Australia asylum row on converts

From BBC News, with thanks to Shiva:

Australia is to review the cases of a group of 30 asylum seekers after some of them converted to Christianity.

The migrants, from Iran and Iraq, are being held in detention centres after their original applications for refugee status were rejected.

Immigration officials said their conversion to Christianity, and changed conditions in their home countries, meant their cases would be reassessed.

It was unclear how many of the 30 have renounced Islam for Christianity.

Immigration officials have said that in some cases, new information had been obtained about the dangers they could face if they were deported.

'Face saving'

Australia's Prime Minister, John Howard, said there were concerns that if detainees were sent back to their homelands they could suffer persecution because they had embraced a different religion.

They could even be killed, as Islamic law dictates.

Mr Howard has stressed that this policy of review was not biased in favour of Christians.

The main opposition Labor party, however, has warned that reviewing asylum claims based on religion would damage the country's reputation.

It said other detainees could be encouraged to adopt Christianity simply to stay in Australia....

Exactly why is that such a bad idea?

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It´s possible a not real conversion but someone, I think that yes, and later if they are bad people and have antecedents, remove them the country, so easy

It has to be real conversion -- not a way for Muslims to remain in the advanced Western lands of the Infidels. And evidence has to be obtained, large dossiers, that show a real understanding of Christianity, and of Islam, and of what, precisely, caused one to leave Islam -- in other words, nothing about a newly-professed faith should be taken on faith.

And futhermore, "reverting" to islam once asylum is granted should be grounds for review of the asylum application and deportation. Perjury to obtain asylum should be grounds for expulsion.

I'm highly suspicious of these conversions. These detainees are failed asylum seekers. We don't have true refugees in detention centres, even though many like to insist we do - refugee advocates, refugee lawyers, meddling Christian churches, and many lefties. The ones left in our centres have been deemed to be country shoppers but it's difficult to send them back when they've destroyed their papers, lie about where they're from, and/or their countries refuse to accept them.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is another attempt, in a long line of attempts, to circumvent or sabotage our mandatory detention laws. They've tried it all, legal and illegal. And I wouldn't be surprised if churches were the instigators or a big part of it. They're constantly bleating about how unChristianlike it is to treat failed asylum seekers like this. No, we should just throw the doors open like the messed up countries in Europe, because that'd be the "Christian" thing to do. Idiots.

Notice how the issue of why they'd be in danger if they were returned to their countries (all Muslim countries), is ignored by illegal immigration supporters and the media. No protests against Iran for being such creeps to Muslims who convert away. No, let's just continue to beat up Howard and our intelligent mandatory detention laws.

So if these alleged converts are given refugee status, will we keep an eye on them to make sure they're real Christians, and not just opportunists and liars? Do we need to put a tail on them to make sure they don't walk into a mosque? And if they're caught reverting back to Islam, can we deport them? Or would that be against their "human rights" and we'd be stuck with them? I can just see the boatloads arriving again, via Indonesia, of "recently converted Christians fearing for their lives". Anything to get to the land o'plenty and our overly generous welfare benefits, particularly to those who indiscriminately pop out kids they have no hopes of ever supporting.

Unfortunately the conversions are most likely
false. Islam has destroyed many civilazations
and it looks like it's ready to destroy ours.
I am not sure the brain disease one gets from
islam is curable. Islam likes to use spys to do
its dirty work from the inside. I am sorry but
so much evil has been done by islam one should error
on the side of not trusting most of them. The sad
thing is that modern civilzation fails to grasp
the true evil of this sick death cult. Mohammad
makes Hitler look like a saint.
I have talked to many people CAIR has done
a wonderful job people seem to think islam is
not evil. I am sure there are good people
who are islamic but thats only because they don't
know the truth about islam. We should teach in
school the truth especailly the parts the radical
islamists don't want out children to know. I have
read some books at the library and seen videos.
If I have not had the truth from this site I may
have foolishly belived islam is peaceful as the
lie CAIR promotes. We need to let all true free
people young old leaders police and such the truth
about islam before they destroy civilization.

If you think this guy is suspicious, consider the following case - surprise, surprise, another Muslim 'refugee' goes on a rape and violence spree:

Migrant charged over robbery, rape spree
By James Madden
March 17, 2005

A 19-YEAR-OLD man from war-torn Sudan allegedly went on a robbery and rape rampage, which included sexually assaulting a woman with a tree branch, less than a month after arriving in Australia.

Police documents tendered to Melbourne Magistrates Court yesterday claimed Hakeem Hakeem bashed, raped and robbed an elderly woman for $185 during the week-long rampage.
Mr Hakeem also allegedly forced a man to rape another woman in Dandenong, in outer southeast Melbourne, before sexually assaulting the same woman himself with the tree branch.

Appearing in court to face 29 charges, including eight counts of rape and one of attempted murder, Mr Hakeem - who does not speak any English - looked sullen and confused as a Sudanese interpreter explained to him that he would be jailed until his next court appearance, in July.


Maybe he'll convert to Christianity?

And what about that guy in Sydney who said that he wanted to go on a jihad against Australia, and his lawyers said that he was just an attention seeker?

Voltaire - ah yes - you mean Zaky Mallah:

Mallah was employed as a baggage handler at Sydney airport and is accused of planning an attack on the Office of Foreign Affairs. He intended to take hostages and kill workers.

Among other things, he states:

* he 'expected to be shot by police'

* he wanted the attack to be breaking news around the world

* the reason for the attack was to persuade the Australian govt. to ' ...change. The govt must stop harrassing Muslims, stop spying on them. Stop supporting America and its government .. the White House is where the terror is coming from.' and more in this vein, blah blah blah.

Mallah should get the maximum (life in prison)- seems like the Howard govt. is absolutely correct in 'spying on Muslims'. Otherwise, this one would never have been caught.