A note about email

I am still on the road -- I gave a talk to a closed group in Phoenix last night, and am on to Santa Barbara this morning for another talk to another closed group tonight. Then on to Birmingham, Alabama, and then back to the Jihad Watch Office Complex in Secure Undisclosed Locationville. And yet another trip is in the offing next week.

While I am traveling, I have some lingering difficulty regarding email. For some reason, the email program doesn't display the return addresses of some of those who write in. Also, when other people on staff access the Jihad Watch email, all the messages from before that point disappear from my inbox. So if you don't get an answer from me about something important, that's why -- and it may be a good idea to resend any urgent message. However, these messages are not lost: they will be readily accessible at the office, and I will do my best to answer them in a reasonably timely fashion upon return. Thanks for your patience.

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Morning Mr. Spencer! Keep up the good work. Wondering- is there a secondary site you could use, to accumulate email until you can give it proper attention? That might serve to prevent loss of info...

From the Pathetic Links Department:

Saudi Arabia seeks to silence… Us!

Must-see Iranian tv:
(MEMRI has some of the video clips they mention)

Iranian Nukes:

Homeland Security:

Syria vs. the US:

And an interesting quote:
Political talk radio listeners are more likely than non-listeners to consume all news media other than TV news, to be more knowledgeable, and to be involved in political activities. This is true regardless of the ideology of the hosts of the programs to which they listen.


The Middle East & Academic Integrity on the American Campus
Sunday, March 6th, 2005 , 10 AM – 5 PM
301 Uris Hall, Columbia University , New York (Broadway at 117 th Street )


11 am - Natan Sharansky, Human Rights Activist, Minister for Diaspora Affairs of the State of Israel (via interactive web cast)
12 pm - Martin Kramer, Wexler-Fromer Fellow, Washington Institute for Near East Policy; Author: Ivory Towers on Sand: The Failure of Middle Eastern Studies in America, Columbia 's Crisis: A Turning Point for Middle Eastern Studies?
1 pm - Documentary film: Columbia Unbecoming, plus Q & A with the producers
2 pm - Alan Dershowitz, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Harvard University, Academic Freedom and the Controversy on the American Campus (via video)
Confirmed Additional Speakers :
Edward S. Beck , President, Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, Reclaiming Academic Integrity

Donna Divine , Professor, Smith College , The Arab Israeli Conflict: Teaching All Sides Without Taking Sides

Rachel Ehrenfeld , American Center for Democracy, The Promotion of Jihad through the Subversion of Academic Institutions in the U.S.

Rachel Fish , The David Project, Inappropriate Funding Sources for Academic Programs: the United Arab Emirates , Harvard and Columbia

David French , President, FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education)

Nat Hentoff , Columnist, Village Voice

Charles Jacobs , Founder, American Anti-Slavery Group and The David Project, The David Project and Columbia Unbecoming

Efraim Karsh , Harvard/King’s College, London , The Decline of Middle Eastern Studies: A Personal Odyssey

Morton Klein , President, ZOA

Jerry Nadler, Congressman (NY-D)

Martin Peretz, Editor-in-Chief, The New Republic

Deborah Schlussel, Syndicated columnist and attorney, Tax Funded Islamic Terror on Campus: A Case Study from Michigan

Susan Tuchman , Director of the ZOA’s Center for Law and Justice

Laurie Zoloth, Northwestern University, An Ethicist’s View of Campus Politics and the Middle East

FREE by registration only
Limited Capacity
Questions: call 212-854-9680

(Kosher and vegetarian lunches available for sale)

Dennis, that's an interesting list. I have to wonder if there are 'surprise' guests at things like this, who can't be listed for reasons of safety.

I also find it interesting that there are only 19 references to this conference on the internet. Is No one covering it?


Nothing will be lost at all. All messages will be on the computer in the office. I just can't access them all while traveling.

Robert Spencer

Thanks Dennis W. for heads up.