A Jihadist's Tale

From Time magazine, with thanks to Scaramouche:

Ra'ed al-Banna loved America. During his nearly two years in the U.S., al-Banna, a lawyer by training, made a living as a factory worker, a shuttle-bus driver and a pizza tosser. He went to the World Trade Center and the Golden Gate Bridge, grew his hair long and listened to Nirvana. He told his family back in Jordan about the honesty and kindness of Americans. "They respect anybody who is sincere," he told his father. He said he had planned to marry an American woman until her parents demanded that the wedding take place in a Christian church. After a visit home in 2003, he set off again for the U.S., hoping to find a wife, have a family, settle down. "He was hoping for a job that earns a lot of money," says Talal Naser, 25, who is engaged to one of Ra'ed's sisters. "He loved life in America, compared to Arab countries. He wanted to stay there."

He never got the chance. After he was denied entry at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport for apparently falsifying details on his visa application, al-Banna's life took a turn that led him down the path of radical Islam and ultimately to join the insurgency against the U.S. in Iraq. His odyssey ended on March 3 when al-Banna's brother Ahmed received a call on his cell phone from a man identifying himself as "one of your brothers from the Arab peninsula"--the term radical Islamists use to signify the core of the Muslim world, centered on the holy city of Mecca. Al-Banna's family says that as far as they knew, Ra'ed was in Saudi Arabia working at a new job. But the voice on the other end sounded Iraqi, Ahmed says. "Congratulations," the caller told him. "Your brother has fallen a martyr."...

In some respects, the Bannas resemble the many other families around the Arab world whose sons have gone to fight and die in Iraq. But the Bannas also express astonishment that Ra'ed joined the insurgency, insisting that he had never shown signs of Islamic extremism or hatred for the West.

No one ever does, apparently. Just once I'd like to see one of these stories quote a neighbor or friend saying, "Yes, he hated America. He was always taking about getting his chance to die a shahid."

On the basis of accounts given by his family, friends and neighbors, Ra'ed apparently led a double life, professing affection for America while secretly preparing to join the holy war against the U.S. in Iraq. "Something went wrong with Ra'ed, and it is a deep mystery," says his father Mansour, 56. "What happened to my son?"

Read it all.

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he lived in California for nearly two years
Jihad in the water out there? Two California moonbats have gone to Waziristan and Afghanistan (Johnny Walker Taliban) respectively. When will Berkeley students begin detonating? It seems to be a matter of time, not if.

"What happened to my son?"

His superior self was "dissed" by "The Man!" when he was denied entry into Chicago for a doctored visa.

"I'll show them!"

"He said he had planned to marry an American woman until her parents demanded that the wedding take place in a Christian church."

This sounds like common sense of the parents' part.

if all that stuff about growing long hair, listening to Nirvana, love of America ect, is true , he was an apostate. Some radicals probably threatened him with death if he didn't repent. Part of his repentance must have been jihad carried out in Iraq. Dont really know, just speculating...but his actions and words did apostate him and this may have been noticed...

he lived in California for nearly two years

Jihad in the water out there? Posted by Beagle

Actually there are more converts and Jihadis in Virginia. Where did John Walker Lindh come from? (Washington DC), how about Todd (Ismael Royer)?

What I find interesting is that most of convert Jihadis come from Catholic backgrounds and families.In fact I would love to see a study done of converts to Islam, to a person every convert to Islam that I've met (via internet arguments) has been a Catholic, including Adam Yahiye Gadahn (Azzam the American who also has Jewish parentage).

'What I find interesting is that most of convert Jihadis come from Catholic backgrounds and families'

After 30 years of dumbing down the schools and vilifying Christianity, you are expecting... what?

If we're talking about the same Ra'ed Al-Banna as described in the post from MEMRI.org below, it seems his family tried to get over their shock in a rather creative way -- holding a martyr's wedding.

Inquiry and Analysis Series - No. 214
March 29, 2005 No.214

Iraqi-Jordanian Tension Over the Most Lethal Suicide Bombing in Iraq
By: Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli*
Since the fall of the Saddam regime in April 2003, Iraq has been victimized by hundreds of acts of terrorism, most of it perpetrated by foreign terrorists who have crossed Iraq's porous borders. The most lethal terrorist act was carried out on February 28, 2005, by a suicide bomber who detonated a car bomb in the predominantly Shi'ite City of Hilla, sixty miles south of Baghdad. The bomb exploded in front of a health office in a busy bazaar where new recruits to the police and armed forces were waiting to apply for health certificates, which are a prerequisite to applying for government jobs in Iraq. The bomb killed 132 people and injured 120. A fireman, 'Ammar al-'Aani, who took part in the rescue operation, found the terrorist's hands chained to the steering wheel and a charred copy of the Koran in the car. [1]

Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi's "Al-Qa'ida Organization in the Land of Two Rivers" took responsibility for the act.

The Wedding of the Martyr
This horrific act would have been simply charted in Iraqi terrorist statistics as another act of terrorism were it not for "a social event" that shed light on the perpetrator himself and on his family. On March 11, 2005, newspapers reported that the terrorist was Raid Mansour al-Banna from the City of al-Salt in Jordan. According to his father, Raid had studied and worked a number of years in the United States, "in one of the Californian airports, to be exact." [2] He was 32 when he blew himself up.

What riled the Iraqis the most was that al-Banna's family honored his act by holding a festive ceremony known as "the wedding of the martyr" [ 'irs al-shahid ] to symbolize his wedding in paradise with 72 virgins. At these events, the bereaved family receives guests who offer it condolences and congratulations for their son's martyrdom. A truck was seen on television bringing food to a special tent erected to receive the guests. [3] In justifying the celebration, the family argued that the victims were Americans. In fact, there was no American casualty in this operation.

After the furor in Iraq regarding the "wedding of the martyr," his father began to deny the event. He said that four Islamists visited him and asked permission to hang a poster of "congratulation for the martyrdom." When he inquired about the meaning of the martyrdom in the case of his son, he was told by the Islamists that "whoever dies drowning or in foreign land is a martyr." Hence, he said, "I agreed to the hanging of the poster." Further, he told the press that his son was killed in Mosul [in the north] and that his body was buried according to Muslim ritual. The father stressed that if his son was involved in a suicide bombing in Hilla there would have been no body to bury in Mosul. [4]

A Letter from the Brother
Not satisfied with the festivities his family organized in honor of his terrorist brother, Naseer al-Banna published a letter on the internet praising Raid and wished him pleasant days in heaven alongside his grandfather Hassan al-Banna. He was puzzled as to why the Iraqis were calling his brother a terrorist.

In his letter, Naseer labeled the Shi'a as "American and Jewish agents." He claimed that the Shi'a religion was created by Jews and the Shi'a killed Prophet Mohammad's grandson, al-Imam Hussein whom the Shi'a consider the greatest martyr in Islamic history.

The brother concluded his letter by stating his intention to join the Jihad against the Americans, the Jews, and the Shi'a. [5]

SCIRI Denounces the Celebration
The Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution (SCIRI) in Iraq issued an official statement which says, in part: "What is regrettable … is the demonstration of affection for a bloody criminal who has killed hundreds of innocents and in his honor a eulogy council is held without any objection from the Jordanian media, political parties, trade unions, not to mention the Jordanian men of religion who have kept complete silence and have ignored big crimes that take place in Iraq." [6]

Speaking before a throng of demonstrators protesting the "wedding of the martyr" in front of the Jordanian Embassy in Baghdad, SCIRI's leader abd al-Aziz al-Hakim claimed Jordan was exporting terrorists to Iraq and accused its monarch of visiting the offices of a newspaper which sponsors and encourages terrorism. He called on the Jordanian government to prevent the acts of incitement and the recruitment [of terrorists] against the Iraqi people which have been taking place on Jordanian soil. [7] Al-Hakim also called on Jordan to expel former officials of the Saddam regime who have found a political refuge in Jordan. [8]

In his meeting with the Jordanian Chargë d'affaires in Baghdad, Dimai Haddad, al-Hakim asked that the Jordanian king apologize for the terrorist act in Hilla, pursue those who encourage and export terrorism to Iraq, and repatriate Iraqi money which belongs to the Iraqi people. [9]

The Mutual Recall of Chiefs of Diplomatic Missions
Following the burning of the Jordanian flag and the picture of King Abdallah by Shi'ite demonstrators in front of the Jordanian Embassy in Baghdad Jordan decided to recall its Chargë d'affaires in Baghdad because of the security situation prevailing at the embassy that was preventing it from carrying out its normal diplomatic functions. [10] Iraq reciprocated by withdrawing its ambassador to Jordan, Atta Abd al-Wahab. Subsequently, the Jordanian Foreign Minister Hani al-Mulqi has informed his Iraqi interlocutor, Hoshyar Zibari that King Abdallah has decided that the Charg ë d'affaires shall return to Baghdad. [11]

Iraqi-Jordanian Discord: 25 Years of Jordanian Support of the Saddam Regime

The terrorist act in Hilla by a Jordanian has only dramatized for most Iraqis what they perceive as a quarter century of unlimited Jordanian support for the regime of Saddam Hussein, including his war with Iran and his invasion of Kuwait. Saddam rewarded Jordan with the supply of Iraqi oil at sharply discounted prices and opened the Iraqi markets for unrestricted imports from Jordan. While Iraqis became increasingly impoverished under the United Nations sanctions regime, Jordan has witnessed times of expanding economic prosperity. The Iraqis have also resented King Abdallah's warning prior to the Iraqi elections of the imminent danger of "a Shi'ite Crescent" that would destabilize the Middle East. [12]

A column titled "The Jordanian Press and the Wedding of the Suicide Criminal" appeared in the Iraqi liberal weekly A l-Ahali lambasting the father of the terrorist for believing that the victims were Americans and that his son was "in heaven waiting to dine with the Prophet." It said the Iraqis are not surprised by the coverage of this event in the Jordanian press since, after all, Saddam's defense lawyers are Jordanians. In the past, Saddam had lavished homes, cars, and cash on Jordanian journalists as incentives for them to sing his slogans about the nature and destiny of "the great Arab nation" encompassing the whole Middle East. The column concluded poignantly: "We are not the children of the [Arab] nation. We are the children of Iraq and Iraq alone." [13]

In the same vein, A l-Sharq Al-Awsat's columnist and current director general of Al-Arabiya TV channel, abd al-Rahman al-Rashed wrote under the heading "Fury against the Jordanians" that "it would have taken no more than a news item to arouse a volcano of Iraqi antagonism against Jordan." While Jordan itself has often been a victim of terrorism, Iraqi critics have not erred, wrote al-Rashed, "if they have blamed the Jordanian preachers and Imams who have supported what they called resistance operations which often target innocent civilians." [14]

It is not surprising therefore to read Iraqi foreign minister Hoshyar Zibari tell the press that solving the crisis with Jordan would require more time because of "the bitterness" that Iraqis feel toward Jordan following the events in Hilla which the Iraqi government is trying to contain. [15]

Jordan Attempts to Mollify Iraqi Rage
In an attempt to extricate Jordan from a difficult position, the Jordanian Government arrested the journalist Hadi Abd al-Lateef al-Nsour from the daily Al-Ghad for publishing the news about the "wedding of the martyr." The reason for his arrest was the claim that he had falsified the news and had alleged that the Hilla operation was carried out by a Jordanian. [16] The government also brought before an investigating judge in Amman the chief editor of the newspaper, Imad al-Hamoud and the managing editor Basil Rufai'ah [17] but they were all let go "pending the conclusion of the investigation." [18]

Later, trying to shift the blame, the Jordanian foreign minister al-Mulqi told the press at the Arab League meeting in Algiers last week that he "smelled" an Iranian role in the crisis. However, during her weekly press conference, the Jordanian spokeswoman Asma Khadr was asked about the statement of the foreign minister, and retorted: "al-Mulqi was not categorical [in blaming the Iranians] and used the term 'smell' only." [19]

*Dr. Nimrod Raphaeli is Senior Analyst of MEMRI's Middle East Economic Studies Program.


[1] Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), March 22, 2005.

[2] Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), March 16, 2005.

[3] Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), March 16, 2005.

[4] Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), March 16, 2005.

[5] www.aljeeran.net, circulated by INCPressBaghdad@Yahoo.com, March 17, 2005.

[6] Karbala News (Iraq), March 13, 2005.

[7] Karbala News (Iraq), March 19, 2005.

[8] Al-Zaman (Baghdad), March 21, 2005.

[9] Al-Zaman (Baghdad) March 21, 2005.

[10] Al-Ra'i (Jordan), March 21, 2005.

[11] Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), March 23, 2005.

[12] Al-Sabah (Baghdad), March 23, 2005.

[13] Al-Ahali (Baghdad), March 17, 2005.

[14] Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), March 16, 2005.

[15] Al-Sabah (Baghdad), March 23, 2005.

[16] Al-Hayat (London), March 15, 2005.

[17] Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), March 17, 2005.

[18] Al-Quds Al-Arabi (London), March 15, 2005.

[19] Al-Sharq Al-Awsat (London), March 22, 2005.

Isn't it interesting that jihadi 'martyrs' and serial killers always have that in common? The neighbors and friends always say he was quiet, polite, nice, etc.

So the jihad conversions from Catholicism are all th fault of the liberals, what an idiot, you sound like the jihadists themselves. What about pedophile priest, irrelevant and obscure ceremonies, masturbation as a mortal sin, etc. If they left the Church, maybe it was the Church's fault. What's your solution, should everything be vetted by the Chruch now so this won't happen?