Bangladesh: Arrests of Jihadists Raise Questions about Terror

Jihad in Bangladesh update. "Bangladesh: Arrests of Islamic Militants Raise Questions about Terror," from VOANews, with thanks to Ali Dashti:

Bangladesh has banned two extremist Islamic groups and arrested 70 of their members this month - admitting a problem the country has long denied. The question now being asked is whether Bangladesh's homegrown militant groups could be linked to any global terrorist organizations.

In the past month, the Bangladesh government arrested 70 militants from Jagrata Muslim Janata Bangladesh and Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen and banned the two radical Islamic groups.

The suspects have been charged with sedition for their alleged roles in a series of killings, robberies and political violence and bombings across the country.

The charges do not include attacks on opposition party members, such as an assassination attempt on the former prime minister, Sheikh Hasina.

Abdul Jalil, the general secretary of the opposition Awami League, says his party is pleased, as it has been trying to convince the government for years to move against militant organizations. He thinks the difference now is Dhaka is under international pressure to do more to crackdown on militancy in the age of anti-terrorism.

"By doing this, they have accepted the reality. But still then the people of Bangladesh doubt that the arrests and taking action against all these fundamentalist parties is [anything] but an eyewash to the foreign world," he said.

Critics say the government has been reluctant to act because of tensions within the ruling coalition - which for the first time include two Islamic parties: Islami Oikya Jote and Jamaat-e-Islami.

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In 1971 East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) rose in revolt against West Pakistan (now Pakistan). Under General Yahya the Bengalees were ruthlessly suppressed, and at their side, working hand in bloody glove, were the so-called "razakars" who were local fanatical Muslims intent on keeping "Pakistan" together in the interests, not of the people of Bangladesh, but for the "idea of Islam" and an "Islamic Pakistan."

These "razakars" were never punished; some of them are in the Bangladeshi government today. The Awami League, per contra, whose members and supporters are constantly under siege, and some of whom are murdered -- and those murdered include some of most distinguished Bengalis, including, this past January 27, Shah A. M. S. Kibria, killed by grenade thrown at him. The country is spiraling into complete Muslim fanaticism. One can easily find, for example, pictures of Hindus being beaten to death for the "crime" of happening to walk by a mosque as Muslims were exiting after Friday Prayers. It is not only those taking part, so gleefully, in the man's murder, that strikes one -- but all the others standing about, enjoying the spectacle.

In 1947 38% of the population of what was then East Pakistan was non-Muslim; it is now down to 8%. Massacres of Hindus, of the few Buddhists who remained in post-Islamic Inidia (in the Chittagong Hills area), and of Christians and other non-Muslims, have been incessant, and in recent times the pace of such persecution and murder seems to have picked up.

There are those Bangladeshis who nonetheless attempt to lessen the effect of Islamic fanaticism, which has in recent times come to infect more and more Muslims in east Asia, including not only Bangladesh, but also Malaysia and Indonesia, and Muslim minorities in southern Thailand and the southern Philippines. Things are getting worse -- that is, the ideology that Islam encourages, the Jihad-conquest, and the war against all Infidels, is not dying down but increasing. And so is the war against those who, through no fault of their own, were born into Islam and, not knowing much about it, continue to call themselves "Muslims" and yet, are, and will always be, the victims of other Muslims whose behavior is not an aberration but rather based on the texts of Islam, of Qur'an, Hadith, and Sira.

Finally, there is th ecase of Mr. Chaudhury, the editor of Blitz, who was arrested, and has been held without trial since 2003 for the crime of trying to establish bettern relations between Israel and Muslim countries. Chaudhury's case should be the subject of intervention by the American governmment. That it has not been is a scandal. As for the murder of Shah A. M. S. Khibria, and of many others, that too should be protested, as Islam, which is essentially a vehicle for Arab cultural imperialism, continues to further the destruction of non-Muslim minorities in Bangladesh, and of Bangladesh itself, in a razakar-orgy of violence.

Posted by: Hugh at March 8, 2005 10:51 AM

2 Gold Stars for you today!!

Part of the American Tribe
Squirrel Hunter
Spider Killer
God Bless the USA and her Fighting Forces and ALL who Fight with her give them Strength, Wisdom, Sight and Courage to stay the course to Victory[FREEDOM] to Destroy ALL Islamic Terrorist and ALL who Support them Open the Worlds Eyes to their Threat Amen

And soon the Christians will be in trouble because the USA has made an important city to the Christians over to the palis??,2933,149509,00.html
Abbas Vows No Law and Order
Saturday, March 05, 2005

RAMALLAH, West Bank — Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas (search) said Saturday he cannot impose law and order in the Palestinian areas until Israel hands over control of West Bank cities, and he urged it to return to talks concerning their transfer.,2933,149783,00.html
Israel to Hand Over Jericho to Palestinians
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

EREZ CROSSING, Israel — The ancient town of Jericho (search) will be the first to be handed over to Palestinian control as part of the Jewish state's policy of separation from the Palestinians, an Israeli official said.
In a decision that could affect tens of thousands of Palestinians, Israel's army chief of staff said Tuesday that Israel aims by 2008 to have no more Palestinians working in its territory.

Hugh, good post on Bangladesh.

However, I note that an Islamicist-leaning government in that country is now having trouble with folks who are more radical. This suggests to me that if the USA could stay out of the Islamic world's intense stewing in its own juices, we'd probably have nothing to fear even if the Salafists won everywhere between the upper Niger and Ningxia. Maybe the ultimate casualty in this Islamicist revolution will be Islam itself.

On Chaudhury:

The Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention of journalist Salah Uddin Shoaib Chaudhury, who has been held since 29 November 2003 on espionage charges.

Salah Uddin Shoaib Chaudhury is known for his work to improve relations between Muslim countries and Israel, and it is widely believed that his detention is connected to articles published in his magazine calling on Bangladesh to recognise Israel and advocating greater understanding between religions.

According to PEN's information, Chaudhury, editor of the tabloid weekly Blitz, was arrested by security personnel at Zia International Airport, Dhaka, on 29 November 2003 on espionage charges. Chaudhury was reportedly on his way to Israel to participate in a conference with the Hebrew Writers Association when he was arrested. Chaudhury is believed to have been going to address a writers' symposium in Tel Aviv entitled Bridges Through Culture, and was scheduled to speak about the role of media in establishing peace. Bangladesh has no diplomatic relations with Israel and travel to Israel is illegal for Bangladeshi citizens. Intelligence forces claim that documents found in Chaudhury's briefcase in particular the text of his speech and reports on the human rights situation in Bangladesh provide evidence to support the charges against him. He is accused of having links to an Israeli intelligence agency and is said to have been under surveillance for several months. Chaudhury denies the charges.

Chaudhury is known for his work to improve relations between Muslim countries and Israel, and has written articles against anti-Israeli attitudes in Muslim countries and about the rise of al-Qaeda in Bangladesh which had reportedly sparked debate in the Bangladeshi press and government prior to his arrest. Chaudhury was recently named head of the Bangladeshi branch of the International Forum for the Literature and Culture of Peace (IFLAC), an organisation of writers who campaign for peace.

International PEN is seriously concerned that journalist Salah Uddin Shoaib Chaudhury may be detained solely for his writings. PEN seeks further information on the charges against Chaudhury, and demands his immediate and unconditional release if held in violation of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Recommended Actions:
Please send appeals:
- expressing serious concern that journalist Salah Uddin Shoaib
Choudhury may be held solely for the peaceful expression of his opinions, and therefore in violation of Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
- calling for his immediate and unconditional release unless there is
compelling evidence to support the charges against him.

Please send appeals to:
Prime Minister Begum Khaleda Zia
Office of the Prime Minister
Gona Bhaban
Sher-e Bangla Nagar
Fax: +880 2 811 3243 / 3244 / 1015 / 1490
(Dear Prime Minister)

Md. Lutfuzzaman Babar
Minister of Home Affairs
Ministry of Home Affairs
Bangladesh Secretariat
Building 4
Fax: +880 2 861 9667
(Dear Home Minister)

You may also wish to ask the diplomatic representative for Bangladesh in your country to forward your appeals, and to ask your country's diplomatic representatives in Bangladesh to intervene in the case.

Even if these efforts of the Bangladeshi government were sincere, they are TOO LATE.

With over 64,000 madrassas now in full operation all over Bangladesh, the window of opportunity to stem the rise of Islamic terror in Bangladesh has CLOSED. Bangladesh has now graduated from a nation-state to a huge time bomb...

The government of Bangladesh SHOULD have taken action against Islamic terrorism decade ago if it was so concerned about Islamist violence. Of course, since the government of Bangladesh has aided and abetted numerous and muderous pogroms against non-Muslims living in Bangladesh, there is a strong probability that these arrests are more about PR that anything else.

Whatever, the situation in Bangladesh is a tragedy.

On the Razakars -- Muslim collaborators with the army of West Pakistan in Bangladesh's 1971 war for independence:

" The Razakars.....should be specially helpful as members of rural communities, who can identify guerrillas (freedom fighters)", an army officer (Pakistan) said...The government says it has already recruited more than 22,000 Razakars of a planned force of 35,000.'-New York Times, July 30, 1971
' To help control of Bengali population, the army has been setting up a network of peace committees superimposed upon the normal civil administration, which the army cannot fully rely upon. Peace committee members are drawn from .....Beharis and from the Muslim Leagues and Jamat-e-Islami. The peace committees serve as the agent of army, informing on civil administration as well as on general populace. They are also in charge of confiscating and redistribution of shops and lands from Hindu and pro-independence Bengalis. The peace committee also recruits Razakars......many of them are common criminals who have thrown their lots with the (Pakistan) army.-The Wall Street Jornal, July 27,1971.
I think, perhaps you remember, Fazlul Kader Chowdhiury honorable person, Sabur Khan, Monayem Khan, Maulabhi Farid Khan of Technaf.... all of them were pro-'Pakistan. They used to see me. All of them". - Niazi "The Betrayal of East Pakistan"
The term Razakar is originally derived from an Arabic word meaning volunteer. In the context of Islamic history Razakars were volunteers to defend or support Islam. But in Bangladeshi context Razakar means traitors or collaborators of the Paki army who helped them, in our liberation war in 1971, in identifying and killing millions of Bangalees involved in or even supporting the liberation war. The Razakars were mainly the members of Muslim league, Jamat-e-Islam and other Islamic groups and factions. During the liberation war the razakars:
a. provided intelligence against the freedom fighters, the supporters and sympathizers of the war
b. abducted, arrested and eventually killed them with the help of the Paki troops and party cadres in various army, concentration camps and killings zones
c. burnt their houses and looted their properties
d. kidnapped thousands of Bangalee women and trafficked them to various Paki military camps
e. raped and molested 450, 000 Bangalee women.
Names of some top razakars: Go Azam (Gholam Azam), Monnan, Motya (Matiur Rahman Nizami, head of Chhatra Sangha, the students’ organization of Jamat-e-islam and Al-Badr and Al Sams forces), Delu (Delwar Hossain Saidi), Moinuddin (the assassin), Al Mojahid, Anwar Zahid, Foka Chowdhury. All of them escaped trial following the assassination of Sheikh Mujib by the army and were later rehabilitated by the military dictator Ziaur Rahman, the sole beneficiary of Sheikh Mujib murder.
How the Razkars were created: Politically Razakar forces were created by the Paki military intelligence (ISI-Inter Services Intelligence, and possibly with active support from CIA) and they were the predecessors of today’s Talibans. Members of both the forces, Razakars and Talibans, were recruited, trained and inducted in the same process. They were recruited from lower middle class, semi illiterate, Muslim families mostly from madrasa (parochial Islamic institutes) background. After recruitment they were inducted to Maududi’s ideology which prescribes extermination of non-Muslims and liberals. The razakar force was created to serve as a tool of Paki establishment to systematically turn East Bangla (as with Afghanistan) into a mere colony. The first step for the Paki establishment was to destroy in order to take over the textile industries. They did it in 1964 by means of a series of communal riots, incited by the activists of Muslim league and other Islamic parties, forcing the Bangalee Hindu textile owners to migrate. West Pakistani capitalists, not a single Bangalee, took over all the textile mills: the Adamjees, the Bawanis and the Ispahanis. Although missed out on the big bites, the Muslim leaguer and Jamati thugs, however, received the leftovers: the properties (residential and shops) left by the middle class Hindu Bangalees.
Once the Bangalee elites were kicked out, razakars were deployed to force out the educated Hindu middle class. The reasons were: Hindu Bangalees were politically conscious and they were the patrons of democracy and liberalism in East Bangla. Communist party where mainly the highly educated and patriotic Hindus congregated were banned and the members were brutally repressed by the police forces (they were even killed in jail). Paki politicians knew very well that they could not fool the Bangalees as easily as they could the Pakis. The Hindu Bangalees were highly competent in parliamentary politics, a competence they learned through anti British movement. The shrewd Paki politicians knew that the only way to counter Bangalees politically was to rid of the Hindu middle class by means of Islamic ideology. For this the razakars came in very handy. They again instigated the common people against the malauns (the heathens, Hindus). Communal riots surged, Hindu houses burnt and women kidnapped. All the decent Hindu families left East Bangla except for the working class and a few die hard patriots like Dhirendra Nath Datta who refused to leave his motherland even for his life. It was a great opportunity for the Muslim Leaguers and razakars. They not only occupied the Hindu assets and properties but also took over their jobs, professions and trades. The janitors of Hindu trading houses became the owners of the business, 6th grade pass peon of schools became the headmaster and that of college became lecturers and principals. The Hindus fought the British for their independence but kicked out of their motherland by the Muslim leaguers and razakars who had no contribution in anti British movement. What an irony of fate. How horrible Islam as an ideology.
Towards the end of the liberation war, the razakars realizing that they could not stop the liberation (thanks to Russian and Indian support and extraordinary leadership of Tajuddin Ahmed) of Bangladesh, inflicted the deadliest blow against the emergent nation: they killed the top Bangalee intellectuals and professionals. The blueprint for the elimination of Bangalee intellectuals was done even before the start of the war. The blueprint was done by the ISI headed by its Eastern commander Gen Rao Forman Ali in collaboration with the top Jamati / Muslim League leaders (see photo on Genocide page).
The Razakars were behind the killing of a total number of 3 million Bangalees and rape and molestation of 450, 000 Bangalee women. After independence the Awami league Government arrested most of them. But due to political pressures from both home (Maulana Bhasani) and abroad (USA, all the Middle Eastern countries led by Saudi Arabia) Sheikh Mujib released the minor Razakars from imprisonment under general amnesty. But Sheikh Mujib never forgave the top Razakars. The leader of Jamat-e-Islam Go-Azam’s citizenship was revoked. Motya and other top leaders were in jail under trial. After the assassination of Mujib, the whole political scenario was changed. Zia granted Go-Azam Bangladeshi citizenship, released all the Razakars imprisoned on various criminal charges and by amending the constitution allowed them to be involved in politics (Mujib banned communal politics). Not only that under the banner of his new party BNP (Bangladesh Nationalist Party) he rehabilitated all the notorious Razakars and Muslim Leaguers (awarded premiership to a notorious razakar Shah Aziz)
Following Zia’s lead his successor Ershad, in the midst of his massive screw ups, kept pampering the Razakars and the Muslim leaguers. As a result of fifteen years of pampering the once loathed Razakars now became the most powerful people of Bangladesh, a country ironically they fought against. Being in power they deliberately destroyed (while the BNP leaders were busy stealing the public money to get rich) the main political / social institutions of Bangladesh and rewrote the history of our liberation war. The 71 episode is banished from the history texts of Bangladeshi schools. Their mentor Zia (an ordinary major in 1971 who even helped Pakis in clearing the weapons later used to gun down Bangalees and changed side only when he realized he was to be disposed after the weapons were cleared) is portrayed as the leader of the liberation war and Mujib is condemned as a traitor who betrayed the infamous Lahore Convention- root of all political evils in Indian sub continent.
Since 1947, the razakars have been doing the same thing again and again: they are using Islamic ideology to counter democracy and liberalism; with their usual recourse to fascism and violence they are keeping social progress at bay (Islam represents feudalism not capitalism, although created by USA specially the CIA, Bin Laden hates America), they are indirectly helping the capitalist countries to keep Muslim countries as markets.
On behalf of the 3 million Bangalees who gave their lives for the liberation war and 450, 000 Bangalee women, raped and molested by the Pakis and the Razakars, Muktadhara demands the trial of all the war criminals and Razakars of Bangladesh liberation war.
Atrocities of the Razakars
The atrocities of the razakars in killing the Bengalis equaled those of their Pakistani peers. An excerpt from an article written in the Azad, dated January 15, 1972, underscores the inhuman atrocities of the Pakistani troops and their associates, the razakar and al-badr forces:
'....The people of Narail can bear witness to the reign of terror, the inhuman atrocities, inflicted on them after (General) Yahya let loose his troops to do what they would. After March 25, many people fled Jessore in fear of their lives, and took refuge in Narail and its neighboring localities. Many of them were severely bashed by the soldiers of Yahya and lost their lives. Very few people ever returned. Bhayna is a flourishing village near Narail. Ali Akbar is a well-known figure there. On April 8, the Pakistani troops surrounded the village on the pretext that it was a sanctuary for freedom fighters. Just as fish are caught in a net so too were the people of this village all assembled, in an open field. Then everyone- men, women, and children--were all forced to line up. Young men between the ages of 25 and 30 were lined up separately. 45 people were shot to death on the spot. Three of Ali Akbar's brothers were killed there. Ali Akbar was able to save himself by lying on the ground. But no one else of that group was as fortunate. Nadanor was the Killing field. Every day 20 to 30 people were taken there with their hands tied behind their backs, and killed. The dead bodies would be flung into the river. Apart from this, a slaughter house was also readied for Bengalis. Manik, Omar, and Ashraf were sent to Jessore Cantonment for training and then brought to this slaughter house. Every day they would slaughter 9 to 12 persons here. The rate per person was Taka ten. On one particular day, 45 persons were slaughtered here. From April 15 to December 10, the butchery continued. It is gathered that 2,723 people lost their lives here. People were brought here and bashed, then their ears were cut off, and their eyes gouged out. Finally they were slaughtered... : The Chairman of the Peace Committee was Moulana Solaiman. With Dr. Abul Hussain and Abdul Rashid Mukhtar, he assisted in the genocide. Omar would proudly say, "During the day I am Omar, at night I am Shimar( legendary executioner famous for extreme cruelty). Don't you see my dagger? There are countless Kafirs (heretics) on it

Motiur Nizami, 2004: the mastermind of all political killings and patron of various Mujahedin forces and Jihadist terrorist cells
The chief of operations of the al-Badr (Jamati death squad) forces, Motiur Rahaman Nizami is responsible for the murder of thousands of Bengalis involved in or connected to the liberation war. Son of Khondokar Lutfar Rahman of Monmothpur village under Sathia PS in Pabna district, Motiur has nothing to do with the title Nizami (Nizam means aristocrat i.e. Nizam of Hyderabad, India) at all . Like his other Islamist peers Motiur took up his title Nizami in order to make his name sound respectable, conceal his lowly origin and his base nature. The people of his village hated him so much for his shameless betrayal of his own countrymen that they still call him Moitya Dalal (traitor). Motiur is presently the minister for industries in Khaleda Zia's cabinet--a reward for Motiur's support of the Pakistani hunks Khaleda desrted her husband for in 1971.
Motiur Nizami's War Crimes in 1971

Motiur Nizami in 1971
Motiur carried out a wide range of activities against the Bangladesh liberation war of 1971. Motiur was the president of Jamat's youth front, the Islami Chhatra Sangha (now known as Islami Chhatra Shibir or the Islamic Students' Association). Under Motiur's direct supervision and leadership, the al-Badr (para-militia) force was organised in order to eliminate the freedom fighters and supporters of liberation movement. Motiur was the commander-in-chief of al- Badr forces. Apart from killing the freedom fighters and supporters of liberation movement, the aim of ideological warfare waged by the al-Badr forces was to Islamization (Talibanisation) of Bangladesh. One of the main objectives of al-Badr forces was to short list the secular Bangalee intellectuals and eliminate them. Horrifying stories of killing of intellectuals by Motiur's al-badr forces were published in newspapers, home and abroad, during and after the liberation war.
1. During the war Motiur acted as one of the top Jamati ideologues instigating his cohorts and followers by means of public speech and newspaper articles to support the Pakistani occupation army in killing the freedom fighters and supporters of liberation war. In one of the issues of Daily Sangram, the Jamati mouth piece, Motiur wrote : The day is not far away when the young men of al-Badr, hand in hand with the armed forces, will defeat the Hindu forces (enemies) and raise the victorious banner of Islam all over the world, after the destruction of India. (Daily Sangram Nov 14, 1971)
2. On April 12, 1971, Motiur joined Gholam Azam and other leading collaborators such as Sabur Khan to lead a procession in Dhaka to demonstrate their support for Pakistan. The procession, under the banner of peace committee ended with a special prayer for the victory of Pakistan. (Daily Sangram April 13, 1971).
3. In Jessore, a bordering district, Motiur, in addressing the assembly of the para militia forces at the district head quarter of the Razakar force, said: In this hour of national crisis, it is the duty of every razakar to carry out his national duties to eliminate those who are engaged in war against Pakistan and Islam. (Daily Sangram Sept 15, 1971)
3. People from Motiur's home district, Pabna, have brought allegations against Motiur's direct involvement in killing, rape, arson and lootings. One such person is Aminul Islam Dablu of Brishlika village under the Bera Police Station (in Bangladesh, due to the colonial legacy, all administrative units below districts are organised under a police station, PS, hence all sub-districts are called Thana or PS). Dablu told the commission that his father Mohamed Sohrab Ali was killed on the orders of Motiur. Dablu further said that a number of people from the area were killed on Motiur's orders such as: Profulla Pramanik, Bhadu Pramanik, Manu Pramanik and Shashthi Pramanik. Dablu said there were many eye witnesses to those killings.
4. Abdul Quddus, a freedom fighter from Madhabpur village in Pabna, once spent two weeks in an al-Badr torture cell following his arrest in an uneven war. Quddus said he heard plans to kill freedom fighters and local supporters of the war were discussed and drawn up by al-Badr men under Motiur's supervision.
5. On November 26 a razakar commander named Sattar took Pakistani troops to the Dhulaupara village where 30 freedom fighters were arrested and subsequently killed. As per Quddus's testimony, Sattar carried out the execution on Motiur's order. Quddus told the commission that he managed to attend a secret meeting of al-Badr forces which Motiur presided and gave instructions to kill freedom fighters. In the meeting the al-Badr men listed the houses of Awami League leaders and the bases and hide-outs of the freedom fighters. Motiur sternly ordered his men to finish off Awami League supporters and possible bases and safe houses being used by freedom fighters were identified. Quddus said Motiur gave orders to finish off Awami League supporters and destroy bases of the freedom fighters. The day after the meeting, Al-Badr forces, in cooperation with Razakars, surrounded Brishlika village and burnt it to the ground.
6. Quddus also said Motiur himself bayoneted to death one Bateswar Saha of Madhabpur village in Sathia PS.
7. In Pabna Motiur led the killing of a young freedom fighter Latif and his group. Latif was only 19 years old and a first year student of Pabna Edward College. Latif's small group was captured by the Pakistani occupation army in an uneven combat at Dhuliuri. They were then handed over to Motiur's gang for execution. Motiur's lieutenants publicly slew Latif's co-fighters with big camp knifes especially used for slaughtering bulls for sacrifice (during Islamic festival called korbani) as a part of Islamic ritual. The bastards in Motiur's group celebrated the killing of the captured freedom fighters with cannibalistic zeal. They gouged Latif's eyes, chopped off his genitalia and tied his dead body on a stick at Shanthia (Badshah, a socialist activist was killed in the same way by one of Motiur's top killer gang-JMJB in May 2004, please see Islamist Extremism in Bangladesh page). Latif's father Sufian Paramanik is a witness to his son's brutal murder and the razakars' frenzied outburst of pleasure in killing the brave sons of the soil.
8. Latif's brother Shahjahan Ali, a freedom fighter himself from Madhabpur village, nearly met the same fate. After slaughtering Shahjahan, along with his co-fighters, in Islamic manner, Motiur's people left him taking him for dead. But Shahjahan was a die hard freedom fighter. The slayer's knife could not take his life. Deadly wounded, Shahjahan lay on ground for hours. Foxes smelled at him, dogs bit him. Fortunately his relatives came by before it was too late and saved his life. Motiur's knife could not take Shahjahan's life, but took away his voice: now Shahjahan is paralyzed and can't talk carrying a big scar on his throat-Motiur's kiss of death.
Verifiable list of people killed by Motiur and his al-Badr forces:
Mohd Sohrab Ali Profulla Pramanik Bhadu Pramanik
Monu Pramanik Shashati Pramanik Bateswar Saha
Freedom fighter Latif 30 freedom fighters in Latif's group Dara
Chand Muslem Akhter
In 1971 Motiur was personally involved in killing of hundreds of Hindus and confiscating their assets and properties. By confiscation and extortion of large amount of money, jewellery and assets from the wealthy Hindu families, Motiur became a millionaire within nine months of the war. During the Sheikh Mujib government (1971-75) Motiur went underground in order to escape conviction as a war criminal. In 1976, as a part of General Zia's razakar rehabilitation program, Motiur resurfaced and took charge as the second in charge of Jamat-e-Islam. Motiur is presently the chief of Jamat-e-Islam.
Besides his involvement in assassination, murder, extortion and confiscation, Nizami is also committed to establish Jamati ideological hegemony (a Maududi version of Islamic fundamentalism) to perpetuate the Islamic fundamentalism in Bangladesh. Since 1976, thanks to the political backing of the so-called freedom fighter Gen Zia and financial generosity of the Islamic countries like Saudi Arab, Iran and Libya, Motiur and his gang invested millions of dollars to open hundreds of Islamic kindergartens around the country. The syllabi and curricula of those kindergartens are based on the precepts of Maudoodi, the spiritual guru of Jamat-e-Islam. This network of schools enabled Jamat-e-Islam to sustain a huge number of their cadres as employees of those schools. From organizational point of view, those schools are a big success for Jamat-e-Islam: it secured them a sustaining source of income (education is the most thriving business in Bangladeshi cities) and employment for its cadres in education industry. But intellectually those schools cripple the students forever as they teach pre Copernican /Ptolemaic world views, orient them to alien Arabic culture and emotionally invest them with jejune Islamic sentiments.
Jamat's goal to render intellectual bankruptcy is not confined to pre school stage only. Motiur successfully expanded its mission to the tertiary level as well. Motiur's wife founded an English medium college in the most aristocratic residential area in Dhaka city. The college boasts of having international educational standard as its name indicates " Manarat International College". The off-springs of the Muslim Bangladeshi elites swarm into that so-called English medium college. Manarat is an English medium college in the limited sense that it disseminates its knowledge in English language. But what constitutes its epistemological corpus? Koran and all forms of Arabic medieval precepts. The graduates from Manarat college are apparently smart (as the definition of smart in Bangladesh means ability to speak trash in English) but intellectually and attitudinally medieval: perfect elements for Islamic fundamentalism. Politically Gholam Azams and Mainuddins are feared monsters, but culturally Motiur's and Saidi's are more corrosive and their impact on society is far reaching.
Other crimes by Motiur Nizami
1. After the election in 2001, Motiur Nizami's armed men forced the members of 20 Hindu families in Pagla Haldar Para, part of Nizami's constituency, to eat beef. (Daily Janakantha 10 Oct 2004)
2. Although Jamat preaches Wahabism its head Nizami gave a lavish Iftar party in the most expensive hotel in Bangladesh (Sonargaon) on 11 November 2003 when the northern districts of Bangladesh were devastated with famine. In the Iftar party Nizami invited top 550 elites of the country and spent 300,000 taka.

Maulana Rahmat Ali Bhisti: The portrait of a Jamati leader by late Prof Humayun Azad killed by Nizami-Saidi's goons

1. Liberation Museum
2. Killers and Collaborators of 1971: An Account of Their Whereabouts, compiled and published by the Center for the Development of the Spirit of the Liberation War
3. Commission on War Criminals of Bangladesh
4. Saiduzzaman Raushan: Speeches and Statements of Killers & Collaborators of 1971

The uncouth but treacherous disciple of Jinnah, the founder of the so-called Islamic state, Pakistan. But lacking Jinnah's education and grooming, Khandaker Mostak, had been used as a dupe by the imperialist forces who exploited his naked political ambition. Due to his unenlightened character and opportunist bent of mind, Mostak was more machiavellian than Jinnah. Although Jinnah (personally secular) used Islam to compete with Nehru (he could never be the premier of India) and instigated communal riots to achieve his political goals, he did not involve in the murder of his political colleagues. Whereas Mostak not only nipped in the bud the mainstream secular politics in Bangladesh but also ruthlessly murdered his political colleagues to perpetuate political recession into Islamic medievalism.
During the liberation war, Mostak opposed by all means the independence of Bangladesh: he tried to subvert the provisional government from within as well as the war of independence through conspiracy in alliance with the vicious representatives of imperialism: the CIA and Henry Kissinger. He instigated all the top Awami league leaders to undermine and remove Taj Uddin Ahmed from the head of the provisional government and the leader of the liberation war. Mostak was also the saboteur of democracy after the military coup of 1975 backed by the anti-liberation forces from within and CIA and Henri Kissinger from without.
An arch hypocrite Mostak always maintained a shoddy Islamic appearance to veil his essentially venomous nature. His religious pretense could not fool Taj Uddin Ahmed. Taj Uddin Ahmed, competent statesman as he was, had the political acumen to quash all of Mostak's destructive plots in order to subvert Bangalees' struggle for independence (for details of Mostak's anti liberation conspiracies see Muldhara-71, Maidul Hasan, UPL). As long as Tajuddin had the leadership Mostak could not apply his venoms in the political spheres of the liberating Bangladesh. All he did was secretly plant his poison tree. But as soon as Sheikh Mujibur Rahman took over, he directly fell under the spell of Mostak's witchcraft: his sycophancy, his Islamic pretenses. The tragedy of Sk Mujib's life was the tragedy of desertion. Away from the most crucial nine months of struggling Bangladesh, Sk Mujib, the invincible nationalist leader, was unaware of the venomous cobras hidden in the top echelon of his cabinet. Sk Mujib's greatest political blunder was his progressive distance from Tajuddin and the secular politicians of his ministry since his political take over. He never asked Tajuddin how the war was won and who were the friends and foes of the nascent Bangladesh. For the next four years the vicious Mostak group took Sk Mujib away from his real comrades at arms who fought all their lives for the same cause as his: free the Bangalees from the colonial repression. The more Sk Mujib deserted Tajuddin and his colleagues and associates the more he lost his popularity, the more he went away from the hearts of the Banglaees. In 1975 when Sk Mujib almost lost everything he stood for in 1969 and completely isolated from the sources of his political power, the people, and surrounded only by the sycophants and hypocrites: Mostak inflicted his deadly blows. Mostak's henchmen killed Sk Mujib, his family including his eight year son Russell, his pregnant daughter-in-laws, and relatives. Mostak did not stop in crushing the icon of Bangalee freedom (Sk Mujib) he ruthlessly murdered all the key figures for the independence of Bangladesh (and his political colleagues for last 15 years) in Dhaka Central Jail.

I saw the national museum in Dakha, and I was quite impressed. They had pictures of intellectuals with many of their simple personal effects on display, and items like books which they had written. Each was executed by Pakistanis in 1971. It was a simple idea but it really brought home to you that they were real people, not just a name and a photo. It's a shame they can't do the same with 9/11 victims.... 3,000+ small glass cases, with a photo and some simple neatly presented personal effects, along with some things they had created - a poem, a painting, photos, a college thesis, a love letter - and each with their individual date of birth and each with the same date of death. That would really bring it home I think.

I also saw Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib's house, Bangladesh's first ruler. There was still blood and dried brain matter on the walls where he and his family had been gunned down.


There is also a call amongst Islamists for the formation of "Greater Bangladesh" which is basically Siraj Ud Dowla's 18th century kingdom of Bengal(three times bigger than modern Bangladesh)which was conquered by the British in 1758 with less than a thousand British troops. Siraj was an atrocious tyrant and Bengal's principal city (Calcutta) and its former capital (Murshidabad) were even in modern Bangladesh. But logic is never a big issue amongst Islamists.

Correction... "...were >>NOT

outstanding posts from per usual