ChaldoAssyrians See Face of Evil on TV

Gordon Lake reports from Iraq (thanks to Nicolei and RB) on the broadcast of police interrogations of terrorists. This one was a Mosul policeman.

His name is First Lieutenant Shuqair al-Farishi of the Badrani tribe. He was a police officer in Mosul. He also raped and murdered Christians while on duty....

The judge asks Hussein “who else did you kill?”, “I killed those Christians” he replied. Judge: who were they? Hussein: Aiman Ishu and Boutros. Judge: Why? Hussein: They were collaborators.

The broadcasts are a response to video releases by the insurgency. The thought was the propaganda advantage could be taken from the insurgency by showing captured terrorists who seem so confident in beheading videos, now appearing weak and scared in captivity.

And it seems to be working. According to some in Mosul who are frequent Paltalk users (audio chat rooms on the internet) “Mosul is a different city since the broadcasts began. People are less scared to turn in insurgents” says naabo_1 (screen name), “and more trusting of the police as legitimate now and not as members of the insurgency.”...

The judge asked Hussein “how many people did you and your filthy terrorist squad kill?” Hussein: 36, including the girls, sir. Judge: with the girls? Hussein: yes sir. Judge: how many girls? Hussein: 10 sir. Judge: you killed 10 girls? You raped and killed them? Hussein: Yes, we raped and killed them. Judge: were they unmarried, or what? Hussein: Unmarried, but there were also some married ones. They were university students.

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Christians mean nothing to these monsters. I hope the judge is serious about punishing this man, but I know what the quran says about a muslim being punished for murdering "infidels".

What did that scumbag in bali got a few days ago--3 months suspended lol? I don't think he'll get anything much. At least won't serve much.Iraq is even more muslim country now--just won't fly.

I've been looking forward to this!

While he US is there,(in Iraq) the judges (I suppose they are Muslim Iraqis?) will 'be tough' on these creeps. Once the US is out of Iraq (which is not in the foreseeable future) AL Sistani will apply Ayatollah 'law'.

Any way, just like with those in Gitmo I just can't see why we should keep this vermin alive. Summary executions would most certainly do more for the respect of America than all this humanitarian kow-towing!

For Jihadis, killing and raping is part of the Jihad. If they are caught or killed, it does nbopt matter as they long as they have killed atleast more then they have lost. That is, the kill ratio has to be in their favour. Moreover the kill ratio has to be in favour partcularly as far as civilians are concerned, for it here the war is being waged ie to reduce or demoralise the infidel population with no concommitant harm to the ummah. It is for this reason that beheading videos are shown - to demoralise and frighten the civilian population, and to make the frightened turn to islam or others to become more dhimmi.

Is this war different from others? Not really, all modern wars are between nations rather then their armies. The purpose of all modern wars is to defeat and demoralise the enemy population. It is a fact, though npt a pleasant one, that muslims in India have been well behaved since Gujerat; for it was after a long time that the docile Hindus reacted with fury to the burning of Hindus by muslims in the same manner as had been dealt out to them for centuries.

Yipeee yahoo! A judge who finally called the filthy terrorists "filthy terrorists" and it's on film.

Sure wish the American public could see some of these films instead of what the msm passes out for news consumption.

Yipeee yahoo! A judge who finally called the filthy terrorists "filthy terrorists" and it's on film.

Sure wish the American public could see some of these films instead of what the msm passes out for news consumption.

I'll remain in prayer for the Iraqi Christians and other minorities. However, I also note that Muslim Iraqi bloggers screamed louder than the Pope over the bombing of Baghdad churches; and it may well be the case that the US intervention has emboldened other far-seeing elements in Iraqi society. May God be merciful to the birthplace of Abraham, his friend.


Before you cheer too much, consider this question from the judge: "Judge: were they unmarried, or what? "

In a civilized world, this question would never be asked.