Dutch Government Passes New Terror Bill

Anti-dhimmitude in Holland. From AP, with thanks to LGF:

THE HAGUE, Netherlands - The Dutch government approved a new terrorism bill Friday that grants law-enforcement authorities far-reaching powers of investigation and allowing them to hold suspects for up to two weeks without charges.

The measure, which still must be passed by parliament, would allow intelligence agents to use currently banned techniques such as infiltrating terror cells for undercover operations and telephone taps, a Justice Ministry statement said. They will also be allowed to use entrapment tactics, such as bogus sales transactions.

"There also will be more possibilities to gather information, detain suspects and conduct preventive public searches," it said. "The events in Amsterdam and The Hague have made clear that wider powers to prevent terrorism are desirable."

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Im afraid the NL are well passed the tipping point although some may wish to retain their cultural heritage, Most I have spoken to are unconcerned and in complete denial of any problem. These types find it impossible to err on the side of freedom. And see appeasement as the normal state of affairs .A country with more than 5% Islamic population is in real peril.

Here's a link to a demand by Muslims and Muslim Lawyers to protect War-Criminals and Terrorists
from losing Citizenship for not devulgeing it on Refugge or Immigration claims.
This is the same Islamic Org. that demands Shariah-Law for Canadian female Muslims,it also posts hateful tirades about "The Jews" and
while it ignores the killing of homosexuals in Palestine by Islamists,they too portray Gays as evil and the enemy of Allah and Islam.



The scum of the earth! They know what's in store and they are constantly chipping away on our right to defend ourselves.

Have you got the Muzzies in your government already?

That's one heck of an organisation you have on your hands up there. They could even give CAIR a lesson or two. Does anybody even listen to these deceiving aholes?

William the Crusader (and Ala sux, who probably knows this anyway):

The Canadian Islamic Congress's chief spokesperson, Mohammed El-Masry, a professor of engineering at a southern Ontario university (Waterloo, I think) recently caused a stir, when, on a TV show (Michael Coren's) said he thought that all Israelis were fair targets by virture of the fact that they may ultimately serve in the Israeli forces. It was revealed at that point that his venerable organization had a couple of hundred members at best, and that the professor further puffed up his importance by claiming that his professorship was in a field related to middle east politics.

This is not to say that I am not concerend by the CIC, CAIR, etc. and the misinformation they disseminate on behalf of their funders, only that they don't seem to have very broad support. I think we need to keep reminding ourselves and informing others as to who and what these organizations are. One happy consequence of El-Masry's public outburst is that his columns are no longer published by the Globe & Mail.