"He entered to (the place) of the infidel whores, blew them up and completely devastated and destroyed them. Praise to God"

It's a religious exercise for the bombers. But what kind of god would welcome and encourage the destruction of what he had created? "Al-Qaeda claims responsibility in Iraqi Hotel Bombing," from the Site Institute, with thanks to RB:

Furthermore, the message states that “He [the suicide bomber] entered to (the place) of the infidel whores, blew them up and completely devastated and destroyed them. Praise to God morning and evening.”

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(Once again, off on the job hunt or I'd wait for a better time to post these, so as to not have them buried too deep in the day's material. Hope today finds you all well and safe.)

Today’s Extras:

Critique of Bush’s efforts:

Freedom fighters:


Global Intifada (This one deals with the Leftist Academia):

Syrian dictator plays mind games:

Former WMD inspector, now working for Al-Jazeera: Vote was Fixed!:
*lol* (I'll give it 'maybe' - maybe)

Democracy in the ME:

Just think how easy it would be for 1000 of these suicide bombers to do this type of thing across America...20 per week for a year. Malls, bus stations, airports, subways, sports events, etc.

What would that do the economy?

This is what I fear will be the next stage for Jihadist Islam in their attempt to destroy the land of the infidels.


Thats true moose....I often wonder why they havent tried it here, its cheap, doesnt take years of planning and doesnt require alot of equipment. Either there arent enough muslims here willing to blow themselves up or muslims arent sure of what the US would do should a muslim kill 200 people at a mall and arent quite ready to find out ...yet.

Lets take a look at why Islam is considered a religion of peace.


They don't have strength in numbers to begin a sensationalist, high-intensity campaign here. If they tried it, it would be the end of islam in America.
I think they could get away with one incident, but a series of incidents would reduce the "it won't happen here" mindset that individuals adopt to alleviate their fears. It's a rational mindset, based on statistics, and is sensible.
I think they are killing Americans here, now. The Sniper and other incidents, that go as far back as the "Zebra Killings" of the 70's make it clear that there IS an element with an islamic connection operating within. But the islam connection is glossed over or minimized.
They are not necessarily organized or connected with M.E. terror groups, and their actual motivation may not be to create an islamic state etc, but they have a hate that has been cultivated and legitimized by exposure to some islamic teaching.
They can act on those feelings in relative safety, if they maintain a low-key method of operation. The main motivator is revenge, or striking at "evil". Random acts can provide kicks, and cover.

kentiam says:

" If they tried it, it would be the end of islam in America."

Absolutely correct.

Our worst fears would come true but Americans would be shaken out of the tree so-to-speak. Americans of all stripes would go nuts. The hammer would come down, mosques would burn, citizens would loudly and vehemenetly demand immigration laws be reformed - NOW! Our diplomatic relations with countries of bombers/terrorist origin would be severely strained.

This could also be a time where the moderate Muslim for fear of his life would come forward to separate themselves from the rampaging monkeys.

Maybe ...

I think the time is approaching to adopt a long position in transportation. The shipping industry, for example, the kind that could deport muslims, by the hundreds of thousands, back to the Middle East.

America owes islam absolutely nothing. I am not entirely comfortable with the free ride home mentioned earlier. Maybe, I'm going soft.


I would be very ugly. In fact it could spin off into a race-war. I believe black Americans make up the majority of muslims in the U.S.A., and I also believe that an outright attack with the purpose of eradicating islam from America would be viewed by many non-muslim black Americans as a attack against black America in general, and join with the muslims. Islam has also been growing in the "hispanic community", and would also add to the mix. And what about all the anti-American leftists? They no doubt would side with the "innocent" muslims, without regard to the true nature of islam, or the fact that islam is a choice. Here, at least. The government would be killing both sides.

It's possible BinLaden etc. would try to bring this scenario about, and try to capitalise on it here and abroad. But I think he/they would prefer a WMD attack of unprecedented scale, on the order of multiple nukes and Bio-weapons. An attempt at a knock-out blow.
What happens after that is anyones guess. Except, islam will be finished world-wide no matter what. If we don't finish them, the Russians and Chinese surely will. All their problems will have disappeared. No more islam, no more powerful America.

Hmmm, Kentim:

We are further than ever to 'ban' Islam from America (or any other Western country)

Very optimistic! I would consider ourselves fortunate if that could be achieved, though I see more of a chance in forcing the issues on the courts, on the media and on the politicians.

To solve a problem you have to reach consensus that 'it' exists. As long as there are still many like GWB running around fighting a "War on Terror" the 'Islam is hijacked by radicals' story and best of all 'Islam is a pieceful religion', well, as long as that goes on we simply 'do not have a problem', because now you see it, now you don't.

To expose them daily, to bring it out in the open, to raise general awareness, to make this the topic of every conversation, every discussion so that people realize there are things more important than Michael Jackson or Martha Steward, that should be the goal here. I will continue recording some more songs, hopefully in combination with a comicbook ridiculing the life of the murderous 'prophet'. So let's hope if we all continue to put a finger in the dike we can make a difference and bring about change!

I understand what you are saying, Terminator. But I was writing in the context of a sensational series of conventional bombings, or a WMD attack.
If they start doing bombings like what they do in Iraq, things will change in a big way.