Anti-dhimmitude in Denmark: Preacher reported to police

But of course, he was misunderstood! Isn't it astounding how complex this all is, how difficult it is for these poor men to make their points clear! From the Copenhagen Post, with thanks to Filtrat:

A group of forty women with immigrant backgrounds reported a Muslim preacher and his religious community to the police on Tuesday, for advocating threatening and discriminating treatment of Muslim women.

The preacher, imam Raed Hleihel, infuriated the nation during a Friday prayer session in February, when he insisted that Muslim girls should cover themselves from head to toe, and that women who use perfume and go to the hairdressers would go to hell.

The women used the opportunity on the International Women's Day on Tuesday to report the imam and the religious community where he preached to the police.

The women said Hleihel encouraged Muslim men to look down on women, consider them their property, keep them under constant control, and treat them like slaves.

The spokesman for the congregation involved, the Copenhagen's Islamic Religious Community, Kasem Said Ahmad, said the 40 women had misunderstood Hleihels comments.

'Every imam has the right to define how women should be protected,' Ahmad said. 'We would like to invite the 40 women to a meeting with Raed Hleihel, so that he can explain what he stands for, so that the misunderstanding can be corrected.'

In his sermon, Hleihel told men at the congregation to go home and make sure their wives and daughters draped every inch of their bodies with clothing.

When news broke of the sermon, integration consultants and politicians rallied to denounce it as `medieval' and `bigoted.'

That may be, but it is in full accord with Islamic tradition. Here is a salient hadith:

Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu'minin [Mother of the Believers]:

Asma, daughter of AbuBakr, entered upon the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) wearing thin clothes. The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) turned his attention from her. He said: O Asma', when a woman reaches the age of menstruation, it does not suit her that she displays her parts of body except this and this, and he pointed to her face and hands. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 32, Number 4092)

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I have written a lengthy post about this at my blog:

“Women who go to hairdressers will go to hell”

Oooooh, I love it! Maybe next step is for a few more Muslim immigrants to apply for Christian baptism.

Kepha: in Denmark? Christian baptism would place them at least as far away from the Danish mainstream as Islam ever did. However, it is good news that it is women of Muslim background who denounce this sort of crap instead of defending it as they are so often found to do. Now if only the police take them seriously, we shall be getting somewhere. But I have my doubts: in spite of the comparatively muscular attitude of the current Danish government, the state structures of those countries are simply thick with PC idiots, dhimmis and covert Muslims.

The statements this imam made were pretty clear...why do they always say they are "misunderstood". Who gives imams the right to say how women should be "protected" (nice cover word for controlled which is what muslim women really are) If I am being attacked by a all means protect me....if I am going to the hairdresser, I think I can manage without "protection"

It's really a neat piece of circular logic: They want to protect women by protecting them from men! You've got it right, USAgirl. It's nothing more than a power grab.

"Protected" what a laugh! These hominids are so afraid that women might begin to use their brains and stand up to them. I would not make a good muslimah, the first time one hit me, I would slip something in his food. (hear me out there muslim women?)

It's really a neat piece of circular logic: They want to protect women by protecting them from men! You've got it right, USAgirl. It's nothing more than a power grab.

Posted by: Ellis Gee at March 10, 2005 10:36 AM

The survival and proliferation of the tribe is incumbent upon possessing plenty of childbearers and despite their lowly stature, only women are capable of bearing children. If muslims could devise a way for men to handle this task, women would be entirely useless and expendable.

The real reason behind shrouding females is to protect men from their satanic sexual powers. Men were not created to practice self-control and cannot be held responsible for surrendering to their natural urges when tempted by provacative whores. Since muslim men must concentrate at all times on serving allah, temptresses must be stripped of their powers. Women provide one essential function, so they are grudingly tolerated by being reduced to silent, shrouded specters.

We wouldn't want these weak, ineffectual muslim wimps to compromise their concentration on being pious, homicidal muslims. Despite the macho image of muslim males, they are mental weaklings controlled by raging emotions, most of which are borne of sexual repression and the inimical fatalism of Islam. The entire foundation of Islam is based upon female subjugation and male dominance, and to grant equality to females would essentially destroy Islam.

Where,oh where are the feminist activist groups??


Once again you deliver powerful insights into the psyche of the Muslim male. You must have lived in or amongst Arab/Muslim societies!

Yes, once again, they try to slime, slither and ooze their way out of the hot seat by claiming they were "misunderstood", or "taken out of context". Tiresome excuses and lies they always use when caught. It's astonishing how easily lying comes to these so-called "spiritual leaders". And to show how sorry he was, tapes of his speech were sent to private Muslim girl schools. Most of these schools apparently refused to distribute the tapes, but that still leaves some to poison the minds of Norwegian Muslims.

I have this neat fantasy where tho 40 women accept the invitation to meet with this creep, and beat the crap out of him.

Blistering attack on radical Islam (is there another kind?) from Rod Liddle on Channel 4 last night - any Brits see it?