1993 World Trade Center bombers write letters extolling jihad

From the Jails Are Not Correctional Facilities Department: the 1993 World Trade Center bombers are writing letters in Arabic newspapers exhorting Muslims to wage jihad -- and even corresponding with other jihadists.

This is the kind of thing that comes from not recognizing the true character of the struggle we're in. If these guys are just "terrorists," their act was sui generis, an isolated incident. If prison authorities understood that they are part of a global jihad movement, they might have recognized these communications as something to be monitored and suppressed -- for the protection of the intended victims of the further terrorist attacks these messages helped make a reality. "Imprisoned terrorists still advocating terror," from MSNBC, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

Letters and articles obtained by NBC News show that while behind bars, the 1993 bombers continued their terrorist activities. They wrote letters to other suspected terrorists and brazenly praised Osama bin Laden in Arabic newspapers.

According to confidential Spanish court documents obtained by NBC, at least 14 letters went back and forth between the World Trade Center bombers and a Spanish terror cell.

In February 2003, bomber Mohammed Salameh writes: "Oh God! Make us live with happiness, make us die as martyrs, may we be united on the Day of Judgment." The recipient, Mohamed Achraf, later allegedly led a plot to blow up the National Justice Building in Madrid and is awaiting trial.

In July 2002, a letter Salameh sent from prison is published in the Al-Quds newspaper, proclaiming "Osama Bin Laden is my hero of this generation."

"He was exhorting acts of terrorism and helping recruit would-be terrorists for the jihad," says McCarthy, "from inside an American prison."

The letters to the bombers spoke of the need to "terminate the infidels" and said, "The Muslims don't have any option other than jihad."

Among those corresponding is a man charged with recruiting suicide operatives in Spain. Spanish officials accuse him of using letters to and from the U.S. bombers as a recruiting tool.

All this while the Bureau of Prisons reassured the public that terrorists were under control.

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Whats with this jails are not correctional facilities meme?

Anyhow, trust the dorks who defended Lynn Stewart's treason as praiseworthy (and maybe even a consittutional obligation??!!) turn this latest gizzball into another free-speech issue.......



Sorry if I was unclear. Maybe it's reckless high spirits at having my flight from Secure Undisclosed Locationville cancelled this morning, making a predawn slog through the snow unnecessary.

Anyway, I meant that in this case (as in many others), prisons are not in any way acting as "correctional facilities," despite their being named as such.

Robert Spencer

Thanks for the reply, Robert.

Was hoping to have either you or Hugh (or both maybe) comment on the implications for islamism of the march of democracy in the middle east - First was Iraq and Palestine and then the floodgates opened with Lebanon, Saudi and Egypt all giving subtle but not-insignificant concessions....

What's your take from this frenzy of happenings there?

Voletti~ Let me use kj's own words:




...And they (in the ME) seem to be crediting President Bush for at least some of this.

Voletti, thanks. I'll be flying all day, but I am confident that Hugh will check in and see this.


Robert Spencer

What is in the Feds power to deal with these type scenario's? Take a look at this one and see how the Feds are able to perpetuate JUSTICE when it is convenient for them:

March 2004

The Lucas County Jail in Toledo Ohio where members of the Outlaws MC
are being housed while being tried by the government on Rico charges.
Is preventing some of the defendants from contacting potential defense
witnesses. They are doing this by "blocking" outgoing telephone calls from
the jail to these defense witnesses. Constitutional law requires that any person
charged with a crime has the right to prepare an adequate defense. The government
once AGAIN is breaking the law in it's prosecution of members of the Outlaws MC.
The courts continue to let these types of illegal acts happen. As has been stated
ENSURE CONVICTIONS". It is a sad day for America and for Americans when the
courts turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the rights guaranteed every American citizen
by the United States Constitution.

So in essence if someone were too draw conclusions against the comparison one might conclude as to the Governmental Conspiracy Theory that we were very much forewarned about 9-11-01 and that BIG BROTHER turned a blind eye.

And the rights of American Citizens are trampled every day whilst the muslims can move about in peace.

These animals need the death penalty, not free speech!


Interesting article on Frontpage.com


It seems to me that the key issue here is that the whole matter of Islamic terrorism is a military matter and not criminal and should be treated as such. Given this premise could you imagine a German or Japanese agent in WW II being given access to the world outside of prison? Not bloody likely.

If we did unto them as they would do unto us, we'd hack their hands (or heads) off so they couldn't write at all.

Posted by: johnb
It seems to me that the key issue here is that the whole matter of Islamic terrorism is a military matter and not criminal and should be treated as such.

The issue in America with all her might is that the MILITARY can not be used to fight on her soil against citizens; now this serves twofold here in 1)The second Amendment is upheld by allowing citizens/patriots to keep and bear arms, now no citizens just happen to own Tanks,Fighter Jets or Bazooka's(do they even make these anymore)so this stradegy levels the playing field.
2)Partisan will never be one sided thus avoiding a monarchy,or military coup.

We must turn to our JUSTICE DEPARTMENT for action and if that should fail everyone should understand that WE ARE THE LAST LINE OF DEFENSE.

The upside to this is that these caged rats are exposing Islam and the Quran for the Nazi style crusade for Global domination under Shariah-Law for a Muslim only world.
In fact,CAIR's silence on many issues like this only helps to drain the swamp that Ibrahim Hooper
and his ilk are occupying,at the present rate of
the Pro-Terrorism support by CAIR the FBI will shut down their offices and seize any accounts to trace the money coming in and who receives the outgoing cheques.

Off topic but a bit of macabre humor...

I think we should write to Webster's Dictionary
and suggest a new collective term for Muslims...
"A cell of Muslims" like a "flock of seagulls".

In the years that I have been following the
march of militant Islam across the globe, it seems
to me that short of a complete banning of Islam in
the West, there can be no long term possibility of
a cure from the disease.

From an article in Commentary

Blind, diabetic, and beset by other maladies, Sheik Omar never fired a shot in the war against the “enemies of God.” He never mixed an explosive compound, never beheaded a single infidel or apostate. As a renowned Quranic scholar, his weapon was merely words. But those words were backed by his prestige in a movement that insists on authoritative words to license deadly deeds. So it was that, upon being sentenced to life imprisonment in 1996, Sheik Omar issued a decree, declaring of Americans that “Muslims everywhere [should] dismember their nation, tear them apart, ruin their economy, provoke their corporations, destroy their embassies, attack their interests, sink their ships, . . . shoot down their planes, [and] kill them on land, at sea, and in the air. Kill them wherever you find them.”


I have been thinking for somewhile about the murder of the Armanious family. And it had struck me, that murders as potentially damaging these, would necessarly have to have some sort of clerical approval.

So here we are, an Egyptian cleric with a perfect alibi and still allowed to preach and stay in contact with his followers in New Jersey, and a Egyptian Coptic family, also in New Jersey, outspoken in its criticism of islam.

I'm now wondering what the authorities know and knew.


It is good to see changes taking place in the ME. What we are seeing though are few. The question is, are these real changes, or are they tactical ploys, just enough to see off Pres Bush, till his term expires.

Though it is satisfying that these events are happening, the real war is still at home - here in the West. It is here that islam and its ideology, has to be discredited for good.

"Islamism" and "Democracy” are discussed in this thread, without a definition of either. “Islamism” for many simply expresses the attempt to evade use of the word “Islam” for fear of causing offense; “democracy” in the way it is used nowadays in the Middle East appears to imply the most primitive, stripped-down version, involving elections and not guarantees of human rights, or of solicidute for the rights of minorities. But there seems to be great satisfaction in the crusade for Democracy in the Middle East. Possibly a review of what the effects of the American invasion have been will help in understanding what appears to have been achieved, what appears unlikely to be achieved, and what is still up in the air.

Benefits so far from the Iraq Invasion:

1) Removal of Saddam Hussein, disruption of his WMD programs, destruction of Iraq's ability to project power beyond its borders. Capture or killing of many associated with the former regime.

2) Khaddafy, having taken note of the American invasion of Iraq, decides that the British negotiators have a point and that he will give up his nuclear program and reveal all sorts of secrets to the Americans.

3) In Lebanon, those who have become more and more resentful of the presence in Lebanon of Syrian soldiers, and one million Syrian workers, and the systematic Syrian exploitation of Lebanon, treated as a funhouse-cum-COSTCO-cum-ATM-machine by the Alawite rulers in Syria, were infuriated by the murder of Hariri, but even that fury which temporarily united Maronites, Druze, and Sunni (but not the fifth-column of Shi’a Muslims in Hezbollah) would not have by itself been enough to embolden Beirut crowds to demand Syrian withdrawal. That required a new attitude, one encouraged by the presence, and pressure, of the Americans on the border of Syria. This limits the freedom of the Alawite generals to act as they otherwise would. The last time they challenged a Western military power, tiny Israel rather than mighty America, they lost 82 planes, and the Israelis lost none. What would the Americans be capable of doing?

4) In Saudi Arabia, it is the mixture as before: Fabius Maximus Cunctator remains the ideal for the House of Al-Saud. Delay, delay, delay. Hold a nealry-meaningless municipal election, for only 50% of the representatives to "run" one city; make sure that any real “reformers” do not get publicity and are hampered in every way, while the "Islamist" parties are given every advantage. And that is what happened. The local election led to a sweep by those even more fervent in their Wahhabi beliefs than the ruling family, which at least has its fanaticism tempered by the Western ways, Western wine, Western women, and of course by its own extraordinary corruption.

5) in Egypt, Mubarak’s decision to “open up the election process” is very much of the less-than-meets-the-eye variety. A few more parties will field candiates. Mubarak's party is unbeatable. He was reacting to the American expressions of dismay at the treatment of Ayman Nour (of the Freedom Party). Mubarak wishes to do only two things: make Egypt safe for his son’s takeover, and ensure that the $2 billion sent annually as jizyah-tribute by the poor put-upon American taxpayers, will continue to flow for his special friends-and-family plan, so that they can dip into that American-supplied money for their allowances -- what with not having any oil, and all, as Holden Caulfield might say.

The idea that “Freedom is on the March” in the Middle East has to be taken with several grains of salt or possibly, for those with elevated blood pressure, salt substitute.

And look a little beyond Lebanon and Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia -- the countries where we are supposed to be celebrating new developments. . Turkey is becoming more “democratic” and as a result, returning to Islam, and undoing Kemalism. Iraq is certain to be more Islamic in the future than it has been in the past. Saudi Arabia will not change; Egypt will remain corrupt, but likely to fool enough people to stay on the American dole when it should be shoved right off. Only in Lebanon, because of its large Christian population (which has had a civilizing effect on local Muslims, just as the non-Muslim majority has had such an effect on Muslims in India), might the very idea of “Arabism” be abandoned, for a while, by the countervailing notion of "Lebanese" nationalism. It might even lead to the unstated recognition, that for Lebanon's own security, in a Muslim sea, it should realize that its own fate dependes on doing nothing to further weaken Israel, its only sure guarantee once the Americans leave -- as they will. And can incipient Lebanese nationalism survive if this ballyhooed “democracy” (i.e., he who has the most votes rules) rides roughshod over the old scheme for sectarian power-sharing worked out long ago (with a division of power between Sunni, Shi’a, and Christian leaders), and limits the ability of Lebanese Christians to protect themselves?

On this whole business of believing in the Onward March of Democracy in Iraq (the "Light-Unto-the-Muslim-Nations" Project) and elsewhere, one might one more time read over Robert Spencer's I-Told-You-So piece, which he has linked to recently on more than one occasion. frequently linked to here. It was published in March 2003, but does not date.

".. if prison authorities understood that they are part of a global jihad movement ..." Fat chance with CAIR's "sensitivity training" almost certainly having been given. Does CAIR charge a fee for their propaganda sessions? Not that we don't pay anyway ..

Liberalism does not mean peace.

Why were they just killed and buried with pork?

I mean why were't they just killed and buried with pork? Why should they're murderous dirty butts live on in Jail. They should be given the death sentence for the six people whose lives they took, for the attempted murder of the others, and someone should put pork in their graves as just retribution so they and other like them know when they murder kafir they will not get 72 virgins but they'll go to HELL where they belong.

The enemy has declared war.
We are under attack and are backed
into a chaotic culture of violence,
death, flowing blood-red with hate.
Can we "walk through the valley
of the shadow of death?"
Can we muster the mind of war?
can we unify, aware of the danger,
and no stranger to strife,
to defend the life of the Free,
never be a slave to a theocratic tyranny?
Is this a test? Yes,of will and endurance,
of bravery and courage,
with no assurance what the outcome will be,
A test of the power of love to bind
the arms of anger and the legs of fear.

I am no seer but see
we must name the enemy -
bal, hu-bal,moloch,moon god allah
no matter what the name,
ignorance makes them evil
and the hateful, harmful beliefs are the same,
master and slave is their game.
Power and submission is a duty
and their mission,
in a world where women are less than men,
legally, socially, politically
and a brutal murder gets a short cut
to a sensual, earthly paradise.

We must arise all together
with the mind of war, to win.