Bomb blast in Christian neighborhood in Beirut

"Blast Rocks Beirut Suburb," from AP, with thanks to Jeffrey Imm:

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Investigators searched for clues Saturday amid the rubble of a car bombed building in a largely Christian neighborhood in Beirut, an attack that sparked fears of a renewed bloodshed in Lebanon and complicated already troubled negotiations between rival political groups over the formation of a new government.

The attack, which wounded nine people, came amid the withdrawal of Syrian troops to eastern Lebanon and Syria after a 29-year presence in this former civil war-ravaged country. The redeployments followed intense international and local opposition to Syria's role in Lebanon since the Feb. 14 assassination of ex-premier Rafik Hariri in a massive bombing that killed 17 others....

"This has been the message to the Lebanese people for a while — to sow fear and terror among Lebanese citizens," Christian opposition member Pierre Gemayel told Al-Jazeera satellite television. The message is "if there is a Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon, look what Lebanon will face."

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"Bomb blast in Christian neighborhood in Beirut"

I guess then that if one wants to be a totalitarian terrorist tyrant your motto has to be:

"If blowing up the opposition leader doesn't work, try try (something else) again."

I was absolutely and totally ignorant of the persecutions of Christians in Lebanon, until I just read about it in Bat Ye'ors Islam and Dhimmitude.

It looks like their troubles are starting up again, and once again the West will turn a blind eye, or demonize them as "Phalangists" or the likes.

Nor do we hear much about the Armenian Genocide, the Persecutions of the Copts and the Christian and animist Sudanese. And it isn't about a "liberal press", reading Bat Ye'or it has to do with politics,oil, intra European and American European "politics", a dhimmi mindset and even interdhimmi conflicts.

The crusade of the 21st century will be written in history books to reflect the grave tolerance provided by the civilized people of the world before electing to annialate a religion of peace(my arse).

we will not tolerate the taquiyya we know we are receiving.

you sad, sad people.


Are you all right? I'm sure that no one on here is too upset. I rather regret to report that we're a little used to the latest outrages of the "ROP".

The best that can be said is: try not to get too upset. The truth wins out eventually.
