Chechen rebel declares Islamic holy war

From the Stop the Presses Department. Udugov is declaring jihad only now? What have they been fighting all this time? The fact that he would declare this now, when there is abundant evidence that it has already been raging, is another indication of how jihadists use current events as pretexts to justify what they are doing, portray themselves as merely reacting to grievous provocations from the enemies of Islam, and thereby gain recruits and sway public opinion.

By fulminating in this way about international law, Udugov hopes to obscure the fact that Maskhadov was killed because of Beslan, thus diverting attention from the blood on the jihadists' hands. This is a small example of a tactic that is used to great effect in reference to Israel, Iraq, etc. The next time you hear someone invoking Abu Ghraib as the reason why they are fighting, remember this: they were fighting before Abu Ghraib, and before the Iraqi enterprise altogether, and before the founding of Israel, and even before the independence of the U.S. that they now identify as the Great Satan and the cause of all their woes. From UPI, with thanks to Nicolei:

[World News]: GROZNY, Russia, March 10 : A Muslim holy war has been pledged against Russia by Chechen rebels angry with the death of separatist leader Aslan Maskhadov, the Los Angeles Times reports.

"By killing Maskhadov, the Kremlin has killed the last illusion of those Chechens who, despite everything, still believed in so-called `international law' and a civilized form of dealing with the current terrorist regime in Moscow," said a statement by guerrilla spokesman Movladi Udugov on a rebel Web site."We ask God to accept the holy war of ...Aslan Maskhadov!" Maskhadov, 53, was killed Tuesday in a special military operation in the village of Tolstoi-Yurt, 12 miles north of Grozny, the Chechen capital.

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The mujahaddin of Chechnya continue in their righteous struggle. Allah (swt) be pleased with their efforts.

Please don't excuse Russian ruthlessness. The communists you railed against prior to 1989 are brutes in another jacket today.

Jesus said –
“ Let the children come to me; for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it”
Luke 18:16

Ghengis Khan had sympathy for no religious compunction, but his progeny eventually converted to Islam.

Wahabite(me), Yeah we know your "god" likes "rivers of fragrant blood". You follow the wrong spirit, repent while there is time.

Repent of what?

Sorry for responding to the troll, Robert. Lost my mind temporarily.

For a moment, I thought you were invoking a prayer.

The Chinese model is better.
Welcome them with open arms and absorb them.
They believe they conquer as they disappear.

Carolyn, Shangalla and Joseph

I think this is the fundamental difference here, it’s spells and demons that are “invoked”, whereas we pray with our constant communication with the Lord and our awareness of His presence and Love.

I think you might find Psalms 58 and 59 pertinent.
Which ends,
O thou my strength, I will raise a psalm to thee; for thou, O God, art my strong tower.

BTW,Have you seen Charles Martel's theory on the Hizbollah thread?

No, not that one, the one about presence of the Froll!

No, not that one, the one about the presence of the Froll!

Sorry Shangalla it wasn't by Charles Martel it was CGW.

What nonsense! Chechyna was a violent,poverty stricken Muslim state before being annexed to Russia. At least they got taught to read and write
with job prospects under 'ruthless' Soviets. When Chechnya was free for two years, completely autonomous, law and order [such as it was] disintegrated into chaos and warlords controlling private fiefdoms. Likes of Shamil Basayev got a free hand to take hostages for ransom, torture,rape and murder local population. Guess this was more 'ethical' because Chechens were doing it which makes everything right,eh! Then off to Dagestan to set up an 'Islamic Republic',part of Caucasus Caliphate doncha know..
With leaders such as Basayev, Chechens aren't going to progress more likely like Lemmings they will be wiped out. Can't help feeling there are too many Muslims on this planet anyway making problems for themselves and others with their Stone Age Death Cult. If Chechens used their brains instead of bombs, they could be prosperous and well on their way to Autonomy. But hey, wherever you've got the curse of Islam you've got 'honour killings', sharia law and all those nasties. Recipe for disaster = Islam.

check this link you will more at home there

- A brawl between supporters of Hamas and Fatah at Hebron University in the West Bank broke out March 13, injuring at least nine people. The groups clashed during a rally for student council elections. The fight was buffered and eventually ended by students supporting the militant group Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

OT, but an excellent letter exposing the myths of Islamic "civilization".

Joseph posted: The Chinese model is better.
Welcome them with open arms and absorb them.
They believe they conquer as they disappear.

The Russian model is somewhat similar. They disappear in Siberia.


The real tragedy in all this is that our lives are being destroyed by this satanic cult of islam, even though we are not muslims. I for one would be involved in reading works of literature, listening to music and doing other work. Instead all of us have to apprise ourselves of the depravities of islam, its founder mohammed and his seminal work, the koran, so we can inform all of the danger that is now becoming ever clearer.

Here is a link from the Fjordman's excellent blog


The above article indicates the increasing menace. With increasing muslim population who are born in Europe and the US, the number of jihadis is going to grow exponentially, as will the population of Taqqiya practioners, behind whom the Jihadis will hide.

What is it that safety experts advice in an emergency - " Safeguard yourself before assisting others". I can see no alternative except that we safeguard Western civilisation first, before we set out to rescue muslims from islam.