Baghdad residents battle terrorists

This time the people of Baghdad fought back against the jihadists. From AP, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:

BAGHDAD -- Shopkeepers and residents on one of Baghdad's main streets pulled out their own guns yesterday and killed three hooded terrorists who were shooting at passers-by, giving a rare victory to civilians increasingly frustrated by the violence bleeding Iraq.

The clash in the capital's southern Doura neighborhood erupted when terrorists in three cars sprayed bullets at shoppers. Three persons -- a man, a woman and a child -- were wounded....

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This probably isn't an isolated incident. Too bad the MSM would rather focus on stories that give aid and succour to the jihaddists and baathists.

No, it wasn't an isolated incident. There are regular reports of Iraqis either confronting the jihadis, especially the foreigners, or turning them in. After the fall of Baghdad, a lot of us thought that the best thing that could happen would be a month of reprisals, where the people of Iraq, who had all been issued AK-47s and are still allowed to keep one for self-defense, evened the score on their Baathist oppressors, such as happened in France in WWII.

It's disgusting how our own liberal media doesn't report these things. Our media is the scum of the earth. Most of them should be tried for treason.