Avi Shafran: The Road Taken

The Kosher Gourmet by Marialisa Calta: Get into the holiday spirit with these Star-Spangled desserts

Rabbi Binyomin Ginsberg: What makes a great parent?

Caroline B. Glick: Ideologue-in-Chief

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Beware of 'Caveat Emptor'

Steven Emerson: ACLU pushing for more money for Hamas

Rabbi Yoni Posnick: Learn the secret to a healthy marriage from a scriptural villain

Caroline B. Glick: Barack Obama vs. International Law

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Advancement of technology is a wake-up call for humanity

The Kosher Gourmet by Andrea Weigl: Summer on a stick: Making frozen treats can be easy, creative and fun

Martin M. Bodek: 'On Surnames': And so, We Begin

Caroline B. Glick: The Obama Effect

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Working for a corrupt firm

N. Richard Greenfield : Where are American Jews?

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: Emotion v. intellect

Caroline B. Glick: Israel's rare opportunity

Jonathan Rosenblum: Sometimes it is more essential to define the nature of evil than good

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's strip: Everything's Relative

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The Language of Confusion

The Kosher Gourmet by Linda Gassenheimer: Nothing pleases Dad more than a thick, juicy onion-smothered steak. Add home-Baked Potato Chips and …

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Career v. Careersism

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's losing streak and Israel

Richard Z. Chesnoff:: ‘Palestinians’: Never Missing an Opportunity …

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu: How Judea and Samaria can become 'Palestine'

Daniel Pipes: Where Netanyahu's speech failed

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: Some big thoughts about not acting so big

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's High Commissioner

Victor Davis Hanson: Our historically challenged President

Mitch Albom: Beware the True Believers

Mort Zuckerman: What Obama and his advisors won't -- or refuse to -- grasp about Israel and the Muslim world

The Kosher Gourmet by Steve Petusevsky Lotsa pasta: Tips, techniques and (amazing) taste

Anne Bayefsky: Obama's stunning offense to Israel and the Jewish people

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: America's first Muslim president?

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Merchant must take responsibility for careless shopper?

Mark Steyn: A superpower that feeds on mediocrity cannot survive for long on leftovers from the past

Richard Z. Chesnoff: How do you say 'kumbaya' in Arabic?

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: In quest of spirituality

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's Arabian dreams

Charles Krauthammer: The Settlements Myth

Paul Greenberg: The War Comes to Little Rock

The Kosher Gourmet by Judy Hevrdejs: Splash it on! Tap your inner jazz musician and improvise when stirring up a vinaigrette

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Q. Should terrible teacher be exposed?

Jonathan Rosenblum: The Israel Lobby: Missing in Action

Dennis Prager: The Speech President Obama Won't Dare Give in Egypt

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: Pressure on Israel raises war risk

Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein: CNN/Newsweek pundit's bizarre vision of Jewish jihad

Dave Barry: Can't we all just get along? Are you a meshugena?

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Shavuous: The Divine's oneness

Caroline B. Glick: Israel and the Axis of Evil

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Them and Us

Richard Z. Chesnoff: Old Jews Telling Jokes

Rabbi Paysach J. Krohn: To Blossom and to Grow

Dennis Prager: President Has 'More Effective' Method to Get Intel from Terrorists --- What Is It?

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Does 'judge favorably' have limits?

Steven Emerson: Why would Obama want to turn Gitmo prisoners into jihadi rock stars

The Kosher Gourmet by Ethel G. Hofman: Contemporary Shavous cuisine

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: Beyond physical limitations

Caroline B. Glick: Strip away the smiles from the Obama-Bibi press conference and we are Left with obsessive, delusional behavior

Michelle Malkin: The Jihadi Virus in Our Jails

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: When we aren't who we think we are

Cal Thomas: Bibi Agonistes

Tony Blankley: Middle East mirage

Jeff Jacoby: A two-state peace isn't the Arab goal

The Kosher Gourmet by Linda Gassenheimer: Middle Eastern Meatballs pack zip into pitas; simple but sumptuous salad make for fast food and easy supper

Wesley Pruden: The frilly Valentine is not for friend

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr.: Obama approach to Mideast peace makes U.S. less secure

Mona Charen: Tick, Tick, Tick

The Jewish Ethicist By Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: How hard can I push my workers?

Anne Bayefsky: Obama's latest calculated move against the Jewish State

Rabbi Berel Wein: Triumph within tragedy

Caroline B. Glick : The myth of Europe curiously prevails

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The Grass is Always Greener After the Apocalypse

Cal Thomas: Heard That (Middle East) Song Before

Jeff Jacoby: Lady Justice's blindfold

The Kosher Gourmet: Take a bite out of this decadent cookie without worrying

Rabbi David Aaron: The ABCs of Kabbalah

Mona Charen: Obama's Signal to Israel: Submit

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Financial relationships, Talmudic style

Jonathan Rosenblum: Missing the 'piece process'

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: The world is a mirror

Charles Krauthammer: The Hamas 'Peace' Gambit

Rabbi Avi Shafran: The art of growth

Melanie Phillips: Obama prepares to throw Israel under the bus

The Kosher Gourmet by Lee Svitak Dean : Use up this harbinger of spring before it's gone

Caroline B. Glick: A cautionary tale

Andrew Silow-Carroll : The year of living vicariously

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Free advice comes with moral price tag

Rabbi Berel Wein: How to be holy

Caroline B. Glick: One civilization clashing

Stratfor Global Security and Intelligence Report: A Chilling Effect on U.S. Counterterrorism

Jordan "Gorf" Gorfinkel's strip, Everything's Relative

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The Girl with the X-Ray Eyes

The Kosher Gourmet by Steve Petusevsky: Condiments give chow wow

Caroline B. Glick: What Israel's Arab neighbors grasp that the Obama administration won't

David Limbaugh: Beware abhorrent hate crime legislation

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Subliminal endorsements

Rabbi Avraham Pam: Recognizing greatness --- yours!

Rabbi Y.Y. Rubinstein: Knowing when NOT to help

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Making Sense out of Senselessness

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Q: Must I tell my boss about a job search?

Mort Zuckerman: Israel, Despite Hamas Rockets and Media Scorn, Must Not Compromise on Peace or Terror

Rabbi Berel Wein: Religions of relativism

Caroline B. Glick: Surviving in a post-American world

Rabbi Avraham Pam: Lemons for Oranges (Divine rewards)

Caroline B. Glick: Ending Israel's conditional legitimacy

Jonathan Rosenblum: Reflections after 30 years of marriage

Abaceen Nasimi: The making of a suicide bomber

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir : Should I Snitch to the Boss?

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Do thoughts count?

Caroline B. Glick: How and why Muslims riot in liberal democracies

The Kosher Gourmet: Faux quiche, but real flavor

Wesley Pruden: Prez is aware not only that 'it's the economy, Stupid,' but that Stupid can't think about two bad things at once

Dennis Prager: Why Doesn't Communism Have as Bad a Name as Nazism?

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir : Abandon patronizing a business in its time of need?

Rabbi Chaim Silver: Worshiping oneself and calling it religion

Caroline B. Glick: How Hamas became 'kosher'

Fred Burton and Scott Stewart of Stratfor: Counterterrorism Funding: Old Fears and Cyclical Lulls

The Talkies by Dodi-Lee Hecht: Life as more than the Sum of its Moments

Anne Bayefsky: Time for Obama to stop stalling about UN's hateful anti-hate conference

Frank J. Gaffney, Jr. : Will Obama embrace Shariah as part of his 'respect Islam' campaign?

Caroline B. Glick: Israel's balance of delusion

Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz: Lessons not learned from the Madoff affair

Melanie Phillips: The Protocols of the Drinkers of Coffee

Rabbi Berel Wein: The Golden Calf in all of its modern and secular manifestations still dances and prances among us

Caroline B. Glick: Disturbing D.C. developments exposed by Freeman's appointment

Wesley Pruden: 'Blaming the Jews' doesn't always work

Jodi S. Cohen: Ancient scrolls at center of modern, technological plot

The Kosher Gourmet by Steve Petusevsky: Exploring ingredients as edible-stuffed containers

Caroline B. Glick: Proud to be a leftist?

Jeff Jacoby: Intelligence is no guarantee of goodness

N. Richard Greenfield: Open your eyes!

Rabbi Francis Nataf: What James Joyce could teach Bible critics about Torah and Truth

Caroline B. Glick: How Obama, Hillary and Kerry will, ultimately, bring peace to the Middle East

Joseph Aaron: Oh, oh, good news ahead

The Kosher Gourmet by Susie Fishbein : 'Jewish Martha Stewart' offers Purim recipes fit for a Queen

Rod Dreher: Our silly gods and American idols

"On Surnames" by Martin M. Bodek: Last, but Not Least

Caroline B. Glick: Change has come

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Funds and fundamentals

Rabbi Berel Wein: Worthless 'righteousness'

Andrea Simantov: An open home -- physical and spiritual -- is a hallmark of the world in which we live

Rabbi David Aaron: Discovering the ancient technology of iGod

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: What is faith?

Caroline B. Glick: Obama's New World Order and Israel

Rabbi Berel Wein: Responding to evil humanely

Victor Davis Hanson: Been there, done that in the Middle East

Jonathan Rosenblum: Beware of the smarties

Caroline B. Glick: Time for a three-state-solution?

Steven Emerson: CAIR's True Colors

Rabbi Avraham Pam: Time Is Life

Mona Charen: Palestinian Myth Machine

Dr. Debby Schwarz Hirschhorn: The most awful, stupid parenting advice

Rabbi Berel Wein: How -- and when -- to be stubborn

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: When prejudices become principles

Rabbi Avraham Pam: Misplaced mercy and the stifling of blessings

Mona Charen: Camera-Ready Victims ms

Thomas Sowell: Pretty Talk and Ugly Realities

Dennis Prager: Guess Who Cares about Dead Palestinians? Jews!

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: Why there's hope amidst the destruction

Larry Elder: Israelis and Palestinians: Who's David, Who's Goliath?

Jonah Goldberg: Who are the real Nazis?

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: Having a holy tongue

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: When the past meets the future

Jonathan Rosenblum: The Gift of Joy

Rabbi Hillel Goldberg: Can the Bible be a secular language?

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: Truth --- The Key to Gratitude

Rabbi Ahron Rapps: An evil seed that didn't have to be

Michael Feldberg: Meet the Orthodox Jew who laid groundwork for scientific development of ordnance that undergirds America's current world leadership

Andrea Simantov: Shades of life

Rabbi S. Binyomin Ginsberg: 'I just Became a grandchild!'

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: Money matters?

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The End of the Age of Reason

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: The Power of Spiritual Inertia

Rabbi Francis Nataf: Of Children and Immortality

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: Our Immutable Noble Essence

'Why aren't all religious people vegetarians?': Response by Miriam Kosman

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: The limitations of scientific miracles

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: The 'living dead' are all around us

The Jewish Ethicist by Rabbi Dr. Asher Meir: Enabling risky behavior

Rabbi Yonason Goldson: The skeleton in my closet

Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski: What does 'doing the right thing' entail?

Rabbi Berel Wein: 20/20 sightlessness

Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald: Removing the perfectionist's mask

Rabbi Berel Wein: Life's essential ingredient

Jonathan Rosenblum: Lessons from the Beyond

Dennis Prager: If the Almighty doesn't exist

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Bless us

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: We have the power to alter another's destiny — use it well

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: The Sanctification and Importance of Time

Jonathan Rosenblum: Remembering the architect of Torah Judaism for the modern world

Rabbi A. Henach Leibowitz: Man: The Crowning Glory of Creation

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Baby Einstein

Mona Charen: Did Israel Drive Out the Arabs 60 Years Ago?

Rabbi Berel Wein: Rote religiosity

Rabbi Berel Wein: The secret of how the data bank of memory is transferred from one generation to the next

Rabbi Avi Shafran: Accidents don't happen

Paul Greenberg: Stop revising the prayerbook!

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Leadership and rebellion

Andrew Silow-Carroll: ĦAsk a Jew!

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Revolution through one word

Youssef M. Ibrahim: The Islamist Trojan Horse is already in place

Jonathan Rosenblum: A new Orthodoxy is taking root in the most unlikely of places

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: Introduction to the Divine

Youssef M. Ibrahim: We routinely speak of failed governments and failed societies overseas. So what are we doing about ‘failed’ Muslim communities here?

Rabbi Nathan Lopes Cardozo: How Jewry actually survives

Jonathan Rosenblum: Observant Jews as robots?

Jonathan Rosenblum: Confessions of a 'smart kid'

Dennis Prager: Why are so many Jews liberal?

Haytullah Gaheez: Out of money? Sell your daughter

Zev Chafets: Why not say it bluntly? Islam is an aggressive, violent political ideology

Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: Islam is a religion of WHAT? II: A response to our critics

Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder: Islam is a religion of WHAT?

Dennis Prager: Explaining the Arab-Israeli conflict through numbers

Larry Elder: What you need to know about the 'religion of peace'

Larry Elder: What you need to know about the 'religion of peace', Part II

Soraya Sarhaddi Nelson: Culture of death? Palestinian girl's murder highlights growing number of ‘honor killings’ (SICKENING!)

Mortimer B. Zuckerman: Graffiti On History's Walls (MUST-READ!)

Fiamma Nirenstein: How I became an ‘unconscious fascist’ (MUST-READ!)

Bill Bennett, Jack Kemp, and Jeane Kirkpatrick: Twenty Facts about Israel and the Middle East (IMPORTANT!)

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